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Unit 11. A full appreciation of the physiology of a living organism must be based on asound knowledge of its anatomy. Anatomy does not merely study the separationof parts, but the accurate description of the morphologies and functions ofdifferent organs.对生物生理学的全面了解必须基于解剖学的系统知识。解剖学不仅仅是研究人体各部分的分离;还要准确的描述各个器官的形态和生理功能。2. Our daily food intake must match requirements and any excess must be excretedfor balance to be maintained.我们每天摄入的事物必须满足需要;任何多余的东西必须排出体外才能维持平衡。3. The process of stabilization of the internal environment is called homeostasis andis essential if the cells of the body are to function normally. 内环境稳定的过程称之为体内平衡;体内平衡也是机体的细胞正常发挥作用所必不可少的。4. Human cells have the ability to break down large molecules to smaller ones toliberate sufficient energy for their activities.人类细胞有将大分子分解成小分子的能力;从而为自身活动释放足够的能量。5. As long as normal conditions are maintained in this internal environment, thecells of the body continue to live and function properly.只要这种内环境正常的条件得以维持;机体的细胞就能继续生存并发挥正常功能。Unit 21. Biochemistry asks how the thousands of different biomolecules interact with each other toconfer the remarkable properties of living organisms.生物化学探寻的是数千种不同的生物分子如何相互作用;以赋予生物体具备显著的特性。2. Enzymes are catalysts that accelerate the rates of biological reactions. Each enzyme is veryspecific in its function and acts only in a particular metabolic reaction.酶是能加速生物学反应速率的催化剂。每一种酶都有专一的功能并且仅在特定代谢反应中发挥作用。3. One of the most fruitful approaches to understand biological phenomena has been to purifyan individual chemical component, such as a protein, from a living organism and tocharacterize its chemical structure or catalytic activity.用以了解生物学现象的最有效的方法之一是从生物体中纯化出单一化学成分;例如蛋白质;并对其化学结构或催化活性进行表征。4. The chemical principles that govern the properties of biological molecules include thecovalent bonding of carbon with itself and with other elements and the functional groupsthat appear in common biological molecules, etc. 决定生物分子特性的化学原理包括碳与自身或其他元素的共价结合和一般生物分子中出现的功能基团等。5. The basic unit of DNA is a linear polymer of four different monomeric subunits,deoxyribonucleotides, arranged in a precise linear sequence.脱氧核糖核酸的基本单位是由四种不同的脱氧核糖核苷酸单一亚单位以精确的线性序列进行排列而构成的线性聚合物。Unit 31. Although the existence of microbes was determined almost three hundred yearsago, the study of microbiology is only getting started compared with zoology and1/7 页botany.尽管三百年前人们就确定世界上存在微生物;但与动物学和植物学相比;微生物学研究还只是刚刚开始。2. In ancient times, the existence of microbes was hypothesized and they might bethe responsible agent of diseases, which was pure speculation(推断) as there wasno microscope at the time.在古代, 人们认为有微生物存在而且微生物可能是传染病的致病原;但当时没有显微镜;所以这一切纯属猜测。3. The first one who suggested taxonomic classification(分类法) of bacteria anddiscovered spores is Ferdinand Cohn, a botanist who studied algae andphotosynthetic bacteria. He established bacteriology.第一位提出对细菌分类和发现孢子的人是植物学家费南?科恩;他对藻类和光合细菌进行了研究;创建了细菌学。4. Microbes may be tiny, but the field of microbiology is relatively huge, whichencompasses many subdisciplines affecting peoples life and health a lot.微生物体积虽小;但微生物学领域却很大;其中包括很多分支学科;对人类生活和健康产生了重大影响。5. Some of microbes may cause diseases but not all microbes are detriment, such assome of them used in industrial fermentation(发酵) to make wine andvinegar(醋).有些微生物能引发疾病;但不是所有的微生物都是有害的;如一些微生物可用于工业发酵;制作酒和醋等。Unit 41. The science of the effects of drugs on the body is called pharmacology, and the scientistswho study it are pharmacologists. Pharmacology is not a science that can be studied on itsown, but that closely related to other branches of science. Pharmacologists should not onlyunderstand the normal process that take place in the body, but know how the functions ofthe body are affected by disease.研究药物作用于人体的科学叫药理学;研究这门学问的科学家便是药理学家。药理学不是一门能够独立研究的科学;而是与其它学科紧密相关的。药理学家不仅要了解人体内进行的正常反应过程;还应懂得机体功能是怎样受疾病影响的。2. For physicians and medical students, the scope of pharmacology is not so expansive as its common definition. The clinician is interested primarily in drugs that are useful in theprevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human disease, or in the prevention of pregnancy.医生和医学生对药理学的理解和要求没有其定义范畴那么广泛。临床医生的主要兴趣在于药物对人类疾病的预防、诊断及治疗;或者在避孕方面所起的作用。3. All physicians should share the responsibility to resolve kinds of sociological problems causedby the abuse of drugs, properly used, drugs are great blessing to mankind; improperly used,they could destroy human race. When a patient, particularly the elderly is prescribedfrequently to take more than one therapeutic agent, drug interactions resulting in toxicitywill occur.所有医生都应该负起责任解决药品滥用所引起的各种社会问题。药物用得恰当;将是人类的一大福音;用得不当;则可能毁了人类。病人,特别是老年病人(经常性使用一种以上治疗药物的话;往往会发生产生毒性药物的相互作用。4. At one time, it was essential for the physician to have broad botanical knowledge, becausethey had to possess the ability and skill to select proper plants from which to prepare his owncrude medicinal preparations.以前;医师必须具备很广泛的植物学知识;因为他要懂得挑选适当的植物的能力和技巧;2/7 页并将它们制备成简单的药物制剂。5. The study of biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action istermed as pharmacodynamics, whose un
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