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商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养策略探析A Probe into Cultivation Strategies of Intercultural Communication Competence in Business English LearningAcknowledgementsThis thesis could not have been completed without my supervisor, Mr. Wang, who has guided and supported me in the completion of my work. He is not only my academic adviser but also a role model, one who accepts different opinions and shares knowledge with colleagues. At the beginning of my work, he initially provided me with advice that stimulated my?academic curiosity and my research idea and has shown a thoughtful interest in my progress through the whole process. Furthermore, he offers me insightful comments and thoughtful assistance throughout the writing of the paper, which I greatly appreciate. I also thank my friends, Li Qi, Zhou Meng, Gao Tian, Zhang Bingjie for providing me with invaluable academic advice and encouragement. I am?grateful to them for being my friends and academic consultants in the past two years. Additionally, my sincere appreciation goes to Ms. He, a?very knowledgeable teacher, who embraced my interdisciplinary research idea at?its initial stage. In one word, I would like to thank all those who have ever helped me.At last, I appreciate all loving considerations from my beloved family. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who have given me their warm help and precious time to work out my problems during the tough course of the thesis.AbstractWith the development of global economy, intercultural communication becomes increasingly significant and frequent today. China, as a member of WTO, gets involved in more communications with other countries. More talents are in great need for China, who have a good command of English knowledge and intercultural communication competence as well to adapt to international competition. Thus students majoring in Business English are faced with both great opportunities and challenges. That is to say, they should not only make it clear what the definition of culture and intercultural communication is, but realize the strategy for cultivating intercultural communication competence in study. Armed with these essential competences, we can overcome culture barriers and reduce culture conflicts on international business occasions Strengthening the development of intercultural communication competence contributes to successful international business communications. In this thesis, by analyzing the importance and necessity of business communication from a global perspective, the present author aims to help the Business English learners to establish the awareness of intercultural communication, in order to cultivate the strategies of intercultural communication and improve their communication competence.Key words: culture; intercultural communication competence; Business English内 容 摘 要如今,经济全球化使跨文化交流日趋重要,日益频繁。作为世界贸易组织成员国之一的中国,更多地参与到了与他国的商务交流之中。为适应国际竞争的需要,中国需要既掌握了大量英语专业知识,又具备跨文化交际能力的复合型人才。因此,商务英语专业学生面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。换言之,对商务英语专业学生的培养不仅应该让其了解什么是文化,什么是跨文化交流;更应该使之明白如何在学习中培养跨文化交际能力的策略。拥有这些必备的能力,在将来的国际商务活动中就能有效地克服文化障碍,减少文化冲突。加强跨文化交际能力的培养有助于国际商务交际的成功开展。本文通过分析全球化视阈下商务交际的重要性和必要性,从而使学习者树立跨文化商务交际意识,旨在培养跨文化商务交际策略,提高其交际能力。 关键词:文化;语言;跨文化交际能力;商务英语ContentsAcknowlegements IAbstract II内 容 摘 要 III1 Introduction 12 The Background of Intercultural Communication 22.1 The Definition of Culture 22.2 The Definition of Intercultural Communication 23 Intercultural Communication in Business English Learning 33.1 The Background of Business English 33.2 The Necessity of Cultivating Intercultural Communication Competence in Business English Learning 43.2.1 An Inevitable?Requirement of Economic Globalization 43.2.2 A Need for a Bridge over Culture Barriers 54 The Cultivation Strategies of Intercultural Communication Competence in Business English Learning 64.1 To Cultivate Students Intercultural Awareness 64.1.1 To Compare Cultural Differences 74.1.2 To Develop Different Thinking Patterns 84.2 To Develop Culture-oriented Course in Business English Learning 84.3 To Take Advantages of Online Materials 95 Conclusion 10References 11关于毕业论文原创性的声明 i1 Introduction In the 21st century, with the development of global economy, people are becoming increasingly interconnected with the whole world, and need to understand the people whose background is quite different from their own. To communicate effectively with people from different cultures needs to cultivate peoples intercultural communication competence.In China, however, traditional teaching-mode in Business English focuses on students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills rather than intercultural communication competence. A lot of students may wonder why they should cultivate communication competence. For students majoring in Business English, they are supposed to realize that living in a global village and facing the multi-cultural societies, to interact with people from different cultures is not only an issue faced by the diplomats, expatr
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