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I摘 要随着汽车数量的日益增多,这个 20 世纪最为重大的发明之一,其在社会经济发展中扮演了重要的角色,汽车废气排放物与燃油消耗量的不断上升困扰着人们,迫使人们去寻找一种能使汽车排气净化,节约燃料的新技术装置去取替已有几十年历史的化油器,汽油喷射技术的发明和应用,使人们这一理想能以实现。电控燃油的精确控制给我们带来了方便,汽车的发展离不开电子控制。电控燃油供给系统以其体积小、成本低、可靠性高等优点,在汽车电子控制中得到越来越广泛的应用。然而,由于汽车控制的电子化,给汽车的诊断维修工作带来很大的困难。本文将系统的介绍电控燃油供给系统的发展历史、组成、工作原理和系统一般故障的检测和维修。通过事例分析燃油供给的重要性,并交给大家一些对燃油供给零件的检修方法。关键词:电控燃油;燃油供给;电动燃油泵 IIAbstractWith the increasing number of vehicles, the 20 century one of the most significant invention, in its socio-economic development plays an important role in vehicle exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of the rising problem of people, forced people to look for a species enable automobile exhaust purification, fuel-efficient new technology has been installed to replace the carburetor several decades of history, petrol injection technology invention and application, so that people can to achieve this ideal. The electronically controlled fuel precise control to bring us a convenient and indispensable to the development of electronic vehicle control. Electronically controlled fuel supply system of its small size, low cost, high reliability advantages in automotive electronic control to be more widely used. However, the electronic control of the vehicle, the vehicle maintenance diagnosis has caused great difficulties. This article will introduce the electronic control systems of fuel supply system development history, composition, the general principle and system fault detection and maintenance. Through examples of the importance of fuel supply, and handed over to you some parts of the fuel supply maintenance methods1.Key words: Electronic Fuel;Fuel supply;Detection; Electronic Fuel; III目 录摘 要 .IAbstract .II目 录 .III第 1章 绪论 .1第 2章 电控燃油供给系统的组成及工作原理 .32.1 电控燃油供给系统的组成 .32.1.1 空气供给系统 .32.1.2 电子控制系统 .42.1.3 燃油供给系统 . 电动燃油泵 . 燃油管 . 燃油滤清器 . 燃油压力调节器 . 燃油分配管 . 喷油器 .92.2 燃油供给系统工作原理 .102.3 电控燃油发动机的优点 .10第 3章 广本雅阁电控燃油供给系统的维修与检测 .123.1 燃油供给系统检修的注意事项 .123.2 燃油供给系统压力的卸除 .123.3 燃油供给系统压力的检测 .133.4 燃油箱密封性的检修 .153.5 电动燃油泵的检修 .153.6 喷油器检修 .16第 4章 广本雅阁燃油系统的故障诊断 .174.1 故障是实例一 .174.2 故障实例二 .174.3 故障实例三 18 结 论 .19
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