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英语四级长篇阅读段落信息匹配题练习(10)Why I Became a Teacher: to Pass on My Love of LiteratureA) Like lots of people, I never thought Id be a teacher when I was at school. To be honest l only did my training because my husband was on a four-year course and 1was on a three-year course at Cardiff University so I wanted to do something for one year. I thought doing a teaching qualification would be interesting and might be quite use full Im convinced that nothing else I might have done would have given me so much pleasure and satisfaction, or fitted in so well with family life.B) When I retire, in just a few years time, I can look back on a career which made a positive difference to the lives of thousands of children. Few other career choices can be so rewarding, so if you have a love of your subject and want the opportunity to pass that on then teaching can be a great career.C) Anyone going into teaching now will be used to teaching to formal work schemes and observation. I think it has raised standards in the profession but personally I feel the loss in the classroom. Ive got the confidence of 30 years experience. Ive seen new approaches come and go (and sometime even identical new ideas come and go more than once).D) For me, its the passion for your subject and interest in the success of your students that matters more than how all the acronyms (首字母缩略词) add up. This is what will make you a good teacher. Theres still room for individuals but you have to have the confidence and passion for your subject to make it work.E) The major challenge in teaching is time. Theres not enough of it. Its hard if youre working full time to cope with the marking and feel Eke you have enough time to do your job properly. Ive worked part time ever since I had children. I officially work three days a week-trot on my two days off I always work, it probably all adds up to what counts as a full weeks work in most other jobs but the pay isnt bad so you can work part time and then the job really does fit in with family life. There are shortcuts to save time, and if had to work part time Id have to use. them. But working part time gives me the luxury, to be a critical marker. It can take two hours to mark a 3,000 word A level essay, so if you have 16 pupils thats 32 hours of marking in one week for just one class.F) One of the benefits of being a part-time teacher is that I do have time to mark properly. Sometimes my feedback is almost as long as their essay but 1 really want the kids to do well. One of the best things about teaching is you get to raise childrens aspirations, and to make a difference in their lives. You get visits and emails from your old students to prove it! Its great to make the difference, and, as they say, it does make it all worthwhile.G ) The core of teaching is the subject and the pupils. We have a lot of NQTs and PGCE students coming to our school and sometimes I must admit to being disappointed when students dont know their subjects that well. I had an NQT who was teaching Animal Farm and asked me Whats Marxism? -and shed got a first in her degree so it just goes to show that government initiatives to try and attract those with firsts arent necessarily going work.H) However. lots of people drop out of teaching after a couple of years, it is an exhausting job. So my advice to those just starling out is:I) Dont lose your sense of proportion over things that happen in the classroom or in an observation that doesnt go well. As long as in the higger picture of things you are connecting with kids and the subject-then dont get frustrated. Even after 30 years of teaching everyone has fearful days in teaching, he you think: Can I really do this?Youve got In keep positive; its only a problem if you gel mute bad days than good days.J)Make sure leaching doesnt overwhelm you. You have Io develop strategies especially if you are teaching a subject which requires a lot of marking. So plan things well. Get your pupils to do peer marking, which really can work. If you know you just cant handle any more marking in a particular week, get pupi!s to write a speech and then perform it in the next class. Youve got to think ahead about times of maximum workload and plan accordingly-ask your more experienced colleagues for adviceK)Youve got to keep your sense of burnout, which is a great v, ay of relieving a,situation. I know I became a better teacher when I became a parent. I realised that kids can be so unpleasant sometimes, even your own kids. They dont mean it; theyre just being kids. It doesnt mean they bate you or hate your lessons, When youre a new teacher coming into teaching, especially if you are young, you think of the students as almost your adversaries (对手 ), anti youve got-to defeat them. But youve got to be, careful what you say. You cant belittle them too much or you can really harm them.L) Love your subject. If you are going to succeed in secondary school leaching you mus
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