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1. .In addition English is the language of commerce and the second language of many countries which formerly had French or German in that position.英语是一门商务语言,并且取代了之前的法语及德语成为了许多国家的第二语言。The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match the growing population, which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food.食物供应量的增加远远跟不上人口的增加数,这就意味着我们将要面临这一场生产食物和营销实物的危机。1. A writers work is a constant struggle to get the right word in the right place, to find that particular word that will convey his meaning exactly, that will persuade the reader or soothe him or amuse him.一个作家的工作就是不断努力的将对的词放到对的位置上,不停的去找能够确切传达他感情的词语,并用来劝导读者或者是抚慰他,让她开心。2. While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.尽管有多少个历史学家就有多少种对历史的定义,但是我们现代经验一般大致趋向一种:就是把历史当作一种再创造的尝试及对过去的大事作出的解释。3. I should like to see in her eyes that strength of character which has enabled her to stand firm in the face of difficulties, and that compassion for all humanity which she has revealed to me so often.我希望在他眼中看到那份使她直面困难的执着的信念和她那进场在我面前显露出的对全人类的热情4. I consider my letter to you of October twenty-seventh and your reply of today as firm undertakings on the part of both our governments which should be promptly carried out.我认为我在 10 月 27 日写给你的信以及你今天的回复是我们两个政府应该立刻执行的坚实保证。5. The idea that the President of the United States, who had important business to take care of, would spend five minutes relaxing in laughter was more than Stanton could endure.这种认为要务缠身的美国总统会花五分钟的时间大笑来放松的想法是斯坦顿无法容忍的6. The agricultural industry in New Zealand has developed a comprehensive extension service, which allows for new ideas to be disseminated widely to the farming community.新西兰的农业已近发展出了一项综合的额外服务行业,这也使得新的主意能在农业团体中广为流传。7. American business is much freer than most competitorswhich are often restrained by unions, social policies, and regulationsto hire and fire, reorganize and deploy resources where they will be most productive.在雇用与解雇,重组和将资源调配到利益最大的部门等方面,美国的商业要比其他众多被集团社会政策及惯例约束的竞争者要自由得多8. Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. 9. 行为学家建议道,在有许多外界刺激下抚养长大的小孩,会因此锻炼到他们做出各种合适的反应,这样一来,他们就能受到更多的智力的培育
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