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9.第九章 名词及冠词(41-47 )一名词单数名词 名词前加 a / an可数名词复数名词 名词后加 s / es 按照 数 分类不可数名词 只有单数形, 且不可加 a /an普通名词 集合名词(可数名词)按照 种类 分类抽象名词 物质名词;专有名词 (不可数名词)School begins in September. *School 是不可数名词 *go to school, 去上学 go to the school 去到学校*There are three schools in this town. *School 学校这个建筑物 *go to bed,去睡觉, go to the bed 上床去(1). 普通名词 book, pencil, sweater 等 1. Whales are mammals. 鲸是哺乳类动物 mammal 哺乳类= A whale is a mammal. = The whale is a mammal.2. I met a boy. The boy had a ball in his hands. (2) 群体名词A: 单数,复数皆可 Family, audience, class, club, company, crew, crowd, government, public, staff, team1. His family is a big one. His family are all tall.2. Our team has won the championship.The team were all excited.B: 复数形 police, cattle, people, poultry.家禽1. The police have caught him. 警察已经抓到他了。2. Many people angry at the case.C: 单数形 baggage, clothing, furniture, machinery 机器, merchandise 商品货物, poetry 诗歌, scenery 景色重点:特殊的集合名词a. 表水果总称 用不加冠词单数形 fruit.b. 表水果种类 一种: a fruit. A kind of fruit, two kinds of fruit 两种以上: fruits.fruitc. 表 成果,结果 Fruits (抽象 )1. Do you eat much fruit?2. The potato is not a fruit but a vegetable.3. His success was the fruits of hard work.2.a.表数量 一条鱼: a fish; 两条以上: two fish.b.表种类 一种: a fish; 两种以上 : fishes, dishFishc.表 鱼肉 fishI caught three fish yesterday.There are a lot of fishes living in the sea.3.表人们 People (复数)一个是 a person 两个人 two persons.people表国民,民族 一个 a peope; 两个以上:peoplesThe people were injured in the accident.The Chinese are said to be an industrious people. 中国人是勤奋的民族。 Mary is said to be an industrious person.Industry 的(1)形容词解释成 industrial 工业的;(2 )industrial 勤奋的4.表全部 :hairhair表根根 :a hair / hairsShe has thick hair. He pulled out two white hairs.(3) 抽象名词:Kindness, beauty, honestya. 一般情形:不加冠词,单数形。1. I like music. 2. This is important information.b. 表程度可加 much, any, some, (a) little 等。1. I have little hope of succeeding. 2. I have a lot of homework to do.c: 表限定,加 the 1. Necessity is the mother of invention. 2. You should know the difficulty of learning how to drive a car.d: 数抽象名词是 用 a piece of / an item of 等。1. He gave me a wonderful piece of advice. *two pieces of advice.2. She sent us an item of news.e. 表示各别行为事件时可加 a(an),也可用复数形1. The computer is a marvelous invention.2. I will tell you my views of the matter.f: 介词+抽象名词-of+ 抽象名词 =形容词With+抽象名词=副词1. He is a man of ability. = He is an able man.He is a man of power. = He is a powerful man.2. The information is of no value to me. = The information is valueless to me. 3. Mary passed the exam with ease. = Mary passed the exam easily.注意:介系词的后面加上一个抽象概念的名词,就会变成形容词或者副词的用法。of importance = important. With care = carefully. On purpose = intentionally. By accident = accidently(4) 物质名词light, water, money 等A. 一般情形 不加冠词,单数形1. This statue is made of stone. (stone 物质名词) 小石头叫 pebble. 岩石 rock 巨石 boulder注意:The crowd threw stones at the police.B. 限定的量可加 some, a lot of, much 等。1. I dont need much money to buy that camera. 2. We have little rain here. 这里几乎不下雨。C. 特定的物品可加冠词,代名词或所有格等。1. This beef is from Australian.2. Lets go to the liquor store.D: 将物质名词量化 数字+ +物质名词形状:a piece of chalk 一支粉笔, a sheet of paper, 一张纸(有规格的) ,a piece of paper 一张纸(没有规格)a slice of bread. 一片面包容器:a bottle of cola, a glass of water, a cup of tea.单位:a pound of butter, a liter of milk, a spoonful of sugar.*一群鱼类 (只有鱼类才可以用 school 这个群体单位) a school of whales.*牛群,羊群, a herd of milk. 一群鸟 a flock of birds (5) 专有名词- Mary, Youth Park, Japan 等。A:一般情形-开头字母大写,不加冠词,没有复数形。1. Dr Jones photographed many wild animals in Africa.2. Henry walked down Bridge Street to save time.B: 加定冠词之专有名词河川,海洋,海峡等 The Amazon, the Pacific Ocean.船,列车 the Titanic, the MRT.公共建筑:the White House, the British Musem.报纸,杂志:the Times, the AsahiC: 加必定冠词或复数形的专有名词1. A Mr. Brown has come to see you. 有一个叫 Brown 先生的人来看你了。2. He is the Edison of Taiwan. 他是台湾的爱迪生。 (表示他也会发明东西,被称为台湾的爱迪生)3. My wife was a Smith. 我太太是属于 Smith 家族的一员。4. He has two Picassos. 他又两幅毕卡索的画。二, 名词的复数形(1) 规则变化字尾以,s,x,ch,sh,或子音加 o.= buses,boxes, churches,dishes,heroes. Heroine(女英雄)字尾子+y= 去 y+ies:cities,babies.字尾 f,fe=去 f,fe+ves:leaves, wives注意:Stomachs, pianos, photos, roofs, safes, beliefs *safe 当形容词安全的,当名词保险箱。Safety.名词安全(2) 不规则变化常用的不规则变化名词 Man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, mouse- mice, child- children单数,复数同行: Japanese, Chinese, carp, sheep, deer, species外来语的复数形 datum-data, medium-media, crisis-crises, analysis-analyses文字,数字简称的复形 UFOs/ UFOs; The 80s/ 80s; CDs / CDs复合名词的复数形:Passer-by -passers-by; College student- college student; Woman astronaut-women astronauts重点: 1.单数,复数意思不同时Paper-papers(文件), work-works(工厂) 一间工厂 a works 许多间工厂 many works, part-parts(零件,才能) 有才能的人 a man of parts, water-waters(水域,海域) the waters of Adamson 亚马孙河的水 . Ash(烟灰)-ashes( 骨灰; 灰烬); force(力量)-forces( 空军军队); the armed forces 海陆空三军. Arm(手臂)-arms(武器)Custom(风俗)-customs(关税) The customs 海关, manner(方法)-manners(礼仪); table manners 餐桌礼仪Letter(信件)-letters(文学); a dear-John letter 一封绝交的分手信 Air- airs(装腔作势) Tom like to put on airs. Tom 喜欢装腔作势2.必用复数形-glasses 眼镜, contact
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