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1New Concept English Comprehensive CourseUnit One College Life Learning FocusExpress their feelings of college life. Describe the campus and the activities at college. Get the meanings of some new words and expressions. Know the English vowels and verb tenses. Write a Notice(通知). Section I Lead-inSection II ReadingText A What to Expect from College LifeBackgroundTypes of Colleges in the U.S. If youre planning to study in the U.S., you have a number of choices when it comes to pick your college. There are many types of schools, each having its own mission and purpose within American education.Two-year collegesTwo-year institutions, which are typically referred to as community or junior colleges, award the associate degree Associate of Arts (A.A.) or Associate of Science (A.S.) following successful completion of a two-year, full-time program. There are two basic types of programs at community and junior colleges. Some programs are strictly academic and designed to prepare students to transfer to four-year institutions with bachelors degree programs. Others are more practical or applied and provide career training in specific areas. This second type of school does not usually prepare students for transfer to a four-year institution, though some of the credits earned may still be accepted by a four-year institution. A small number of two-year colleges offer the final two years of the undergraduate program only, awarding the bachelors degree rather than the associate degree. Most community and junior colleges are publicly supported by the state and local communities, although some are private. Some private two-year colleges are proprietary or run for a profit.Four-year colleges and universitiesThe college or university (sometimes called an institute when it emphasizes engineering or other technical courses) awards the bachelors degree. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees are the most common, but a variety of bachelors degrees by other names are also granted. Bachelors degrees are typically awarded following successful completion of a four-year, full-time program. Programs in some fields of study or at some institutions can be longer than four years. There are both public and private colleges and universities in the United States, and some have an affiliation with a religious denomination.Public versus privatePublicly supported schools are generally state colleges or universities or two-year community colleges. These institutions receive most of their funding from the states in which they are located. Private schools generally have higher costs because they do not receive the same primary funding from the state and federal government. Colleges and universities with religious affiliations are 2private. Most of them are Christian (Roman Catholic and Protestant), although there are a small number of Jewish and Islamic institutions. In most cases, you do not need to be a member of a particular church or religious group to attend a religiously affiliated college and enrollment in these institutions will not usually interfere with your own religious views.Privately owned collegesProprietary institutions are different from other types of schools in that they are privately owned and run for a profit. They are educational businesses that offer services and courses similar to those at other institutions, but you need to be very careful and research their accreditation status. Their programs tend to be technical and pre-professional courses of study.Almost all the colleges in the United States are now coeducational, which means that both men and women attend. There are also a small number of single-sex schools, some for men and some for women. Faculty, administration, and staff members will likely be of both sexes at any college.Words and Expressionsa little bit 有点 He was a little bit under the weather. 他生病了。 Helen sings a little bit worse. 海伦唱得稍微差一点。 Can you try and persuade the supplier to boost the quantity a little bit? 能否请您去说服供货商稍微增加点供货呢?expect v. regard something as probable or likely 预期,盼望 ,期待 The journey was not as nice as we had expected. 旅途不像我们预想的那样好。 I expect I will be back on Sunday. 我预计我会在周日回来的。Phase n. any distinct time period in a sequence of events 局面,阶段 The child is going through a difficult phase. 那孩子正经历困难的阶段。support oneself 通过做某一种工作养活自己 She supported herself by making soil. 她靠种地为生。adjust to 适应, 调节 Could I adjust to Chinese life at 72? 岁的我能适应中国的生活吗? After Nigel left his academic post and went into business, it took him quite a while to adjust to the rat race. 奈杰尔弃学从商后,过了很长时间他才适应那种竞争激烈的环境。 Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness. 宇航员在飞行中必须适应失重状态。stand on ones own feet 自立,依靠自己 We should learn to stand on our own feet. 我们要学习依靠自己。 You should learn to stand on your own feet from now on. 3 从现在起,你应该学着自立了。 This expressed their determination to stand on their own feet. 这表达了他们自立更生的决心。hardship n.
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