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1Teaching Plan for Unit 1Hello, Hi!I. Teaching Goal: To enable students to know some customs and useful expressions used when greeting and introducing people II. Teaching Objective(s): The study of this unit aims to enable students to Greeting people and giving responses: First greeting and meeting againSaying goodbye to peopleExchanging personal information and introducing people to each otherReading: Customs of greeting and saying goodbyeGrammar: Basic sentence structureWriting: Name card/passport information III. Teaching strategies:1. Task-based teaching method 2. CommunicatingIV. Teaching circumstance: Multi-media room V. Teaching Content1. Concept: lifestyle/interpersonal relationship2. Language points1)key pointsSection 1 how to express greeting and introducing people in English;Section 2 listening skills Section 3 related customs/useful expressions/important words Section 4 basic sentence structure/writing of business card2) Difficult pointsSection 1 how to express greeting and introducing people in EnglishSection 3 understanding of related customsSection 4 writing of business card3) Grammar pointBasic sentence structure4) Main ideaGreeting and introducing peopleVI. Teaching procedureSection I Talking face to faceStep One: Lead-in: business cards 1. Warm-up questions:1) When are business cards exchange between people?2) What are usually written on business cards?2. Students read and translate the business cards under the guidance of the teacher.Step Two:. Sample dialogues:1. Warm-up questions:1) How much do you know about the way Americans greet people and give responses?e.g. Greeting at the first meeting ResponsesHow are you? Fine./Very well, thank you. And you?How do you do? How do you do?Nice to meet you? Nice to meet you, too.Hello, Im a new student here. Welcome to our school.2Hi. Havent we met before? No, I dont think so.Greeting when meeting again ResponsesHello. How are things with you? Quite well. And you?How is everything? Not (too) bad.How are you doing? Very well./ Fine./Good, thank you.What are you doing (up to) these days? Nothing particular.Havent seen you for ages. How are you? Fine./Very well./OK, thanks.Fancy seeing you here, Lily. Yeah, fancy that.Nice to have you with us, Ann. Thank you, I will.Please make yourself at home.2) How much do you know about the way Americans exchange their personal information?e.g. Im Mike Smith. Please call me Mike.Here is my (business) card.Im a freshman/ fist year student at this college.My major is computer science.3) How much do you know about the way Americans say good-bye to each other?e.g. Good-bye. / Bye. / So long. / Speaking of time, Ive got to run. / See you next time.Have a good day. / Pleased / Glad to have met you. / Take care. / Id like to say good-bye to you./ I must be off now. / See you later.4) How much do you know about the way Americans introduce themselves to each other?e.g. Mr. Ballman, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Li Tiegang, manager of the company.Im Robert Miller from Canada.Before we start (First of all), le me introduce myself.2. Students read the sample dialogues after the teacher and try to find out the useful sentences and expressions for greeting people in the dialogue.Practice the following sentences:1) Lets welcome Professor Smith who will give us a report on the development of computer science.2) The team leader was given only 10 minutes to present the project report at the meeting.3) Are you here just for pleasure or on business?4) Ladies and Gentlemen, now let me introduce to you the renowned football star David Beckham.5) Businessmen often exchange business cards to each other when they meet for the first time.6) Would you care for a cup of coffee with me?7) Our American English teacher told us to call her by her fist name instead of her family name.3. Students practice the dialogues in groups.4. Give students several minutes to prepare short conversations in pairs by simulating the five small dialogues.5. Role-play6. Put-in-use exercisesSection II Being All Ears1. Give students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the fist time without looking at the book.33. Play the tape for a second time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to take note of the key words.4. Play the tape for the third time, and ask students to simultaneously repeat the passage while they are listening.5. Do all the exercises in the section.Section III Maintaining a Sharp EyeStep 1 Read the new words Step 2 Introduce some background information-English expressions borrowed from French Step 3 Check the students previewing task by asking them about the main idea of the text and some question
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