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why I came to Englandwhen I had left Iranhow long I had been studying Englishif I was staying in England for longif I would get a job in Englandif I had a girlfriendif I had got a carif I could take her for a drive(准备好耳机和话筒)你听:(用耳朵听一边)你说:(开口说一遍)第一个图标:听这句,要求给出答话。录音图标,把三个图标出现的答话读一遍且录音这个图标显示的是你答话的具体内容I have been learning English for more than twenty years. Recalling my English studies, I would like to share some good ways and some frustrations with you.First, I am independent in English studies. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, I try to find the patterns and rules on my own. Second, I am an active English learner. I never wait for a chance using English. I look for such a chance, and create an language environment by myself. I am willing to make mistakes and not afraid of losing face.Try your best to enjoy the pleasure of English studies, bear in mind that frustration gets you nowhere.备注: Redo是重做的意思。 红色方框线标出来的单元可以重做n次,重做过程中题目是一模一样的,系统自动会将最好的一次成绩记录上这三个单元成绩也可以重做n次,但是每次题目出现是不一样的。但是有些答案还是可以百度到的。
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