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如何逃出教育的死亡谷Ken Robinson Ted 英语演讲kira86 于 2013-11-14Ken Robinson 概括了使人类生活繁荣的三大关键原则 -而现行的教育文化又如何与其背道而驰。 他以风趣幽默,激动人心的演说告诉我们如何逃出目前教育所面临的死亡谷,以及如何以开放的文化氛围培育年轻的一代。Ken Robinson: How to escape educations death valley如何逃出教育的死亡谷 中英对照:Thank you very much.非常感谢I moved to America 12 years ago with my wife Terry and our two kids. Actually, truthfully, we moved to Los Angeles - (Laughter) - thinking we were moving to America, but anyway, its a short plane ride from Los Angeles to America.12 年前我移居到美国,同我的妻子泰瑞和两个孩子一起。事实上,说真的,我们只是搬到了洛杉矶,还以为到了美国,不过,从洛杉矶乘飞机到美国,用不了多长时间。I got here 12 years ago, and when I got here, I was told various things, like, Americans dont get irony. Have you come across this idea? Its not true. Ive traveled the whole length and breadth of this country. I have found no evidence that Americans dont get irony. Its one of those cultural myths, like, The British are reserved. I dont know why people think this. Weve invaded every country weve encountered. (Laughter) But its not true Americans dont get irony, but I just want you to know that thats what people are saying about you behind your back. You know, so when you leave living rooms in Europe, people say, thankfully, nobody was ironic in your presence.12 年前,我刚来到美国的时候,当地人给我讲了许多东西,像“美国人不懂讽刺。 ” 你们也有这种想法吗?这很荒谬,我踏遍了美国的山山水水,却从未找到任何证据来证明美国人不懂讽刺, 这属于一种文化迷思。就如同说“英国人很矜持”一样,我真不知道人们为何会这样想,英国曾侵略过每一个与其不期而遇的国度啊。 (笑声) 但是说美国人不懂讽刺确实与事实不符 ,其实我只是想令大家知道,别人在背后是怎样谈论你的。在欧洲,你离开客厅时,人们会说,幸好,没人当着你的面讽刺。But I knew that Americans get irony when I came across that legislation No Child Left Behind. Because whoever thought of that title gets irony, dont they, because - (Laughter) (Applause) because its leaving millions of children behind. Now I can see thats not a very attractive name for legislation: Millions of Children Left Behind. I can see that. Whats the plan? Well, we propose to leave millions of children behind, and heres how its going to work.在我偶然听说“不让一个孩子掉队”这条立法时,我就知道了美国人是懂得讽刺的。想出这条立法标题的人,就很懂得讽刺,难道不是吗,因为- (笑声) (掌声) 因为数百万的儿童被撇在后面了,我从中看到的是一个并不招人待见的名号, “数百万的孩子掉队了”,显而易见,具体有什么计划呢?我们提议,把数百万儿童撇到后面,这就是它如何运作的。And its working beautifully. In some parts of the country, 60 percent of kids drop out of high school. In the Native American communities, its 80 percent of kids. If we halved that number, one estimate is it would create a net gain to the U.S. economy over 10 years of nearly a trillion dollars. From an economic point of view, this is good math, isnt it, that we should do this? It actually costs an enormous amount to mop up the damage from the dropout crisis.而且效果不错,在美国的部分地区,60%的孩子从高中退学;在土著美国人社区,达到 80%。 有一种看法是,如果这个数字较少一半,那么在未来的十年里,可以为美国的经济 创造近万亿美元的净利润。从经济角度看,这是一笔好买卖,对吧,但我们应该这样做吗? 实际上,要大量的投入,才能肃清辍学危机所造成的损害。But the dropout crisis is just the tip of an iceberg. What it doesnt count are all the kids who are in school but being disengaged from it, who dont enjoy it, who dont get any real benefit from it.但辍学危机仅仅是冰山一角,没算在内的是那些人在上学,心却辍了学的孩子,他们不喜欢学习,无法真正从中获益。And the reason is not that were not spending enough money. America spends more money on education than most other countries. Class sizes are smaller than in many countries. And there are hundreds of initiatives every year to try and improve education. The trouble is, its all going in the wrong direction. There are three principles on which human life flourishes, and they are contradicted by the culture of education under which most teachers have to labor and most students have to endure.其原因,不是我们没有投入足够的钱,在教育领域,美国比大多数国家,投入了更多的资金,班级人数也更少。每年都有上千条立法提案,尝试改善教育制度,问题是,我们走错了方向。 有三条法则,可以让我们的生活更加繁荣,而现行的教育文化却与之相抵触,多数教师教得辛苦,学生学的痛苦。The first is this, that human beings are naturally different and diverse.第一条法则是,人类,天生彼此千差万别Can I ask you, how many of you have got children of your own? Okay. Or grandchildren. How about two children or more? Right. And the rest of you have seen such children. (Laughter) Small people wandering about. I will make you a bet, and I am confident that I will win the bet. If youve got two children or more, I bet you they are completely different from each other. Arent they? Arent they? (Applause) You would never confuse them, would you? Like, Which one are you? Remind me. Your mother and I are going to introduce some color-coding system, so we dont get confused.请问一下,在座各位,多少人有孩子,孙儿辈也算,两个或两个以上的呢?剩下的即使没有孩子也见过别人的孩子。 (笑声) 到处都有小孩子 我要跟你们打个赌,我肯定能赌赢。 如果你有两个以上的孩子,我打赌,他们一定是完全不同的个体,不是吗?难道不是吗?(鼓掌) 你绝对不会错认,对不对。你可不会说“ 你是哪一个,提醒我一下,我和你妈妈要采用些手段 像彩色编码系统,这样我们就不会搞错了。 ”Education under No Child Left Behind is based on not diversity but conformity. What schools are encouraged to do is to find out what kids can do across a very narrow spectrum of achievement. One of the effects of No Child Left Behind has been to narrow the focus onto the so-called STEM disciplines. Theyre very important. Im not here to argue against science and math. On the contrary, theyre necessary but theyre not sufficient. A real education has to give equal weight to the arts, the humanities, to physical education. An awful lot of k
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