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中 国 矿 业 大 学 ( 北 京 )本 科 生 学 期 论 文中文题目:傲慢与偏见与简爱中婚姻观比较分析 英文题目:Comparative Analysis of Marriage Values in Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre 姓 名: 程丽红 学 号: 0811720206 学 院: 文法学院 专业班级: 英语 2008级 指导教师: 仲慧怡 职 称: 讲师 完成日期: 2011 年 10 月 12 日iAcknowledgementsI owe profound debt of gratitude to many people who have greatly contributed to or have helped with the development of this thesis in their special ways. I am especially grateful to my supervisor, Ms. Zhong Huiyi,for her precious guidance, to other teachers who gave me worthy advices. I would also like to express my heartfelt gratefulness to my fellow classmates, Anna Bao, Emma Zhao, and Emily Gao, who helped me collect many useful materials. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest thanks to my family for their emotional and financial support, which make my research smoothly. ii摘 要爱情是生活和文学的永恒话题。 傲慢与偏见与简爱两部小说是英国文学史,也是世界文学史上的经典作品,两位现实主义女作家都反映了 19世纪社会背景下英国女性的爱情观。 傲慢与偏见的主人公伊丽莎白和筒爱的主人公简爱给我们留下了深刻印象。两部著作虽然时代背景相近,在爱情观上有一些相似之处,却也有着很大不同。本论文从两部著作的爱情观入手,分析其在不同背景下展现出的不同爱情观,从多个角度探究其根源。奥斯丁和夏洛蒂不同的生活经历对各自的作品产生了不同影响。奥斯丁生活的时代,女性的无地位,无经济基础,迫使他们在婚姻中担任被动角色。奥斯丁心目中的婚姻也只是灰姑娘式的爱情。 傲慢与偏见也反映了奥斯丁自己的婚姻观:爱情是美满的婚姻先决条件,美满婚姻要建立在雄厚的经济基础上。她的观点既体现了当时英国中产阶级的务实精神,又挑战了当时的男权主义,传达了觉醒中的妇女对自由而平等的婚姻关系的向往。在夏洛蒂生活的年代,残酷的社会现实,让妇女开始觉醒,妇女开始为获得与男性的平等权而斗争。夏洛蒂在小说中创造了一个为平等权和平等经济社会地位而奋斗的女性。夏洛蒂认为婚姻是建立在爱情基础上的,双方应该互敬互爱和彼此理解,实现地位的平等。关键词:婚姻观;比较;傲慢与偏见;简爱 iiiABSTRACTLove and marriage are the forever topic in literary works. Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre are the two realistic novels in English and world literature history. The two realistic writers both reflect the marriage view of women in 19th century. Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice and Jane in Jane Eyre leave deep impressions on the readers mind. Their marriage views are also the reflections of the authors marriage views. Though almost in the same time, there are also some differences in their marriage view. For example, Elizabeth emphasizes more on the financial state, while Jane is more rebellious.This thesis will analyze the different marriage views in the two novels and explore the roots of the differences from different respects. Austin and Charlottes different life experiences have a different impact on their work. At the time Austin lives, women, without social status or financial foundations, forced them to play a passive role in the marriage. In Austins eyes, the marriage is also the Cinderella-style marriage. Pride and Prejudice also reflects Austens own marriage view: love is a prerequisite for a happy marriage; marriage must be based on solid economic foundation. In the time Charlotte lives, the brutal social reality wake up the women to fight for equal rights with men. Charlotte has created a women image struggling for equal rights and equal economic and social status. Charlotte thinks that marriage is built on the basis of love the two should love and understand each other, achieve the equality in status.Key words: marriage values; compare; Pride and Prejudice; Jane Eyre ContentsAcknowledgements.4Abstract.Chapter1 Introduction.41.1 Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice .41.2 Charlotte Bront and Jane Eyre .61.3 Significance of the research .91.4 Organization of the paper.10Chapter 2 Literature Review.112.1 Themes of Jane Austins works and writing style.112.2 Themes of Charlotte Bronts works and writing style.132.3 Realism and Feminism.13Chapter 3 Comparison of the Two kinds of Marriage Values in the Two Works .283.1 Marriage values in Pride and Prejudice .153.1.1 Marriage for wealth.153.1.2 Marriage for beauty.153.1.3 Marriage for love.183.2 Marriage values in Jane Eyre.223.3 Similarities of the marriage values in the two works .283.4 Differences of the marriage values in the two works. Chapter 4 Causes of the Different Marriage Values in the Two Works.25Chapter 5 Conclusion.35Bibliography.29中国矿业大学(北京)2008 级本科生学期论文1Chapter1 IntroductionThis chapter provides the background of the two works -Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice, the significance of research, the organization of the whole paper. 1.1 Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen (17751817) is a classical writer of realistic novel in England who was the daughter of a clergyman and never married, lived most of her life in a community much like the one we find in pride and prejudice. Jane Austen had
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