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牛津小学英语 6A 复习提纲(短语、语法和句型)一、词组(本册书出现的四会和三会词组) 1.a football match 一场足球比赛 2.betweenand 在之间 3.in the same team 在同一队 4.sit next to me 坐在我旁边 5.in the corner 在角落 6.in front of 在的前面 7.go over the goal 越过球门 8.times up 时间到了 9.go out of the football field 飞出球场 10. wonderful score 一个漂亮的进球 11. one all 一比一 12.No smoking 禁止吸烟 13. No parking 禁止停车 14.No littering 禁止乱扔 15.No swimming 禁止游泳 16.Keep quiet 保持安静 17. No cycling 禁止骑车 18.Keep off the grass 请勿踩草 19.stay away from 避开 20. five years old 五岁 21.make noise 制造噪音 22.my cousin 我的表兄妹 23.talk about 谈论 24.look around 环顾四周 25.Fine ten yuan 罚款 10 元 26.No eating and drinking 禁止吃喝 27.Do not touch 禁止触摸 28.pick up 拾起 29. take a walk 散步 30.the fifth of March 三月五日 31.the nineteenth week 第 19 周 32.take off 脱下 33. blow out 吹灭 34.a birthday party 一个生日会 35.a VCD of Chinese cartoons 一盘中国卡通片的 VCD 36.as a birthday present 作为一份生日礼物 37.a piece of paper 一张纸 38.fold it in half 对折 39.a running race 一场跑步比赛 40.just now 刚才 41.a moment ago 刚才 42.a roll of film 一卷胶卷 43.a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 44. in July 在七月 45. Sports Day 体育活动日 46. watch the moon 赏月 47. a pair of earphones 一副耳机 48. last week 上星期 49. plant trees 种树 50. pull up carrots 拔胡萝卜 51. pick up oranges 摘橘子 52. on the farm 在农场 53. an exciting film 一部令人激动的影片 54. in the mountains 在山里 55. a science festival 科技节 56. a food festival 美食节 57. a kite festival 风筝节 58. National Day 国庆节 59. have a chat 聊天 60. have a good time 过得愉快 61. at the weekends 在周末 62. after dinner 晚饭后 63. a lot of colourful kites 许多色彩艳丽的风筝 64. Childrens Day 儿童节 65.New Years Day 新年 66. their relatives 他们的亲戚 67. something to drink 一些喝的东西 68. dress up 装扮 69. favourite food 最爱的食物 70. dragon boat race 龙舟赛 71. last year 去年 72. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 73.Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 74. Spring Festival 春节 75. eat rice dumplings 吃粽子 76.make pumpkin lanterns 做南瓜灯 77.police station 警察局 78.this morning 今天早晨 79. get off 下车 80. point to 指向 81. at the back of 在后部 82. the present from his friend 朋友送的礼物 二、语法知识 1、序数词 序数词的构成是在以之相对应的基数词词尾加 th,个别例外: one first twosecond threethird fivefifth eighteighth nineninth twelve twelfth 以 ty 结尾的,先变 y 为 i,加 th fortyfortieth 缩写形式 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 22nd 31st 2、规则动词的过去时词尾变化 一般情况下加 ed 以不发音的 e 结尾的加 d 以辅音字母+y 结尾的变 y 为 i,加 ed。 3、 规则动词过去时的发音规则 在浊辅音、元音后读 d ,如 lived,listened 在清辅音后读 t ,如 liked, helped,watched 在 t d 音后读 Id , 如 planted 三、按要求改写句子: 1. 一般疑问句 abe 动词(is, am, are, was, were)提前。 I was in England last month. We are having an English lesson. He is eating some nice food. bcan 提前 Lucy can do some Chinese dances. c行为动词 一般现在时:把助动词 do,does 置于句首。( 动词改为原形) My mother lives in a small town. 一般过去式:把助动词 did 置于句首。(动词改为原形) Liu Tao drank some juice last night. 2.否定句 a祈使句,把 dont 放在动词之前。 Close the door, please. b句子中含有 be 动词或 can isisnt arearent amam not waswasnt werewerent cancant There are some dolls on the bed. She can make a birthday card. c行为动词 一般现在时:主语后加 dont, doesnt (动词改为原形 ) He works on Saturday. She has some beautiful flower. 一般过去式:主语后加 didnt (动词改为原形) We did some Chinese dances yesterday. 3.划线部分提问 用特殊疑问词代替划线部分的内容。 常用的特殊疑问词:who, whose, how, how many, how much, how old, when, which, what, what color, what time, what day, what date, what shape, where. 1. Miss Zhang is our English teacher. 2. The blue comb is her mothers. 3. My mother is ok today. 4. There are three computer rooms in our school. 5. The apples are two yuan. 6. Hes twelve years old. 7. My birthday is on the first of December. 8. The boy in white is my brother. 9. I can see a clock and a desk in the picture. 10. His trousers are black. 11. Its five oclock in the afternoon. 12. Its Tuesday today. 13. Its the tenth of March. 14. The sun is a circle. 15. I was in England last month
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