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2013 届学生毕业设计(论文)我国零售业物流发展现状及对策研究系 别:电子商务系年 级:2010 级学 号:201012620055姓 名:武兴刚专 业:营销与策划指导教师:许华艳二一三年四月摘 要I摘 要目前,物流已被提升到企业三大竞争力之一的高度,特别对零售业的大规模发展产生着重大的作用。正是基于我国零售业的比较弱小的发展现状以及物流作为“第三利润源泉”在提高零售业竞争力中的巨大作用,本论文从零售业的物流角度,揭示了零售业物流的内涵,分析了我国零售业的物流现状及存在的主要问题,以及对沃尔玛零售物流的分析对我国零售物流的启示。探讨了我国零售业的物流发展策略,提供了零售业的物流发展策略及其实施措施的一个总体决策模型,以求对我国零售业的物流发展有所启示,进而对我国零售业的发展有所贡献。连锁经营作为零售业的一次革命,近年来在中国取得了令人瞩目的发展。而连锁经营重要管理业务的物流管理,是连锁经营的基础和重要保证。物流管理是社会生产力发展到一定阶段对物流提出的客观要求。连锁经营离不开物流管理,尤其物流配送是实现连锁经营规模效益的关键因素。目前现代物流观念在我国的发展还不成熟,零售业物流在建设过程中还存在不少问题。本文首先介绍了零售业物流的相关概念及特点。分析了我国零售业物流的现状,在此基础上对零售业物流的发展进行初步的探讨,在配送中心、物流信息化和供应链物流建设方面提出了一些建议。关键词:零售业 零售业物流 发展现状 管理策略ABSTRACTIIABSTRACTAt present, logistics has been promoted to one of three big enterprise competitiveness of height, especially for the large scale development of the retail trade has a significant role. Based on the comparison of our countrys retail trade weak development present situation and logistics as the third profits source in improving competitive retail the huge function, this paper from retail logistics Angle, reveals the connotation of retail logistics in China is analyzed, and retail logistics present situation and main existing problems, as well as to the wal-mart retail logistics analysis to our country the enlightenment of retail logistics. The paper probes into the present retail logistics development strategy, provides retail logistics development strategy and the implementation measures of a general decision model of our countrys retail trade, in order to inspire the logistics development, and the development of Chinas retail industry to contribute.Retail chain operation as a revolution, in recent years in China has achieved remarkable development. And chain management important management business logistics management, chain operation is the basis and important guarantee. Logistics management is the social productivity development to a certain stage to put forward the objective requirement of the logistics. Chain management cannot leave the logistics management, especially the logistics distribution is the realization of scale chain-like management the key factors. At present the modern logistics concept in the development of our country still not mature, retail logistics in the construction process there are still many problems. This paper first introduces the retail logistics related concepts and characteristics. Analyzes the present situation of our countrys retail trade logistics, and based on this, the retail logistics development carries on the preliminary discussion, in the distribution center, logistics and supply chain logistics informatization construction, puts forward some Suggestions. KeyWords: Retail Retaillogistics Current Situation Of The Development Of Management Strategy目 录III目 录第 1 章 绪 论 .11.1 本设计(论文)的背景和意义 .11.2 本设计(论文)的主要方法和设计进展 .21.3 本设计(论文)的主要内容 .21.4 本设计(论文)的结构安排 .2第 2 章 我国零售业物流的概述 .32.1 零售业物流的概念 .32.1.1 零售业物流 .32.1.2 零售业物流的含义 .32.1.3 零售业物流的特点 .42.2 零售业与物流的关系 .42.2.1 物流活动是零售业的基本要素 .42.2.2 物流提供现代零售业发展的信息处理平台和技术 .52.2.3 物流发展推动现代零售业的发展 .52.3 物流对零售业的影响 .52.3.1 零售业的地位大大提高 .52.3.2 供应链管理的变化 .62.3.3 第三方物流成为物流业的主要组织形式 .62.3.4 信息的变化 .62.4 物流在零售业中的重要作用 .72.4.1 物流是零售业的特殊组成部分 .72.4.2 物流是降低零售业成本的重要途径 .72.4.3 物流保证了客户中心理念的实现 .7第 3 章 我国零售业物流发展趋势及现状 .83.1 我国零售业物流的发展趋势 .83.2 我国零售业物流发展现状分析 .83.3 我国零售业物流存在的主要问题分析 .9目 录IV3.3.1 思想观念的创新 .93.3.2 经营模式的创新 .93.3.3 管理体系的创新 .93.3.4 信息技术的创新 .103.4 零售业物流发展策略及其实施的总体决策目标 .103.4.1 成本、质量 .103.4.2 效果、环境性、柔性 .11第 4 章 影响我国零售业物流发展的主要因素 .124.1 物流观念落后 .124.2 物流效率低下 .124.3 物流人才缺乏 .
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