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译林版英语三年级下册第一单元教学设计方案 NO:1教学内容 Unit1 In class 课型 新授课 时间教学目的1.能正确地听、说、读单词 door, window ,blackboard , stand up, sit down, open, close.2.能在真实的情景中正确运用 Please.重点、难点1.能正确地听、说、读单词 door, window ,blackboard , stand up, sit down, open, close.2.能在真实的情景中正确运用 Please.课前准备 pictures, cards, tape record,配套软件课 时 第一课时二度修改教学过程:Step1: Warm up1. GreetingT: The bell is ringing. The teacher is coming. Please be quiet and class is begin.Im Kitty. (Show Hello Kitty) If you say: “Hello , Kitty , I love you!” I will give you a Hello Kitty.Step2 : Presentation1. Teach: stand up/sit downT: Class begins.SS: Stand up.T: (出示板书 Stand up .) 带读,做 up的动作。Good morning, boys and girls.SS: Good morning,.T: Sit down , please. (出示板书 Sit down .) 带读,做 down的动作。Can you read “stand up”/“sit down”? (出示板书 read)SS: Practise in pairs.(One student reads, the other acts.)(对在 Free talk和 Practise in pairs中表现出色的学生,奖励一个苹果贴画。这样既可以激发学生的积极性,又为下面的学习打下伏笔)2. Teach: open, close, door, window, (1) T: Its winter now . The wind is blowing Hoo, hoo. Its very cold outside. Im cold . Can you close the door /window for me? (learn : close)(2) T: Its too cold . Lets do some exercise. Jump 20 times. Jump 20 times quickly. (调节跳跃的节奏,以来调节课堂气氛)Im so hot now . Can you open the door / window for me?(learn: open) T: Look here, theyre the new words. Lets read the new words.SS: Read after the teacher.T: Ask a student to read the new words and then the other students read after him/her.Step3: Play games.1. Do ordersT: Stand up, boys and girls.Sit down, boys.Sit down, girls.Please open the door.Please close the window.SS: Do according to the orders.S1: Say the orders instead of the teacher.Step4 情境模拟教师利用教室里真实的课堂环境,让学生当“小老师” 编排模拟对话,并在全班表演。呈现今天的检测内容:1. 当你想让别人给你开一下门,可以说:2别人让你开门,你可以回答:3当你想让别人给你关一下窗户,可以说:4. 上课时,同学们喊起立,说:5. 你请别人坐下,可以说:Step 5 作业1Copy the words three times 2Read Story time板书设计Unit 1 In class stand up sit down please open the door . please close the window . 译林版英语三年级下册第一单元教学设计方案 NO:2教学内容 Unit1 In class 课型 新授课 时间教学目的1.能正确地听、说、读单词 door, window ,blackboard , stand up, sit down, open, close.2.能在真实的情景中正确运用 please. Come in/和日常交际用语Im sorry 重点、难点1.能正确地听、说、读单词 door, window ,blackboard , stand up, sit down, open, close.2.能在真实的情景中正确运用 please. Come in/和日常交际用语Im sorry 课前准备 pictures, cards, tape record,配套软件课 时 第二课时教学过程:Step 1 Review1. Review words and phrasesT: Whats this/ that?Ss: Its a T: Who can spell it?Ss:2. T: Im very hot. 提示学生“开” ,引出 open. Im very cold. 引出 close。加动作操练短语。Step2 PresentationT:Whats this? (指黑板)S: Its a blackboard. 新授单词 blackboard练习说:Look at the blackboard. Please look at the blackboard.Step 2 checkout timea. 复习句型(picture 1/2/5/6)A: Hello/Hi, xxx. B: Hello/Hi, xxx.A: Please B: Yes, xxx.A: Thank you. B: Youre welcomeb. 操练句型(picture 3/4/7)A: Please B: Yes, Miss/ Mr Step 3 练习 please 的用法请进:Come in, please.=Please come in.请开门:Open the door, please= Please open the door.Step 4 Exercise一、从方框中选择正确的词组open the door stand up in class sit down1.坐下_ 2. 站立,起立 _ 3.在课堂上 _ 4.开门_二、选择题( )1. Im hot(热). _ the window, please. A. Close B. Open ( )2. Im cold(冷). _ the window, please. A. Close B. Open ( )3.Open the door, please._.A. Its a door. B. Yes, Miss Li.( )4.Whats this?_.A. Its a window. B. Close the window.Step 5 作业二度修改3Copy the phruse three times. 4Read Story time and try to recite.板书设计Unit 1 In classWhats this/that? Its a a blackboard a door a windowPlease=, please open/ close the Look at the blackboard译林版英语三年级下册第一单元教学设计方案 NO:3教学内容 Unit1 In class 课型 新授课 时间教学目的1.能正确理解、掌握课文(Story time)内容,并能朗读课文。2.巩固 open,close的用法。3.掌握日常用语与句型:Open your books/the door. Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please. Im sorry.重点、难点1.能正确理解、掌握课文(Story time)内容,并能朗读课文。2.巩固 open,close的用法。3.掌握日常用语与句型:Open your books/the door. Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please. Im sorry.课前准备 pictures, cards, tape record,配套软件课 时 第三课时二度修改Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingStep 2 Review1.中英互译。2.Play a game(Simon says)T: Now lets play the game“Simon says”.老师讲解游戏规则,然后开始游戏。 (利用游戏调动学生积极性)Step3: Story time1.教授课题 In classT: (出示 Mike和 Mr Green的头像) Whos he?介绍新人物:Mr GreenBoys and girls, were in the classroom. Were in class. Were in the English class. Look at the screen, Where is Mr Green?Where is Mike?(充分运用多媒体课件,展示对话场面,学生在形象生动的语境中听、说、读、练,各种感官都充分调动起来,听、说、读等各种能力都得到提高。 )2.Teach: Im sorry . come in Ss: Watch the video about Picture 1, 2 ,3 ,and then answer “Whos late?”通过听,表演学习 Im sorry .come in. (教授并板书)3.Read the dialogues.4.Read in a role and act.(分为两部分)Picture 12-Practise in pairs and show.Picture34-Practise in groups and show.(利用现代化的教学手段,创设真实的英语环境,帮助学生进行对话的机械操练是英语教学中必不可少的环节。 )Step4: Consolidation.T : You all did very well . Weve learnt lots of orders of class.Maybe you can be a teacher now.(播放一段录像,学生准备上课但没有老师)T: Miss Li is ill in the hospital. Heres her
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