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Computer Simulation and CAD for Control System 1. Aim of Teaching This course will impart Technology of Simulation to students, and makes it clear that there will be more and more efficient and practical Simulation Tools emerging with the development of technology. So we should learn and master them to catch up with the times.We will introduce the basic principles, concepts and methods of Technology of Simulation to students, since they are theoretic base to apply Simulation Tools efficiently.We will raise some practical project issues that are interesting and edificatory, and try to develop an environment where we can think freely and make innovation. So the students will realize that Technology of Simulation is a necessary tool in our study, scientific research and daily life.2. Contents of Teaching (20 courses)(1) Summary (4 courses): Introduce basic concepts, history of development and current application. (Using Multimedia)(2) Mathematical Description of System (4 courses): Expatiate the concepts of model, realization, method of numerical integration etc.(3) System Modeling (4 courses): Provide some examples of modeling and analysis to emphasize the importance of system modeling. For instance, Single inverted pendulum system, Anti-swing control of overhead crane system, Surface position control of water tank, Temperature control of boiler. (4) Examples of CAD in project (4 courses): An example related to all the courses is provided. Take the simulation of single-wheeled bicycle as background. First, give the modeling of system, and testify it. Then apply the classical control theory (double close-circled PID control) to it. In the end, artificial intelligent control theory (design of fuzzy controller) is applied. It means combining the technology of a Matlab/Simulink (model encapsulation, Fuzzy toolbox etc) with the theory and the knowledge that the students have learned. By applying the known to a practical example, the students can develop their interest and confidence of solving problems, so as to master an intact method of solving problems in project.Meanwhile, we provide several vivid practical project problems in examples and exercises. The analysis, design and simulation of these problems are helpful to improve students ability of analyzing and solving problems singly.(5) Methods of digital-simulation realization (4 courses): Expatiate the structural figure oriented to system, distribution according to module etc.3. Contents of ExperimentExperiment one (basic experiment of Matlab/Simulink): practise matrix operating, inserting value, plotting etc. The main purpose is to make students familiar with the environment of Matlab/Simulink.Experiment two (CAD Experiment of double close-circled, DC velocity-adjusting system): Students have to design adjustors of current and velocity according to the contents that have been learnt in the course Automation of electrical drive system, with the reference parameters of system. They also have to make a simulation of the designed system, and analyze the results.4. TestThe test of this course is in the form of writing reports. We emphasize the students ability of solving practical problems, concluding and composing scientific discourse.控制系统数字仿真与 CAD 课程简介1、教学目的本课程将向学生传授“ 仿真技 术” 这一利器,并要使学生清楚:随着新技 术的不断发展,将会不断地产生更有效、更实用的“仿真工具”,而我们应该不断地学习与掌握之,以使自己能够 “与时俱进”。为学生讲明“ 仿真技术” 中所涉及的基本原理、基本概念与基本方法,因为它是我们能够有效运用“ 仿真工具 ”的理论基础。为学生提出一些“ 生动有趣、启迪思想”的工程实际问题,努力创造一个“自由畅想、激 发创造”的空间,以使大家从中体会到:“ 仿真技术”是我们学习、科研以及生活中不可缺少的“ 有力工具 ”。2、授课内容(20 学时)(1)概述(4 学时):介绍仿真技术中的基本概念、发展历史与应用现状(采用多媒体)。(2)系统的数学描述(4 学时):阐述了模型、实现、数值积分方法等基本概念。(3)系统建模(4 学时):通过对“一阶直线倒立摆系统” 、“龙门吊车防摆控制系统”、 “水箱液位控制系统” 、“燃煤热水锅炉温度控制系统”的机理建模与分析,强化系统建模这一重要内容。(4)CAD 工程实例(4 学时):精心编排了一个贯穿全课程的例子,即以“ 独轮自行车实物仿真问题” 为背景,从“系统建模”、 “模型验证”、 “经典控制理论应用”(双闭环 PID 控制),到“人工智能控制理论应用”(模糊控制器设计),将MATLAB/Simulink 应用技 术(模型封装、Fuzzy 工具箱等内容)以及已学习过的理论和知识有机的结合起来;通过已掌握的知识在一个具体“实例” 上的应用,使学生能够不断地建立起“ 解决 问题的兴趣和信心” ,从而掌握一个完整的“解决工程问题的方法” 。同时,从例题到习题,给读者提供了 10 余个生动、形象的工程 实际问题,通过对这些问题的分析、设计与仿真试验研究,有助于提高学生“ 独立分析问题与解决问题” 的能力; (5)数字仿真的实现方法(4 学时):阐述了面向系统结构图、按环节离散化等数字仿真实现方法。3、实验内容(4 学时)实验一 (Matlab/Simulink 基础实验):进行矩阵运算、插 值、绘图等基本功能的演练,主要锻炼学生们熟悉 Matlab/Simulink 环境。实验二 (双闭环直流调速系统 CAD 实验):根据已掌握的“ 电力传动自动控制系统”课程内容,就给定的系统参数, 设计电流调节器与速度调节器;对所实现的系统进行仿真实验,并就结果进行必要分析。4、课程考核本课程的考核以写作“ 课程 报告” 的形式进行,重点考核学生“解决实际问题的能力”、 “归纳总结能力” 以及 “科技论文的撰写能力 ”。
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