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英美文学 (03119)复习大纲第一部分 英国文学课程简介本课程简要介绍英国各个历史断代的主要文学文化思潮,文学流派,主要作家; 本课程要求学生掌握英国文学史上各个时期的文学特点,出现的文学流派以及该时期一至两位重要作家的文学生涯,创作思想,艺术特色及代表作品;并要求学生做到在掌握有关知识理论的基础上使之转换这能力,即能用有关知识和理论来分析英国文学中的相关问题。课程重点章节简介:第一章:古代与中世纪英国文学1. 2. 乔叟及其代表作第二章: 文艺复兴时期1. 文艺复兴的定义2. 萨士比亚的戏剧及十四行诗3. 培根的代表作第三章: 十七世纪英国文学弥尔顿的代表作、诗剧 的主要内容及 选短第四章: 启蒙运动时期 新古典主义伤感主义笛福及代表作蒲伯及代表作第五章: 浪漫主义时期浪漫主义时期文学的特点彭斯的创作特点及代表作华兹华斯的创作特点及代表作拜伦诗歌的特点及代表作第六章: 维多利亚时期维多利亚时期的文学特点布朗蒂姐妹的代表作第七章: 现代时期现代主义文学汤姆斯.哈代创作特点及代表作D.H.劳伦斯创作特点及代表作本课程重点和难点内容简介第一章:古代与中世纪英国文学:1 简介及在英国文学史上的意义。2乔叟及其代表作坎特伯雷故事集对英国文学做出的贡献。3名词解释“骑士抒情诗”第二章: 文艺复兴时期:文艺复兴时期的时间界定“文艺复兴”的名词解释“人文主义” 的名词解释莎士比亚的 “Sonnet 18”的主题哈姆雷特的性格分析英语解释论学习中的句子第三章: 十七世纪英国文学:英语解释弥尔顿失乐园选段中的句子失乐园的主要内容和意义失乐园中撒旦的人物分析第四章: 启蒙运动时期:启蒙运动时期的界定新古典主义的基本主张和特色伤感主义的名词解释鲁滨逊漂流记中鲁滨逊的人物分析蒲伯的论批评的主题英文解释论批评第五章: 浪漫主义时期:浪漫主义时期的界定及文学特点彭斯的诗歌的特点及其诗作“红玫瑰”华兹华斯和科勒律治合作的抒情歌谣集的重要意义华兹华斯的诗歌特点英文解释华兹华斯“我如行云独自游”中的句子拜伦“致希腊”的主题并用英语解释其中句子雪莱“西风颂” 的主题并用英语解释其中句子第六章: 维多利亚时期维多利亚时期的文学特点艾米莉。布朗特的呼啸山庄的主题夏洛特。布朗特的简。爱中简。爱的人物分析第七章: 现代时期现代主义文学的特点哈代的代表作及写作特点劳伦斯小说的主题及人物分析四、课程内容疏理及应用领域、应用讲解方法I. Old and Medieval Period1The Anglo-Saxon Period (5th century 1066, the year of the Norman conquest of English )Beowulf :It is the first long poem in English, which is considered the national epic of the English people. Although Beowulf is a national epic of the English people, but it is a story of the Scandinavians2.The Anglo Norman Period1)The most prevailing (主要的) of literature in the feudal England is Romance(骑士抒情诗).名词解释:Romance-Romance is a literature form in middle English literature means a long composition in verse or prose form dealing with the life and adventures of a noble hero, generally a knight(骑士).The knights are unfailingly devoted to the king and the church. They are commonly described as riding forth to seek adventures, involving in a large amount of fighting for their lords and always encountering romantic love affairs. In romances, loyalty to king and lord is repeatedly emphasized. Romance as a form of literature, is the upper class literature.2) Geoffrey Chaucer “the father of English poetry” and “the father of English fictionHis masterpiece Canterbury Tale is regarded as one of the monumental works in English literature. 论述题:Briefly introduce the significance of Chaucer in his Canterbury Tale.His contribution to English literature can be seen in two aspects:a. Realism: All kinds of people except the highest (king and the top nobility) and the lowest (the very poor laboring people) are represented by these 30 pilgrims. Besides being the typical representative of her or his own class, each character has her or his own individual qualities. Therefore it gives a true picture of Chaucers time.b. Humanism:He highly praises mans energy, quick wit and love of life, thus he reveals his ideas of humanism.His contribution to English language:Ever since Norman Conquest, French and Latin were the languages used by the upper classes. Chaucer chose to use the London dialect of his day in his masterpiece. In doing so, he did much in making the London dialect the standard for the Modern English speech.II、The Renaissance Period (14th to mid-17th)名词解释:1、Renaissance :The word “Renaissance” means revival, especially between the 14th and mid-17th century, revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture. Renaissance, therefore, in essence, was a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers made attempts to get ride of conservatism (保守主义) in feudalist Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, to lift the restrictions in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.2.Humanism: Humanism is both the keynote of the Renaissance and the intellectual liberation movement, associate with new attitude to ancient Greek and Latin literature. The humanists took interest in human life and human activities and gave expression to the neeew feeling of admiration for human beauty, human achievement.3. ShakespeareHis plays can be divided into four types: historical plays, comedies, tragedies and romantic tragi-comedies.Shakespeares four greatest tragedies are Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth1). Hamlet,例题:论述题:What are the main themes in Shakespeares tragedies, and analysis the character- Hamlet.( Whats the theme of Hamlet? Analyze the image of Hamlet.)His tagedies often portray some noble hero who faces the injustice of human life and is caught in a diffult situation whose fate is closely connected with the fate of the whloe nation. The heroes have some weaknesses in their characters, which finally lead to their tragic falls.Shakespear puts forward the image of Hamlet as a humanist of the Renaissance. He has an unbounded love for the world, nature and man; he loves good, hates evil, and is free from medieval prejudices and superstitions, he shows a contempt for rank and wealth; he is a man of genius, highly accomplished and educated; he is a scho
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