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- 1 -Unit7 How much are these socks 课后练习(二)题一:翻译来我们超市买酸奶吧。来我们商店买牛肉吧,大特价。我们卖的所有肉类价格合理。你需要笔记本吗?牛奶多少钱?只有 3 元钱。他们有饼干卖 5 元钱。题二:你能做出这些数学题吗? 1.Whats seven plus(加)six?2. Whats forty minus(减)twelve?3. Andy spends ten yuan on pork, eleven yuan on mutton and twelve yuan on fish. But he has thirty yuan in total. Can he afford all the food? Why? 题三:1. Does they have a computer?2. She watch TV every day.3. Lets to play with them. 4. Bill and I am at school.5. There is a big apple in the tree. 题四:一、下面的单词拼写难倒你了吗?1.v_ _t 2. t_ e 3. sc_ _ f4. b_ _ t 5. s_ _akers 6. s_ _ glasses7. tr_ _sers 8. s_ oe 9. _o_k二、A: _(我能帮您吗?)B: I like _(这条裤子).A: _?(您想买什么颜色?)B: I like black one.A: Here you are.B: _(多少钱?)A: They are ten dollars.- 2 -B: OK. _(我买下它了。 ) 三、火眼金睛: 谁和它们都不同?圈出来! 1.skirt pants jacket shirt 2. red brown colour blue 3. socks jeans hat pants 4. clothes sweater T-shirt jacket 5. these those this whose题五:- is this eraser? - Its 5 jiao.A. How many B. How C. How about D. How much题六:Jack wants to buy a pair of shoes _ his grandfather.A. to B. onC. in D. for题七:-How much are these sneakers?- twelve dollars.A. It has B. It isC. They have D. They are 题八:He sells the old TV _ a low price.A. for B.on C. at D. in题九:Lily likes watching TV but I _.A. like watching TV, too B. doesntC. dont D. do题十:Im not happy. I have too _1_ rules in my family. I have to _2_ at 6:00 every morning. I cant _3_ my friends after school. I have to _4_my dog for a walk. I cant watch TV on school nights. And I have to _5_ in bed by ten oclock.1. A. many B. much C. a few 2. A. go to bed B. get up C. go home 3. A. watch B. look C. meet 4. A. bring B. take C. carry5. A. am B. is C. beUnit7 How much are these socks课后练习参考答案题一:Come and buy yoghurt at our supermarket.- 3 -Come and buy beef at our great store sale.We sell all meat at very good prices.Do you need notebooks?How much is the milk? Its only 3 yuan.They have cookies for 5 yuan.解析:1. come and表示“来做某事” 。2. 大特价 at great sale.3. 价格合理 at very good prices.4. 笔记本用复数形式。5. 询问价格用 How much.6. 某物卖多少钱用介词 for.题二:thirteen; twenty-eight; No, he cant. Because he doesnt have enough money.解析:1. 7 加 6 等于 13.注意 thirteen 的拼写。2. 40 减 12 等于 28.注意十位数和个位数之间的连字符。3. Andy 一共花了 33 元,他只有 30 元,他不能付起所有食物,因为他没有足够的钱。题三:Does 改为 Do; watch 改为 watches; to 去掉; am 改为 are; in 改为 on.解析:1. 第三人称复数做主语,一般疑问句助动词用 Do.2. 第三人称单数做主语,动词要变成第三人称单数形式。3. Lets do sth. 让我们做某事。4. 复数做主语,be 动词用 are.5. 表示树上本身长得动词,用介词 on.题四:一、vest; tie; scarf; belt; sneakers; sunglasses; trousers; shoe; sock; 二、Can I help you; this pair of trousers; What color do you want; How much are they; Ill take it. 三、pants; colour; hat; clothes; whose解析:一、 vest 背心;tie 领带;scarf 围巾;belt 腰带;sneakers 运动鞋;trousers 裤子;shoe 鞋;sock 袜子。二、我能帮您吗?可以说 Can I help you?;这条裤子可以说 this pair of trousers; 想买什么颜色用 What color do you want?; 询问多少钱,后面是复数,所以用 How much are they? “Ill take it”表示买下来了。三、pants 与其它几个不同,它是由两部分构成的;colour 是颜色的统称;hat 与其它几个不同,其它几个词都是由两部分构成的;clothes 是服装的统称;whose 是疑问代词,其它都是指示代词。题五:D解析:针对价格提问,用 How much, 表示多少钱。题六:D解析:buy sth. for sb. 表示为某人买礼物。题七:D解析:these sneakers 为复数,故用 They are 来指代。选 D.题八:C解析:“以的价格”用介词 at.句意为“他以低价买了旧电视。 ”题九:C解析:“莉莉喜欢看电视但是我不喜欢。 ”I 做主语,助动词用 dont, 后面省略了like watching TV.- 4 -题十:A B C B C解析:1. too many 修饰可数名词复数,表示太多。2. 根据早晨 6 点可判断是“起床” 。3. meet sb.表示见到某人。4. take for a walk 散步。5. have to do sth. 不得不做某事。
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