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小学备课教案(英语)第六年级上册 设计者: 施教者: 课 题 Unit 1 You should obey the rules. 教学目标言语技能目标1能够用英语表述在学校、家庭、公共场所应该遵守的一些规则,并能在实际生活中自觉运用。2会使用 do, dont, should, shouldnt, must, mustnt提醒、劝告别人遵守各种规则。3能够看懂简单的英文标志牌。语言知识目标1能够正确地听、说、认读以下单词和短语:question, actively, dont, noise, shouldnt, mess, make a mess, room, keep, clean, set, too, late, respect, and, them, take good care of, young, children, keep off, grass, mustnt, cross, now, spit, ground, litter2能够正确地听、说、读、写以下单词和短语:carefully, ask, make, eat, should, go, early, home, go home, look, look out, must, wait, good3能够正确地听、说、认读下面的句子:Dont be late for class/schoolYou shouldnt make a mess in your roomYou mustnt cross the road now! 4能够正确地听、说、读、写这些句子:Listen to the teacher carefullyYou should go to bed earlyLook out! You must wait5能够熟练准确地说唱 3个 chants;熟悉字母组合 oo, ur, ch在单词中的读音规律,对/ u: /, / ? /, / tS /三个音素发音准确、清晰。情感态度目标1熟悉社会生活中的各种规则,并能够自觉遵守各种规章制度,努力使自己成为一个有良好社会公德的小公民。2培养学生尊老爱幼的良好品质以及讲究卫生、遵守秩序等良好的行为习惯。文化意识目标1将我国公民在社会生活中应当遵守的守则同国外情况进行对比,弘扬中华民族的集体主义、尊老爱幼等传统美德。2体会英语中如何使用不同的口吻和语气表述规则,命令他人或规劝他人。教具、课件 教学挂图 录音机 磁带 白纸课时安排 6课时第一课时教学目标:1 讨论制定班级的规章制度。2重点聚焦:Listen to the teacher carefullyHand in your homework on timeDont be late for classDont make noise in classHe knows everyone in school should obey the rulesHe never makes noise in classHe is a group leaderHis group is making a list of rules for the class3 Use the words and sentences correctly.教学重点: 1正确运用单词及句型,能够制定班规。2 小组能运用所学的知识,完成拓展任务。教学难点:能够运用正确的句型,制定班规。教学方法:教法:交际法,小组活动学法:交际法,小组合作教学准备:1准备本课教学挂图和录音磁带2准备若干张纸,供学生填写班级规则。教师活动 学生活动1Warming up:1.listen to the song Sing the song and do 教学过程:Nice to see you again.2.Show some photos and answer questionsPresentation:(情景导入)Say hello to the students each other:Nice to see you again.How is you holiday? 2. Show teaching picture and Introduce GaoWei to the students. Then listen to the tape .3. Show teaching pictures:(指导学生自主学习)Listen to the teacher carefully.Hand in your homework on time.Dont be late for class.Dont make noise for class.4.Listen and ask questions.5. Listen and read.(检测学生自学效果)Practice:1.Ask and answer questions:2.Play a game.3.Make class rules.(课堂巩固训练)4.Make a new dialoge and act it out.(精讲点拨)5.Lets read and chant.actions.Listen, try to understand the teacher and do Say hello to the teacher.listen to the tape and understand the meaning.Watching and understanding. Listen and answers questions.Listen and read.Answer questions:Play a gameMake class rules.Make a new dialogue and act it out.Homework:Make school rules and draw them.Homework:Make school rules and draw them.板书设计:Lesson 1Class Rules :Listen to the teacher carefully.Hand in your homework.Dontbe late for class.Dont make noise in class.教学反思:第二课时教学内容:讨论制定班级的规章制度。学习如何使用动词原形表达“应该”做什么;学习如何使用 dont表达“不应该”做什么。重点聚焦:Listen to the teacher carefullyHand in your homework on timeDont be late for classDont make noise in class教学重点:准确运用句型来制定班规教学难点: 实际运用语言,能够表述班规。教法与学法:教法:交际法,练习法学法:小组合作,说唱形式教师活动 学生活动1热身 / 复习(Warming-up / Revision)1)播放歌曲 Nice to see you again的录音,全班同学随着录音,边唱边做动作相互问候。同时,活跃课堂气氛,使假期后重返课堂的学生尽快回到英语学习的氛围中来。2)教师出示一些假期旅游时拍摄的照片或录像向大家做简单介绍,回答学生提出的问题,在介绍和回答问题的过程中,可以使用一些学生学过的英语,使学生在较短时间内能在宽松愉悦的气氛中迅速回到英语学习中来。2新课导入(Presentation)1)Revise the class rules.2)Talk about the class rules.3)展示教学挂图,(情景导入)或者教师在黑板上画简笔画,根据学生情况使用汉语或英语介绍。接着播放录音,让学生看挂图理解本课主要内容。4)利用挂图中气泡里的内容,或者教师在黑板上画简笔画,表达出 Listen to the teacher carefullyHand in your homework on timeDont be late for classDont make noise in Sing the song.Answer questionsTalk about the class rules.Listen and understand.class等内容.(精讲点拨)5)Do Part 1 Just Practice .do the pairwork.(学生自主学习)6)Do Part 3 Lets make and talk.(检测学生自学效果)3趣味操练(Practice)1)Do Lets chant. The turkey turns, turns around.The turkey turns on the light.The nurse turns, turns around.The nurse turns off the light.(拓展内容)2)逐条领读黑板上的各项规则,并询问学生能否遵守。在选举课代表的基础之上,教师进一步布置自荐小组长的任务。4拓展活动:让学生讨论在学校还应遵守哪些规则,并通过查字典等方式了解这些规则的英文表达。最后制订出英语日常行为规范表. (教学小结提升)Do pair work.Make and talk .Do the chant.Make class rules.板书设计Lesson 2Listen to the teacher carefullyHand in your homework on timeDont be late for classDont make noise in class教学反思第三课时教学目标:1Students learn to say: You should help to set the dinner table. You should go to bed early. You should keep your room clean. You shouldnt read in bed. You shouldnt watch TV till late. You shouldnt make a mess in your room Students learn to use: You should /You shouldnt .2能够正确地听、说、读、写以下单词和短语:carefully, ask, make, eat, should, go, early, home, go home, look, look out, must , wait, good教学重点:学习如何用 should和 shouldnt表达“应该做”的和“不应该做”的事情。教学难点:学习如何用 should和 shouldnt表达“应该做”的和“不应该做”的事情。教学准备:1准备本课的教学挂图,录音磁带。教学挂图可以复制后把小图分别裁开使用。2拍摄一个家庭生活小片段或由学生课余编排一个小品。3准备若干张彩纸或白纸。教法与学法:教法:交际法,情境法学法:小组合作教师活动 学生活动1热身 / 复习(Warming-up / Revision)1)猜词游戏:两个学生为一组,一个面对黑板,另一个背对黑板。教师拿着上节课的教师卡片,先让大家看,再让背对黑板的学生看。背对黑板的学生做动作,面对黑板的学生根据搭档做的动作猜句子,猜对三个以上即可评为“好搭档” ,换另一组继续作游戏。2)Revise the class rules.2新课导入(Presentation)1)用图片导入:将先前用过的表示 Good manners的图片中的人物替换成
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