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第 1 页 共 30 页大学英语 B 机考作文题(考试时只考一题,分值 15分)1.写作 Instructions:建议你在 30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于 80词的短文。My study planA new semester is coming, in order to study English well, I make a study plan. First, try to remember 20 words from dictionary everyday. Second, go over grammar points I have learnt in English class regularly. Third, form a habit of reading an English article in China Daily every day. Fourth, write an English composition every week and ask teacher to revise that for me to improve the writing level. Fifth, listen to English radio as often as possible to improve my listening.2.写作 Instructions:建议你在 30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于 80词的短文。The Job I LikeI like to be a teacher. Three reasons have led me to choose this occupation. First, teaching is learning. To make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world, which is the very thing I enjoy in my life. Second, teaching means freedom and independence. As a teacher, Im free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions. Finally, I like teaching because it offers certain peace of mind. All in all, the reasons above make me like teaching best.3.写作 Instructions:建议你在 30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于 80词的短文。My English StudyEnglish is always my favorite subject and I am good at English. I would like to share 4 good studying habits with you. First, remember 20 new words, and never give up.Second, go over grammar points I have learnt in English class regularly. Third, read an English article in China Daily every day. Fourth, write an English composition every week and ask teacher to revise that for me to improve the writing level. If you do things above, I am sure your English will also be improved.4.写作 Instructions:建议你在 30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于 80词的短文。 On MoneyMoney is regarded by some people as the most importent thing in life. It is even regarded as the symbol of wealth and social position. For example, with plenty of money a man can do whatever he wants to. He can afford expensive cars and luxurious houses, and he can travel around the world and visit as many interesting places as he wants to. In their eyes, money is everything in life.In my opinion, money can both benefit people and do harm to them. On the one hand, we cant deny that money is useful. We need money to buy food, buy a house or pay our education cost. Money can make us live more comfortably. For example, with more money, we can help others and take part in more social activities and receive a good education, thus increasing our knowledge and developing our skills. On the other hand, some people try to get money by dishonest means, for example, they often cheat and gemble, even rob and kill people. Sooner or later, they will be punished by the law. Money can bring them nothing but misery.In addition, money can not buy everything, For instance, no matter how much money one hast he can not buy good health, happiness or friendship, Although money is useful in many ways, there are still a lot of things that money cant buy in the world. In addition, money can also do harm to us. If a person really thinks of money as everything and pays his attention only to money, he will lose his friends, or even the care and warmth from his family. Thus, it brings him only loneliness.5写作 Instructions:建议你在 30分钟内,根据下面所给的情景和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于 80词的短文。选择一个你想旅游的地点,并安排旅行计划。你应包括下列内容:1.说明你想旅游的地点;2.说明你为什么选择这个地点;3.描述你的旅行计划。Dear Amy,I plan to make a journey to Jiuzhaigou in Si Chuan province. Its a beautiful place with fresh air, beautiful natural scenery like waterfall, lake and high mountains. Because many films and TV series have been made here, it is very famous. Whats more, I am very busy and exhausted this year, so I want to go for a relaxation. I plan to stay there for a week and travel with a tour group. I believe I will enjoy myself there. Regards Yours ever Tim 第 2 页 共 30 页6.写作 Instructions:建议你在 30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于 80词的短文。My Favourite FoodI like many different kinds of foods, among them, egg is my favorite. Egg contains a lot of essential nutrients needed by the human body. Eggs are oval shaped spheres with a light brown color. Egg is the basic ingredient to many dishes, like omelet and French toast. You can easily get eggs at any supermarket, and they are sold for a very cheap price too. Besides the cheap price, egg contains lots of nutrients and is a very good source of energy. In conclusion, egg is my favorite food. 7.写作 Instructions:建议你在 30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于 80词的短文。My DreamI have a dream from the first time I sit in a carI want to drive. Driving is the most meaningful way to meet human beings desire of “faster”. Whats more, driving a car can take me to any place I want whether it rains, snows, blows or not. A smooth ride in a good car is enjoyable. With rows of trees moving backward rapidly, music played, breeze blowing, my soul flies in the air. I love this feel
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