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一、 交际:(29)1.Can you turn down the radio,please?选:Im sorry,I didnt realize it was that loud2.Could you tell me where MrIs?选:At the office3.Do you think the exam will be put off?选:Not likely4.Excuse me,how can I get to the nearest supermarket?选:Sorry,sir.Im a stranger here myself.5. Excuse me,would you lend me your calculator?选:Certainly.Here you are.6.Hello,may I talk to the headmaster now?选:sorry,he is busy at the moment.7.Hello,Sally,Hows everything?选:Just so-so.8.Hello,could I speak to Don please?选:Whos speaking.9.I dont like the spots programs on Sundays.选:Neither do I10.I think the Internet is very helpful.选:Yes,so do I.11.In my opinion,youd better take a couple of days off.选:Ill take your advice.12.Lets take a walk.选:Yes,lets.13.May I help you ,madam?选:Yes,Id like 2 kilos of orange.14.May I know your address?选:Sure.Here you are.15.Must we hand in our homework now?选:No,you neednt.16.Nice weaher,isnt it?选:Yes,it is.17.Oh,sorry to bother you.选:Thats okay.18.Well,Mary,how are you?选:Im good.19.Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?选:Sorry,I have an appointment with Dr.Brown.20.What about going for a walk?选:Why not?A good idea.21.Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?选:Of course not.22.Whats the proble,Harry? 选:I cant remember where I left my glasses.23.Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?选:Sorry,but this evening IHave to go the airport to meet my parents.24.Would you like to see the inenu?选:No,thanks.I already know what to order.25.What kind of TV program do you best?选:Its hard to say,actually.26.What would you like,tea or coffee?选:Coffee,please.27.Well,Mary,how are you?选:Im fine.28. What subjects are you studying?选:Im studying philosophy.29.Which language do you speak at home?选:English,most of the time.三、完形填空(9)1.A study has shown that fitness is the key以 more people to exercise结尾。 16.to 17.or 18.those who do not19.the least20.whether or not 21.to be fat22.being 23.to smoke 24.on 25.to exercise2.Although intermational travel is usually an 以 zone if you need them 结尾。16.exciting 17.from in from18.which 19.to20.leave 21.before22.effects 23.lessen24.best 25.for3.A survey was carried out last year以 a walk everyday after dinner 结尾。1.by 2.sharply3.Although 4.to exercise5.Walking 6.walk7.on 8.to make9.for 10.for4.In the UK,in business situations,when you meet somenone以 bar and before you drink them16.for 17.to 18.pleased 19.shake 20.to 21.or22.the 23.avoid 24.especially 25.turns5.More and more people以 the alarms on all doors and window.结尾。1.have 2.have been asking3.due 4.who5. 6.which7.estimated 8.to have them installed9.yet 10.to install6.Peter Blake is a successful businessman,but he以 with a computer every day!结尾。16.used 17.was 18.decided 19.been 20.so 21.which22.own 23.on 24. 25.but7.Read the following text and select a word to complete以 plants but with a computer every day!1.used 2.was 3.decided 4.been 5.so 6.which7.own 8.on 9. 10.but8.Traffic in India means a mixture of all kinds of vehicles on the road以 are both blessed 结尾。16.have been sold17.in 18.vehicles19.with 20.on 21.pulled 22.watch out 23.were recommended24.by 25.that9.The ancient Olympic Games以 of the modern marathon race 结尾。16.were 17.of18.were held 19.meaning20.for 21.introduced22.named after23.where 24.were defeated25.therefore二、词汇:(105)1.All the team members tried their best.We lost the game,however.2.A lecture hall is one where students attend lectures.3.Are you still here?You were here half an hour ago.Who are you watiting for?4.A new hotel is being built in the centre of town at the moment.5.Before I got to the cinemaThe film had begun.6.By the end of this year,IWill have saved enough money for a holiday.7.Can I get you a couple of tea?(Thats very nice of you )8.Could you please pay me inadvance?9.Dont worry.There is enough room for all your books here.10.Given the high price,(-)its not surprising they didnt buy it.11.Her parents died when she was very young,so she was brought up by her aunt.12.He is the man whose dog bit me.13.He has written four successful books.14.He goes to school by bikeAnd the journey takes half an hour.15.He has been working,in the laboratory the whole morning.16.He is very keen on football.17.He asked me where I came from.18.He was over the moon about his new job.19.He is looking forward to writing his thesis.20.I asded her to marry me and she agreed.21.I regret to say that Im unable to help you.22.I have given up eating meat.23.It happenen on a winter night.24.I know it isnt importantBut I cant help thinking about it.25.I dont suppose he will attend the meeting,will he?26.I think all these are main points worthy of much attention.27.I prefer classic music to pop music.28.Im tired.I have been working very ha
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