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Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake handsSection A 1a-2c 学案【Learning objectives】1.Knowing: shake; custom; bow; kiss; shake hands 2.Habit-forming: What are you supposed to do when you meet someone?You (are ) supposed to bow/ shake hands/ kiss 3.Practising: be supposed to do sth 4.Communicating : tell what you are supposed to do 【Important points】 tell what you are supposed to do 【Learning process】1、自主学习 Task1 Learn the words and phrase.bow _ shake hands _ kiss _ custom_Task 2 Understand some language points.1 for the first time 当我第一次看到他时,他正在看书._拓展: 1) 第二次 _总结学过的 time 的词组_ 2 shake 的用法:1) 过去式 shook 过去分词 shaken 现在分词_2) 握手_ 和某人握手 可表示为 shake hands with sb / shake ones hands shake sb by the hands他和我握手了. _3 bow 的用法向某人鞠躬/低头 可表示为: bow to sb 不要向失败(failure)低头_Task Task3 : 教学过程Tell what you are supposed to do 1 Talk about the following : 1) How many customs about meeting do you know?2) What do people in China / the United States do when they meet for the first time?2 Listen to the tape and match the countries with the costume 3 According to 1a ,ask and answer like following: A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time ?B: They are supposed to bow. xkb1.com4 以小组为单位分别扮演不同国籍的人,模仿下列对话交际练习。A: In your country, What are you supposed to do when you meet someone?B: You are supposed to bow/ You are not supposed to shake hands .Task 3 : Listening and Practising : 1 Read and understand the phrases in 2a 2 Listen to the tape and check the mistakes Maria made .3 Listen again .Fill in blanks.M: I was supposed to _,but I arrived at 8;00.D: In my country, its different .When youre invited for 7:00,youre supposed to _ M: And you were supposed to _instead.D: I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to _. 4 Role play the conversation between Maria and Dan. 二、合作共建 be supposed to +不定式 意思是被期望,被要求,应该 否定形式为以小组为单位讨论如何翻译下列句子,进一步掌握 be supposed to do 的用法 www.xkb1.com1 他应该把地扫干净. _2)你本应该在一个小时前到达. _3)你不该在这里打蓝球。_4)那儿应该不会太热吧_三 系统总结如何谈论应该或不应该做某事 _ 四、诊断评价(一) 词汇考察1 You are supposed _(shake) here. 2 You must know some _() before you go to some foreign countries.3 The drink should _(shake) before you drink it. 4 Its not polite _(kiss) the others in public in China.6 I was s_ to arrive at 8:00, but I arrived at 9:007 The teacher gave me some a_on how to learn English.(二) 单项选择1 Jim stood up and shook hands _ both of them.A by B with C for D to 2 Chinese never bowed _the enemiesA in B to C on D with 【课后反思】_Unit 12 Section A 3a-4 【Learning objectives】1.Knowing: Cail; relaxed; toward; Colombia; Lausanne; Switerland 2.Habit-forming: What kind of rules do they have in-?Well ,they have pretty relaxed rules. 3 Understanding : The passage of 3a4.Practising: drop by; after all ; be relaxed about ; -5.Communicating : retell 3a 【Important points】 Understanding : The passage of 3aPractising: drop by; after all ; be relaxed about ; -Communicating : retell 3a 【Learning process】一、自主学习 Task 1 : Read and learn 3a 1 Read 3a by youselves and try to understand the meaning. 2 Listen and read again , write out the following phrases. spend- with _a bit late _drop by _walk around_many of our friends_on time _ get angry _ make plans _plan to do _something interesting _3 Understand the following sentences and translate them in chinese. Spending time with family and friends is very important to us Often we just walk around the town center ,seeing as many of our friends as we can Its very important to be on time. We never visit a friends house without calling first. We usually plan to do something interesting ,or go somewhere together.4 Try to retell 3a according to the chinese. Task 2 Learn 3b. Role play a conversation between Teresa and Marc. Talk about the different attiudes in Colombia and Switzerland. A: What kinds of rules do they have in -?B: Well, they have pretty relaxed rules.A: Like what? B: Well, Its Ok if youre not on time. Task 3 : Learn 4 write out the phrases1.问候老师 2.做家庭作业 3.给某人打电话 4.参观某人的家 5.和朋友做计划
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