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反义疑问句1、遵循“前否后肯”或“前肯后否”的原则:Jim isnt in Class Four, is he?2、前后两句主语相同 :Mr Zhang has been here for four years, hasnt he?3、主语不一致的若干情况如下(需牢记):前句主语 后句主语 例 句This/that This is your brother,isnt it?Somethinganythingeverythingnothing Nothing is serious,is it?V.ing/to v.ItSwimming is great fun,isnt it?These/those they Those are books,arent they?Everybody/everyoneSomeboby/someoneAnybody/anyoneHe/they Everyone knows this,dont they?(Everyone knows this ,doesnt he?)Bothand They/you/we Both Tom and Jack came, didnt they?Nobody He Nobody likes to lose money, does he?had better should 或 had We had better go right now, shouldnt we / hadnt we?would rather + 动词原形” would like to + 动词原形”wouldnt Youd like to have some bananas, wouldnt you?I am Arent I I am your friend, arent I?Let me will you 或 may I Let me help you, may I?Lets shall we Lets go for a walk, shall we?let us will you Let us do it by ourselves, will you?Let 接第三人称 will you Let him come in, will you?感叹句 Isnt it/arent ? What fine weather, isnt it?否定的祈使句 Will youcan you Dont make a noise, will / can you?表示邀请,请求的祈使句will youwont you/would youCome here, will you?Turn off the light, will you?表示告诉别人做某事的祈使句will you、can you、would youcant you、wont you :Stop talking, can you?Write down the new words, will you / wont you?24、谓语不一致的若干情况如下(需牢记):前谓语 后谓语 例句have (有) have 或 do Mary has two brothers, doesnt she / hasnt she?have (有) 与陈述部分一致 He hasnt a lot of time, has he?have 不做“有” 用 do They all have a good time, dont they?have to 用 do 或 have We have to get up early, dont we / havent we?have got to 用 have We have got to answer all the questions, havent wehad better 用 should 或had We had better go right now, shouldnt we / hadnt wemay may 主语 + not They may be here next week, may they not?must(必须) 用 neednt You must do it today, neednt you?must(应该) 用 mustnt I must study hard, mustnt I?mustnt 用 must 或 may You mustnt talk like that, must you?实义动 need 和 dear 用 do He needs help, doesnt he?情态动 need 和 dear 用 need 和 dear He dare not say so, dare he?neednt 用 need 或must He neednt do that, must he?“ would rather + 动词原形” “would like to +动词原形”用 wouldnt Youd like to have some bananas, wouldnt you?“ought to + 动词原形” 用 oughtnt 或shouldnt We ought to go there, shouldnt we?“used to +动词原形”didnt + 主语”usednt 主语” He used to live in London, usednt he / didnt he?5、句中有 seldom, hardly, no, not, never, few, little, nothing, nobody, nowhere 等是否定句,疑问部分必须采用肯定形式:Nobody phoned while I was out, did they?He is hardly able to swim, is he?There is little ink in your pen, is there?反义疑问句练习题 1.Its very hot today, _ ?2. He can speak Chinese, _ ?4. He never gets up late , _ ?5. Dont go out at night, _ ?6.He never loves cold weather , _ ?9.Tom has been to Singapore , _ ?10.The story is little interesting, _ ?11.Everything starts to grow in spring, _ ?12.He can hardly finish his homework, _ ?313.Im in Class 3,Grade 2, _ ?14.Lets go shopping , _ ?16.I dont think it is cold today, _ ?17. You think he is a good flight attendant, _ ?18.Nobody knows where she lives, _ ?19.Few students can answer the question, _ ?21.That was a wonderful night, _ ?24.You arent a teacher, _ ?26.You will join the soccer team, _ ?30.Lets do it now, _ ?31.You dislike this kind of gifts, _ ?32.Nothing is impossible, _ ?33.Everything is possible, _ ?35.There is little milk left in the bottle, _ ?36.Let us clean the classroom by ourselves, _ ?37.He has studied here for about four years, _ ?38.You have never lost money before, _ ?39.Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, _ ?40.Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard, _ ?41.Shes American, _ ?42.There will be a volleyball match in our school, _ ?44.I dont think he is right, _ ?45.You must do your homework by yourself, _ ?46.You mustnt touch the machine, _ ?49.Im a teacher, _ ?51.I wish to use your ruler, _ ?53.Youd better wear warm clothes today, _ ?54.What he needs is his parents love, _ ?55.Youd like a cup of tea, _ ?56.Dont be late again, _ ?57.Their prices are really low, _ ?58.Reading is good for you to learn English, _ ?祈使句祈使句指的是表示命令、请求、建议或劝告的句子。其主语 you 常省略,谓语动词用原形,句末用感叹号或句号,读降调。1. 肯定的祈使句(1)动词原形+其他Stand up, please. = Please stand up. 请起立。(2)Be + adj.Be careful! = Look out! = Take care! 小心 / 当心!(3)Lets + 动词原形Lets go to school together. 咱们一起上学去吧。nt
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