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1法律文件严谨,采取各种语言手段防止误解或歧义;其内容必须字面化、外部化,说一是一,说二是二。含蓄的表达、深层的蕴涵在法律文件中无施展的余地。在用词方面,法律文件除了专门术语外,还常用一部分古词、旧词。特别是 here,there,where 加介词构成的复合副词,如: hereto,herein,hereunder,hereinabove,thereon,therein, thereof,thereat,therethrough,wherein,whereby,whereof, wherefor 等等。古体副词的大量使用提高法律文件的正式程度,也形成了法律文件特有的稳定性和保守性。在句法方面,法律文件长句多,几十字、上百字的长句司空见惯。2为了把话说得天衣无缝,不惜运用各种附加语、修饰语、说明语,以致句法成分前后编插、枝权横生,句子结构膨胀,语法关系复杂,读来不畅。行文中少用代词,宁可重复名词。在篇章结构方面,有的甚至通篇不用逗号表示停顿。但是,为了突出内容要点和逻辑程序,法律文件也采用一定的版面手段,如大小写,变换字体、序列和布局等。根据法律文件的特征,翻译上有如下要求:Legal Document TranslationFrom stylistic point of view, the legal document is rigorous, so it adopts every language method to prevent misunderstanding or ambiguity. Its content must be 3literally clear and outspoken. The expressions must be clear and definite rather than implicit and profound. With regard to words, the legal document adopts technical terms, as well as some ancient words; particularly the compound adverbs of “here”, “there”, “where” etc. adding a preposition, such as “hereto”, “herein”, “hereunder,” “hereinabove”, “thereon”, “therein”, “thereof”, “thereat”, “therethrough”, “wherein”, “whereby”, “whereof”, “wherefor” and so on. The massive application of ancient adverbs enhances formality of legal document, and has formed a unique stability and conservativeness of this 4document. On syntax, legal document uses many long sentences. Sentences with decades of or even a hundred words are commonly seen. In order to make the statements flawless, legal document will use various kinds of addition, modifier, and explanation; as a result, the syntax ingredients become interlocking, the sentence structure expanding, and the grammar relation complex. In addition, legal document seldom uses pronouns but repeats the preceding nouns.On chapter structure, legal document sometimes doesnt use any comma to express a pause in the whole text. However, in order to lay 5stress on the main points of content and the logical program, the legal document also uses certain methods, like capital or small letters, typeface transformation, sequence and layout and so on. According to the stylistic characteristics of legal document, the translation should stick to the following principles:一、用词精当注意同义词在不同译文中的差别,保持词义在上下文中的一致性,使语句严谨。例如:I. Precise and Appropriate WordingA translator of legal document must pay close attention to 6discrepancy of synonyms in different versions. He must keep the word meanings in the context uniform and the sentences rigorous. For example:(1) Original: Unless it is legally or physically impossible, the contractor shall execute and complete the works and remedy the defects therein in strict accordance with the contract to the satisfaction of the engineer. Version: 除法律或外界条件不允许的情况之外,承包商应严格按合同施工和竣工,并改正工作中的任何缺陷,达到工程师满意的程度。physical 在哲学上与 mental 相对,释义为“物质的”、 “自然的”。但7这里如光说“物质的”,易生歧义,可能仅仅与具体的物质材料联系起来;如光说“自然的”,也不尽然。这里译为“外界条件”,即人为以外的条件。From philosophical point of view, “physical” is the contrast of “mental”, meaning “material(物质的)”or “natural(自然的)”. However, in the above sentence, it is inappropriate to translate “physical” into either “物质的” or “自然的”, because both of them will easily cause ambiguity. Therefore, it is translated into “外界条件”, namely “external conditions excluding artificially imposed ones”.(2) Original: 如在解释上遇有分歧,8应以英文本为准。Version: In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevailThe corresponding English words of “解释 ” include “construction”, “exposition”, “explanation” and “interpretation” and so on. Here “解释” refers to a formal usage to a legal article. So it should be appropriately translated into “interpretation”.二、要言重复在法律文件中,重要词语(主要是名词)反复出现,一般不使用指代词。这一方面为避免歧义,另一方面也9为了强调,中英文都如此。II. Repeat the Important Words and ExpressionsGenerally speaking, legal document seldom uses pronouns but repeat some important words and expressions (mainly nouns and noun phrases) in the context for the purpose of avoiding ambiguity on one hand, and laying stress on important items on the other. This is suitable to both English and Chinese legal documents. For example:(1) Original: Having examined the conditions of contract, specification, drawings and bill of quantities for the execution of the above-named works, we, the undersigned, offer to execute and complete such works in 10conformity with the conditions of contract, specification, drawings and bill of quantities.Version: 我们,即文末签字人,在审核了关于建造上述工程的合同条件、技术要求、图纸和工程量清单后,提出按上述合同条件、技术要求、图纸和工程量清单施工并完成上述工程。(2) Original: 如果承包商未按合同要求作任何保险,并使之保持有效,那么雇主可以作任何此种保险,并使之保持有效。Version: If the contractor fails to effect and keep in force any of the insurances required under the contract,then the employer may effect and keep in force any such insurances.11三、简洁精练法律语言贵在简洁,一字不多,一字不少,新墨西哥大学法律教授Henry weihofen 在 法律文体一书中写道:“Conciseness is particularly important for lawyers. Lawyers, more than most writers, must say exactly, what they mean, no more and no less. Every additional word is one more potential source of ambiguity.” 所以
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