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大型油罐水压试验方案Hydrostatic Testing Procedure for tank1 PURPOSE 目的The procedure specified the conditions, process and requirements of hydrostatic testing.本程序规定了水压试验的条件、过程和要求。2 SCOPE 范围The procedure applies to hydrostatic testing activity of butadiene tanks TXX2/XX3.本程序适用于XX储罐TXX2/XX3 的水压试验工作。3 REFERENCE 编制依据GBJ128-90 Code for construction and acceptance of vertical cylindrical steel welded tanksGBJ128-90 立式圆筒形钢制焊接油罐施工及验收规范XX Standard Vertical Tanks Field Erection and TestingXX 标准直立罐- 现场安装和试验API 620 Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage TanksAPI 620 大型焊接低压储罐设计和施工4 THE CONDITIONS PROVIDED WITH BEFORE HYDROSTATIC TESTING 水压试验进行之前应具备下列条件The following actions shall be completed before filling with water:在充水之前,下列工作应该完成:4.1 罐底的所有焊缝应进行完真空箱试漏检查,并且检查合格;All welded joints in the bottom of the tank shall be inspected by means of a vacuum box, and accepted.4.2 罐底与罐壁的角焊缝应进行真空箱试漏检查,并且检查合格;The shell to bottom joints shall be inspected by means of a vacuum box, and accepted.4.3 开孔的补强板应通入空气进行焊缝严密性检查,并且检查合格;The weld tightness of the reinforced plate around the opening shall be inspected by applying air, andaccepted.4.4 沉降观测支座安装完毕;The points for settlement monitoring shall be finished.4.5 所有的焊接工作都已经结束,并检查合格。All of welding activities have been finished , and accepted.5 HYDROSTATIC TESTING PROCEDURES 水压试验程序5.1 General 一般说明5.1.1 Storage tanks should be filled in four stages. 应分四个阶段充水Duration and interval between the various stages shall depend on the subsoil conditions and the settlementmonitoring during hydrostatic testing. According to the designed documents, the subsoil conditionsunderneath tank pad of TXX2/XX3 are stiff clay.不同阶段的持续时间和间隔时间应取决于地层土质和试验过程中的沉降观测计划。根据设计文件,TXX2/XX3 罐基础的土质为硬粘泥土。5.1.2 The settlement during and after hydrostatic testing must be monitored and recorded.试验过程中和试验后应进行沉降观测和记录。5.1.3 Water shall be fresh water.水应新鲜。5.2 Basic Data 基本数据Filling height =21.6m充水高度=21.6m5.3 Provisions 有关规定The provisions described in 5.3.1 through 5.3.5 shall be applied during and after water filling for thehydrostatic test.水压试验期间和水压试验之后,应满足5.3.1到5.3.5中描述的规定。5.3.1 The tank shall be vented to the atmosphere when it is filled with or emptied of water.在充水和放水时,罐应和空气相通。5.3.2 Differential settlement, or uniform settlement of substantial magnitude, requires an immediate stop towater filling. Any further filling with water will depend on of the measured settlement.沉降不均匀或均匀沉降量过大时,需要立即停止充水。如果继续充水应依赖于测量的沉降值。5.3.3 The tank shall be filled with water to the design liquid level.罐应充水到设计的液位。5.3.4 After the tank is filled with water and before pneumatic test pressure is applied, anchor bolts shall betightened against to the hold-down brackets.在充水之后和充气之前,地脚螺栓应紧固在支座上。5.3.4 All welds in the shell, including the corner weld between the shell and the bottom, shall be visuallychecked for tightness.所有罐壁上的焊缝,包括大角焊缝应检查严密性。5.4 Testing Rate 试验速率Stage 1 阶段1Filling of the tank to 10.0m, the rate of filling should 2 meters per day. The total filling per day should becompleted in a period of not less than 3 hours. During the ensuing balance of hours in the days total of 24, thefoundation will be allowed to equilibrate/consolidate/be monitored. A minimal equilibration/monitoring periodof 6 hours are considered to be necessary.以每天2米的充水速度充水到10.0米。每天总充水量宜在不少于3小时的期间内完成。在接下来的时间里,对基础应进行均衡/巩固/监测。至少6小时的均衡 /监测时间是很必要的。At the end of stage 1, there will be an 36-hour equilibration/monitoring period before commencement of stage2.在阶段1结束和阶段 2开始之前,应有 36个小时的均衡 /监测时间。Stage 2 阶段2Filling of the tank from 10.0m to 14.5m; the rate of filling should 1.25 meters per day. The total filling time andequilibration/monitoring period per day should be as for stage 1 above. A minimal equilibration/monitoringperiod of 8 hours is considered to be necessary.以每天1.25米的充水速度从10米充水到14.5米。每天的总充水时间和均衡/监测时间见上述的阶段1。至少8 小时的均衡/监测时间是很必要的。At the end of stage 2, there should be a 36-hour equilibration/monitoring period before commencement ofstage 3.在阶段2结束和阶段 3开始之前,应有 36小时的均衡 /监测时间。Stage 3 阶段3Filling of the tank from 14.5m to 18.0m; the rate of filling should 0.75 meters per day. The total filling time andequilibration/monitoring period per day should be as for stage 1 above. A minimal equilibration/monitoringperiod of 8 hours is considered to be necessary.以每天0.75米的充水速度从14.5米充水到18.0米。每天的总充水时间和均衡/监测时间见上述的阶段1。至少8小时的均衡/监测时间是很有必要的。At the end of stage 3, there should be a 48-hour equilibration/monitoring period before commencement ofstage 4.在阶段3结束和阶段 4开始之前,应有 48小时的均衡 /监测时间。Stage 4 阶段4Filling of the tank from 18.0m to 21.6m; the rate of filling should 0.5 meters per day. The total filling time andequilibration/monitoring period per day should be as for stage 1 above. A minimal equilibration/monitoringperiod of 10 hours is considered to be necessary.以每天0.5 米的充水速度从18.0米充水到21.6米。每天的充水时间和均衡/监测时间见上述的阶段1。至少10小时的均衡/监测时间是很有必要的。At the end of stage 4, the tank must be left fully filled and monitored for at least 4 more days.在阶段 4 结束时段,罐应充满水和至少 4 天的监测时间。Stage 5 阶段5所有的检查项
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