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British and American Language and Cultural DifferencesBritish and American Language and Cultural DifferencesAbstractLanguage and culture are interdependent, language to bring culture, while subject to the impact of cultural background. English as one of the world language by the worlds attention, so studying and learning the differences and the development of British and American English has far-reaching Significance.KeywordsBritish language; American language; British culture; American culture; differenceEnglish is the most widely used in todays world, an international language. Language is mankinds most important communication tool, due to the different countries and social, cultural and geographical environment, the language to produce a variation in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammardifferent variants of the same language. To understand the English culture knowledge can help unblocked communication. Instead, lack of understanding of English cultural background knowledge will inevitably to lead communication barriers, conflict and misunderstanding.I.The differences reflection of national identity in the language1. In grammar, English informal, American English simpleAmericans like simple and fast as their pace of life, so in the language of modern American English for the long-established rules of grammar, if there is need they will bold reform and innovation. Sentence structure as simple as possible and the choice of words to avoid complicated, and the noun attribute appeared in large numbers. Prepositions, articles, conjunctions be omitted and many other phenomena make America Syntactic more compact, concise and comprehensive.2. On vocabulary, English adhere to the original, the American English innovativenessBritish than the United States has a long history, so British people like to use identity or status of the word, and there was no in American English. Such as king, queen, prince, duke, knight etc.The differences in British and American national identity but also in other aspects of British and American English vocabulary:(1)American English spelling closer to pronunciation rules, as:Britain: centre, theatre, modernise, realiseAmerica: center, theater, modernize, realize(2)American English omits the letters in English spelling repeat, as:Britain: programme, travellAmerica: program, travel(3)American English is omitted silent letters, as:Britain: axe, storeyAmerica: ax, story(4)American English has borrowed a lot of foreign words, to create new words, and enriched the American English expression. The United States is a country composed of immigrants from various countries (the United States is also known as a melting-pot), the different ethnic groups of different countries with peaceful coexistence and common development. It is fully demonstrated inclusiveness and openness of the American character. In language, to absorb a lot of different national language vocabulary (loanwords), so these foreign words have greatly enriched the vocabulary of American English language.3. In emotional expression, English plain, American English outwardAmerican is extroverted, so they are very good at expressing their feelings, often have exaggerated verbal. But British is introverted and shy, in express the same emotions and same experience, choice of words a sentence far less than Americans. For example, when the face of a very beautiful young girl, the Americans cannot help but say: “a priceless jewel” “divine” or “precious”; However, the British will be very plain to say: “Um, she is all right”.II. The differences of British-American linguistic in the everyday languageAlthough British and American are speaking English, American English and British English is not the same. And the differences of the two English is still very large, as everyone knows, English pronunciation and American pronunciation is difference. British English, relatively speaking, pronunciation more clearly less tonal part, the general sound is relatively clear pronunciation; But Americans speak English, and insisted that if can be omitted to omitted, the tone is continuous read. For those persons who English as a second language, listen to the pronunciation of the British compared to the American will be much more comfortable.III. The reason of the differences of British-American cultural1. Different geographicalBoth in different geographical position, one is the continental Europe, one is the America continental. British long-term development has been very wealthy. The beginning the first batch of immigrants came to a complete stranger on the mainland, known as the pioneer, so they need take risks. If there is no spirit of adventure, they will not be able to survive, let alone development. In addition, the whole of European culture and American culture differences bring them influence.2. The differences of human environmentEngland is a country with a long historical heritage of the traditional European countries.
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