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2009 年小学英语毕业复习资料 (21) 第 1 页,共 2 页2009 年 小 学 英 语 毕 业 复 习 资 料 (21)姓 名 座 号 得 分 一 、 选 择 填 空 。( 15 分 )( )1. What would you like breakfast? A. on B. to C. for ( )2. stronger ? Mike.A. Whos B. Which C. Whose( )3. You will feel .A. soon better B. soon well C. better soon( )4. mother is very happy.A. She B. Shes C. Her ( )5. Its 8:00. The girl TV. A. watches B. is watching C. watched ( )6. What are you going to ?A. did B. do C. does( )7. He TV tomorrow evening.A. is going to watch B. watches C. watched ( )8. did you go to Beijing? By plane. A. What B. Where C. How ( )9. I the piano last weekend. A. play B. am going to play C. played ( )10. My arm .A. hurt B. is hurt C. hurts ( )11、Alice and her sister twins.A. is B. am C. are( )12、Please come my twelfth birthday party.A. at B. to C. on ( )13、Do you have a dictionary? .A. Yes, I dont B. No, I dont C. No, Im not( )14、I have big apple.A. a B. an C. /( )15、The students are because they won the game. A. happy B. sad C. bored二、阅读理解。(A)阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择正确选项,将序号填在括号里。 (10 分)There are always four seasons in our city: spring, summer, fall and winter. In spring, the weather is warm. I can plant trees and fly kites. Summer is usually hot, but its my favourite season. I can swim in the sea. We usually go to the beach(海滩 ) by car. Fall is sunny and cool. I usually climb mountains with my friends. We often go there by bike. In winter, its cold and snowy. I can make a snowman in the park. I usually go to the park by subway.( )1. Its in spring.A. hot B. warm C. cool( )2. What can I do in summer? .A. Swim B. Plant trees C. Fly kites ( )3. I like best.A. spring B. winter C. summer ( )4. The weather is in fall.A. sunny and cool B. sunny and cold C. warm and cool( )5. How can I go to the park? .A. By car B. By subway C. By bike( B) 阅 读 短 文 , 根 据 短 文 内 容 , 判 断 下 面 句 子 的 对 错 , 对 的 在 括 号 里 打“”, 错 的 打 ”。 ( 10 分 )Dear jack,How are you? We had fun in Shanghai every day. On Tuesday, we went to a park. We took many pictures. On Wednesday, we climbed a mountain. We had a picnic, sang and danced there. On Thursday, we went to a big restaurant. We ate good food. On Friday, we played basketball with four Chinese boys, and we 2009 年小学英语毕业复习资料 (21) 第 2 页,共 2 页learned Chinese from them, too. We were very happy. Yours, Larry( )1. Larry and her friends were happy in Shanghai.( )2. Jack and his friends ate good food on Wednesday.( )3. Larry and her friends took many pictures at a park. ( )4. On Wednesday, Larry and her friends had a picnic, sang and danced on a mountain. ( )5. Larry taught the Chinese boys English三、英汉互译。 (10 分)A 组:在下面的英语单词右边的括号里写上相应意思的汉语。Mar. ( ) Sun. ( ) do homework( )pen pal( ) higher( )B 组:找出汉语相应意思的英语单词,并抄写在该汉语右边的横线上。(banana, peach, apple, strawberry, grape)苹果 香蕉 草莓 桃子 葡萄 四、连词成句。注意大小写和标点符号。 (10 分)1. the, its, bank, near 2. match, is, football, a, there (?)3. to, shop, theyre, the, plant, going 4. the, you, monkey, do, little, like (?)5. are, to, when, the, going, supermarket, you (?)五、看图完成下列句子。每空只填一词。 (5 分)1、The ruler is than the pencil.2、She likes a .3、Zhang Peng is football with his friends now. 4、Peters mother is a .2009 年小学英语毕业复习资料 (22) 第 1 页,共 2 页2009 年 小 学 英 语 毕 业 复 习 资 料 (22)姓 名 座 号 得 分 一 、 选 择 填 空 。( 15 分 )( )1. Its seven oclock now. Peter TV in the bedroom. A. watch B. watches C. is watching ( )2. Lets a game. A. play B. to play C. plays ( )3. She likes English books.A. read B. reading C. reads ( )4. This is pen. That is orange.A. an, a B. a, an C. the, an ( )5. Sarah busy yesterday.A. is B. are C. was ( )6. - can I go there?-You can take a bus.A. Who B. How C. How about( )7. -What you there?-I sang and danced with my new friends. A. do, do B. did, did C. did, do ( )8. Lets read Lesson 1 Lesson 6.A. in; out B. on; under C. from; to ( )9. Whats the matter you?A. for B. with C. at ( )10. -Thank you! - A. Thank you! B. OK. C. Youre welcome. ( )11、Please come to my birthda
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