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AbstractJingzhou, with a history of more than 2,600 years, is the cradle of Chu Culture and one of primary places of Three Kingdoms culture. Jingzhou was the native place of Qu Yuan, the great patriotic poet in China and a town of military importance in the periods of dozens of kingdoms and dynasties. To the east of Jingzhou is Wuhan , a hub city of traffic; to the west is the world-known project of Three Gorges; to the south is the vast lake of Dong Ting ; to the north is the imposing beautiful mountain of Wu Dang . Having peaceful, picturesque campuses dotted with relaxing and scenic spaces.Key words:Ancient City Jingzhou Ancient City Wall The Jingzhou Museum Relics of Three Kingdoms摘要荆州有着2600多年的历史,是楚文化的发祥地,是三大文化的主要发祥地之一。荆州是屈原故里,在中国伟大的爱国诗人,在王国和王朝时期军事重镇几十个。荆州以东是一个枢纽城市的交通;西方是世界著名的项目三峡;南部是广阔的湖泊董婷;北是雄伟美丽的山区武当。拥有宁静、如画的校园,点缀着放松和风景优美的空间。关键词:古城 荆州 古城墙 荆州文物博物馆 三国文化History of JingzhouJingzhou is an ancient city with a very long history and brilliant culture, and it is the cradle of the Chu Empire. A legend says that the Great Yu planned nine districts in the territory of China, and Jingzhou was one of them. In ancient times, the area was called both Jing and Chu. The names refer to a certain tree species. During the Shang dynasty, Chu was a region under the jurisdiction of the Shang. Later on, the Emperor of Zhou conferred the territory of Jingzhou to the King of Chu named Xiongyi. The capital was in Danyang.A lot of famous or outstanding people have come from this area. It is said: Only Chu has real talents. Qu Yuan held a post here in Jingzhou for more than 20 years during the Warring States Period. Other famous people from Jingzhou include, the Tea Sage, Lu Yu in the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Juzheng who was called the most excellent prime minister in China in the Ming Dynasty, the contemporary writer Cao Yu, and Ouyang Shan.Jingzhou has always been an area of strategic military importance. During the Three Kingdoms period, Jingzhou was a strategic point where the Wei, Shu, and Wu competed. That period of time has not only engendered lots of wonderful sayings like Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou but never gave it back, and Guan Yu lost Jingzhou due to negligence, but has also left behind plenty of historic sites.The historic sites include Cao Cao Bay and Wulin Village in Honghu, Zilong Hillock and Hua Rong Dao in Jianli, Xiulin Town and Liulang Pu in Shishou, Madame Sun City in Gongan, and other sites. Jingzhou City has a well-preserved ancient city wall dating from about 1646 during the Qing Dynasty. People consider it to be about the biggest and best preserved ancient city wall in China. The city had walls during earlier dynasties that were destroyed.Historic spots in the area include Kaiyuan Taoist Temple and Xuanmiao Taoist Temple built in the Tang Dynasty, Taihui Taoist Temple built in the Ming Dynasty, and Wen Temple, Guan Temple and Tie Woman Temple built in the Qing Dynasty. Three Kingdoms Park, Bonsai Park, and Monument Court were constructed recently. Mingxian Tomb within the borders of ZhongXiang has the graves of the parents of the Emperor Jiajing. These are the only Ming Dynasty royal tombs in the middle and southern part of China, and the Ming buildings there are the largest group of Ming Dynasty buildings in the area.Jingzhou Ancient City WallJingzhou ancient city wall, the best preserved of its kind in China, was mainly built in the Ming Dynasty. However a range of 50 meters was built since the Three Kindoms (220-280 A.D.).Located in the Yangtze-Hanjiang Plain, the cradle of Chu Culture. The State of Chu had its capital here, leaving rich legacy of culture and relics. There are more than 10,000 tombs of Chu here. The city wall, the best preserved of its kind in China, was mainly built in the Ming Dynasty. However a range of 50 meters was built since the Three Kindoms (220-280 A.D.).Called Jiangling City in ancient times, Jingzhou City in central Chinas Hubei Province was the capital of Chu in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770BC221BC) in Chinese history. Jingzhou Ancient City Wall, one of the best preserved ones in China, is just located in Jingzhou District of this city with long history. In fact, the whole ancient city wall is composed of three parts, namely the outermost water city wall, the in-between brick city wall and the innermost earth city wall. The extant brick city wall has a circumference of around 11 kilometers and a height of 9 meters. With most of which reconstructed during Ming Dynasty (1368AD1644AD) and Qing Dynasty (1644AD1911AD), the ancient city wall was listed as a national key cultural relic protection unit by Chinese government in 1996.According to some record, the construction of Jingzhou Ancient City Wall can be dated back to the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046BC771BC), though it has not been testified, an archaeological discovery in 1998 indicated that the brick ancient city wall had initially been built at least in The Five Dynasties (907AD960AD), which is about
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