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1与 to 搭配的名词大总结1. ambassador to 驻的大使2. access to 能进入 ;能接近;有接近的方法、权利或机会e.g.: the access to a building 到达(或进入)大楼的通路have no access to education 没有受教育的机会3. barrier / obstacle to 的障碍e.g.: an obstacle to progress 进步的障碍(set up / remove a barrier between 再中间设置/拆除障碍)4. adherence to 对的坚持(adhere to the original plan 坚持原来的计划)5. clue to 的线索e.g.: give / find a clue to the case 提供 / 找到关于的线索6. admission to 允许进入e.g.: admission to a school 准许入学7. concession to 对的让步e.g.: make a concession to 对让步 (concede to sb. 对某人让步)8. assent to 对的同意e.g.: give ones assent to a proposal 同意某人的建议(assent vi. to ones proposal)9. door to (open the doors to 向开门)e.g.: open the door(s) to a visitor 为来客开门This agreement opens the door to advances in technology.这项协议为技术发展开了大门。10. journey / trip / voyage / visit / excursion / visitor to swh. 到某地的旅行/拜访/ 远足/拜访者11. road / way to 通向的路approach to 通向的近路,入门;途径entrance to 的入口 (exit from)e.g.: the short approach to the house 通往屋子的近道This book provides a good approach to electronics.这是本很好的电子学入门书。212. attachment to 依恋,爱慕e.g.: We have a strong attachment to every tree and bush in Suzhou.我们对苏州的一草一木都怀有深厚的感情。She formed an attachment to him.他对她产生了爱慕之情。(We should attach primary importance to 我们应及其看重)13. tendency to / towards 的倾向e.g.: a tendency towards simpler administration 精简机构的趋势the tendency of todays young people to marry and bear children at late ages当前年轻人晚婚和晚育的趋势14. ticket to 活得想望之物的手段,达到目的的途径e.g.: He thought his law degree from the University of Houston would be his ticket to the good life. 他想他的休斯顿大学的法律学位将使他过上优裕的生活。15. resemblance to 与相像e.g.: He bears a strong resemblance to his father.他长得及像他爸。16. exception to 是的例外e.g.: There is an exception to this grammatical rule.这个语法规则有个例外。17. memorial / monument to 的纪念物e.g.: a memorial to the martyrs 烈士纪念碑the Monument to the Peoples Heroes 人民英雄纪念碑18. gratitude to 对的感谢e.g.: His heart swelled with gratitude to her.他心中充满着对她的感激之情。express ones gratitude to sb. for sth.为某事对某人表示感激19. secretary to 的秘书e.g.: He is (private) secretary to the minister.他是部长的(私人)秘书。20. guide to 的指南e.g.: a guide to a museum. 博物馆参观指南21. service to 为的服务e.g.: the spirit of wholehearted service to the people 全心全意为人民服务的精神22. opposition / objection to 对的反对e.g.: rise in opposition to colonialism 起来反对殖民主义find oneself in opposition to sb. on a question 发现自己在某问题上与某人意见相反3have no / have an objection to the plan 不反对/ 反对这计划23. reference to 谈及;参看e.g.: His book on history contains many references to George Washington.他的那部历史论著有很多处论及乔治华盛顿。make references to 提及24. stranger to e.g.: He is no stranger to me.他对我来说并不陌生。I am a complete stranger to city life.我对城市生活很不习惯。We are no strangers to this kind of thing.我们对于这类事是有亲身体会的。25. introduction to 的序言;的入门e.g.: An Introduction to Elementary English Grammar英语基础语法入门26. preface to 的序言e.g.: in the preface to this book 在本书的序言中27. subscription to 订阅e.g.: renew ones subscription to China Daily 续订中国日报28. invitation to 邀请去e.g.: send sb. an invitation to dinner 向某人发出参加晚宴的邀请30. successor to 的继承人,接班人e.g.: a true successor to the party leadership 党的领袖的名副其实的接班人31. appeal to 向的呼吁e.g.: make an appeal to sb. for sth.为某事向某人提出呼吁32. damage to 对的损害e.g.: do damage to 对产生损害33. application to 应用于e.g.: the application of new technology to printing and dyeing 印染业中新工艺的应用34. danger to 对有危险e.g.: dangers to health 对健康的威胁35. apprentice to 跟学徒e.g.: be bound apprentice to sb.做某人的学徒36. devotion / dedication to 奉献给4e.g.: devotion to duty 忠于职守37. alternative to 供选择的东西;供抉择的解决办法;供替代的抉择e.g.: an alternative to gold 金的代用品Is there any alternative to surgery (或 to undergoing a surgical operation)?除外科手术外还有无其他办法?38. contribution to 对的贡献e.g.: make greater contributions to the cause of 为的事业做出更大贡献39. credit to 为增光的人(事)e.g.: The young girls success is a credit to us.姑娘们所做出的成绩是我们的光荣。40. end to 是的结束e.g.: demand an end to all unequal treaties 要求废除一切不平等条约There is no end to progress.进步无止境。41. answer / reply to 的答复42. limit to 对的限制e.g.: set a limit to the number of passengers 限制乘客的人数43. resistance to 抵抗,抵制e.g.: make / offer resistance to the enemys attack 抵御敌人的进攻44. victim to 是的牺牲品e.g.: fall a victim to ones own avarice 成为贪婪的牺牲品45. solution to 的解决办法e.g.: the solution to a riddle 谜底The solutions to the questions are at the back of the book.习题解答见书后。offer solutions to a crisis 提出解决危机的方案46. indifference to 对无所谓/不关心/不计较e.g.: show indifference to personal affairs 不计较个人得失47. ratio to 的比率e.g.: The ratio of pupils to teachers was 30 to 1.学生和教师的比率是 30 比 1。The number of strikes increased in (direct) ratio to the rise in the cost of living.罢工次数与生活费用的上涨成(正)比例地增加。48. witness to 的证明5e.g.: These facts are a witness to his ignorance. 这些事实证明了他的无知。49. reaction to 对的反应e.g.: What was his reaction to our proposal? 他对我们的提议有什么反应?50. toast to 向敬酒e.g.: propose a toast to the health of the guests 提议为来宾健康干杯
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