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长句的翻译1. Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.译:行为主义者认为, 如果儿童的成长环境里有许多刺激因素, 这些因素又有利于其适当反应能力的发展, 那么, 儿童的智力就会发展到较高的水平。2. For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere.译:譬如, 对于一个四口之家来说, 舒舒服服地在家中看电视, 就能看到几乎数不清的娱乐节目, 这比到外面别的地方去消遣又便宜又方便。3. Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers. 译:不计其数的其他商业企业,从剧院到杂志出版商,从公用燃气电力设施到牛奶处理厂,都通过计算机的使用给消费者带来更好、更有效率的服务。4. Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age. For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences. 译:残疾儿童在许多关键方面都与其同龄人不同。为了让这些孩子发展其全部的成人后的潜能,他们的教育必须适应这些不同。5. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities. 译:在过去的 30 年中,公共教育中显示的对残疾儿童的巨大关注表明了我们社会中的一种中强烈的情绪,那就是所有的公民,不管其情况有多特殊,都应享有充分发展其能力的机会。6. Advertisement serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price, thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices. 译:广告能够直接帮助货物以比较合理的价格被迅速分销出去,因此可以(使公司)建立一个坚固的国内市场,同时也使以具有竞争力的价格提供出口变得可能。7. The American economic system is, organized around a basically private-enterprise, market- oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most. 译:美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的,在这种经济中,消费者很大程度上通过在市场上为那些他们最想要的货品和服务付费来决定什么应该被制造出来。8. They say that pride comes before a fall. In the case of both Napoleon and Hitler, they won many victories, which led them to believe that anything was possible and that nothing could stand in their way. But Russias icy defender proved them wrong.译:人道是骄兵必败。就拿拿破仑和希特勒来说吧,他们所想披靡,便以为自己战无不胜,不可阻挡。但俄罗斯的冰雪战士证明他们错了。9. As far as the third factor is concerned, the history of science shows many instances in which the force of authority has operated in such a manner as to build up an exceedingly powerful resistance to further investigation; in some cases centuries elapsed before this resistance was eventually broken down, as happened in cosmology.译:至于第三个因素,科学史中有许多事例表明,权威的力量起到这样一种作用:它给进一步的研究设置了一道极其牢固的障碍;在许多情况下,要花上几个世纪的时间才能最终打破这道障碍。例如,在宇宙学中就发生过这样的事。10. I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities - those of love and of reason - are the aims of all social arrangements.译:我建议把我们的社会制度从以最大限度的生产和最大限度的消费为目的的官僚主义管理下的产业体制转变为一个充分发挥人的潜能即爱和理智的潜能为其全部社会工作之目的的人道主义产业体制。11. President Kennedy wanted people who raised questions, who criticized, on whose judgment he could rely, who presented an intelligent point of view, regardless of their rank or viewpoint.译:肯尼迪总统需要提问题的人、能提批评意见的人、做出可靠判断的人以及能提出明智看法的人,而不问他们的级别和观点。12. In the soap war between Proctor and Gamble and Unilever, tremendous use is made of statistics to measure the dynamic difference in market resulting from the proportional allocation to advertising, which constitutes such a large part of their production costs before selling, so that they regard their production costs as production plus advertising costs.译:在 P&G 和 Unilever 两家企业之间的“肥皂大战”中,双方就大量使用了统计学知识来测量由相应的广告投入所引起的市场上的动态差异,这一项在前的生产成本中占较大部分,所以他们把生产成本看作是生产费用与广告费用之和。13. Smart cards, which can carry as much as 80 times more information on them than conventional cards with a magnetic stripe, are already widely used in European countries where centralized banks can roll out new services on a nationwide basis.译:智能卡载有的信息量是普通磁卡信息载量的 80 多倍,已经在欧洲各国广泛使用,因而使欧洲各国中央银行得以在全国范围展开新型的服务。14. How well the prediction will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted. 译:预测在多大程度上为后来的表现所证实,这取决于所采用信息的数量、可靠性和适宜性,还取决于用来解释预测的技巧和智慧。15. We may define chemistry as the science in which we deal with the chemical change in matter as a result of which it is possible to form a new substance.译:我们可以说,化学是论述物质化学变化的科学,通过化学变化可能获得新的物质。16. Japanese automakers chose to make small-lot production feasible by introducing several departures from United States practices, including the use of flexible equipment that could be altered easily to do several different production tasks and the training of workers in multiple jobs.日本的汽车制造商们选择去进
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