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中小学 1 对 1 课外辅导专家精锐教育网站:www.1smart.org 精锐教育教务管理部1精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义教学目标:掌握中考句型转换教学内容同义句转换题是近几年中考英语的一个常考题型,其出题形式通常是同时给出两个句子,第一句完整,第二句中设有几处空格,要求考生填入适当的词或词组,使第二句的意思与第一句意思相同。它综合考查考生的语法、词汇、短语或习惯用语和句型结构等知识,要求运用所学的词汇、语法知识和句型结构填写句子,使句子结构完整、逻辑合理、语法知识无误、意思与所给句子相同。通过对近几年的中考英语试题中同义句转换题的分析,我们发现中考英语同义句转换题主要考查以下几个方面:一、运用同义词(组)进行转换用同义词或同义词组对原句中的某些词或词组进行替换,注意转换后的词或词组的词形变化要与句子其他成分相适应。如:1. That day we could see flowers here and there. That day we could see flowers _.2. The teacher always takes good care of the children in the school.The teacher always_ _the children well in the school.二、运用反义词(组)的否定式进行转换即用反义词或词组的否定式表达与原句相同的意思,主要考查学生对反义词(词组)的积累和换位思维的能力。如:1. Its clear that this visit is different from last time. Its clear that this visit is not the_ _last time. 2. I think wealth is less important than health. I _ think wealth is _ important than health.另外,有的反义词即使不与否定词连用,而只需改变句子结构也可构成同义句。如:He lent some money to his friend. His friend _ some money _ him.三、运用不同语态进行转换即运用主动语态与被动语态的变化来转换同义词,但此时要特别注意时态、动词一致性。如:1. Everyone should give back his library books on time. Library books should_ _ _ on time. 中小学 1 对 1 课外辅导专家精锐教育网站:www.1smart.org 精锐教育教务管理部22. It is widely accepted that more people use computers in the world today. Computers _ widely _ in the world today. 四、非延续性动词与延续性动词的相互转换即非延续性动词与延续性动词进行转换,此时往往会涉及时态的变化。如:1. The manager left two hours ago. The manager _ _ _ for two hours. 2. The film began five minutes ago. The film has been _ _ five minutes.3. Mr Li joined the Party twenty years ago.Mr Li _ _ _ the Party for twenty years.五、运用不同引语进行转换即将直接引语变为间接引语或将间接引语转换成直接引语。此时还要注意相关时态、人称、动词、状语等相应的变化。如:1. “Ive found my wallet,” he said to me.He _ me that he _ _ his wallet.2. “Did you see her last week?” he said. He _ _ I had seen her the week _.六、运用简单句与复合句之间的转换即将简单句变成同义的复合句或将复合句变成同义的简单句。如:1. We didnt go out for a walk because it was raining. We didnt go out for a walk _ _ the rain. 2. He was so excited that he couldnt go to sleep.He was _ _ _ go to sleep.3. Now I will show you how to do the work. Now I will show you _ _ _ do the work. 4. You should put them back after you use them. You should put them back _ _ them.七、运用并列句与复合句之间的转换即将并列句变成同义的复合句或将复合句变成同义的并列句。如:1. Come on, or well miss the early bus. _ we _ hurry, well miss the early bus. 中小学 1 对 1 课外辅导专家精锐教育网站:www.1smart.org 精锐教育教务管理部152. The man gave us a talk last week. Now he will give us another talk this week. The man _ gave us a talk last week _ _ us another talk this week. 八、运用关联连词连接或合并句子即运用关联连词 bothand,neithernor,eitheror,not onlybut also等将两个简单句合并为一个简单句。此时要注意的是,bothand连接两个主语时,谓语总是用复数,而neithernor,eitheror,not onlybut also连接两个主语时,谓语动词通常应与靠近的主语保持一致。如:1. Tom cant speak Japanese well and Jim cant, either._ Tom _ Jim can speak Japanese well. 2. Alice has read the book and Peter has read it, too. _ Alice _ Peter have read the book.3. This store sells mens shoes, and it also sells mens clothes. This store sells _ _ mens shoes _ _ mens clothes. 九、利用某些典型句式或结构进行转换这类典型结构如 sothat,tooto,enough to,notuntil,so do I 等。如:1. Jim wants to go boating and his parents want to go boating, too.Jim wants to go boating, and _ _ his parents. 2. John went to bed after he finished his homework. John _ go to bed _ he finished his homework.练习:1. I always get up at the usual time-6.00. (划线提问) _ _ _ you always _ _? 2. I worked on the computer for two hours. (划线提问) _ _ _ you _ on the computer? 3. Tom reached Shanghai at 8 last night. (同义句转换) Tom _ _ Shanghai at eight last night. 4. It was January 6th. (划线提问) _ was _ _? 5. He works in a factory. (划线提问) _ _ he _? 6. It was rainy. (划线提问) _ _ the weather _? 7. Sally often walks to school. (同义句转换) Sally often _ to school _ _. 8. It was Saturday. (划线提问) _ _ was it? 中小学 1 对 1 课外辅导专家精锐教育网站:www.1smart.org 精锐教育教务管理部19. My grandfather walked to Guangzhou at the age of 20. (同义句转换) My grandfather _ to school _ _ when he was twenty. 10. He was a teacher ten years ago. (划线提问) _ _ he ten years ago? 11. The girl on the bike is one of my frien
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