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_金桥学校八年级英语下册 Review of unit5 学生课堂学习活动设计1Review of Unit 5(1 课时完成)设计人: 张红伟 审核人:林甜甜班级_小组_姓名_组内评价_教师评价_【学习目标】:知识与能力:1.能根据发音规则,正确读写本单元的 34 个单词和 9 个短语,eg: heavily。2.能运用过去进行时描述过去正在发生的动作。3.能正确区分when和while引导的时间状语从句。过程与方法:采用“三环节”教学法,运用practicing &writing等方法开展教学。情感态度价值观:通过学习,使学生增强对社会的责任感。 【学习重点】:能运用过去进行时描述过去正在发生的动作。【学习难点】:能正确区分when和while引导的时间状语从句。【学习过程】: 一 、课前预习 (教师寄语: No pains, no gains)预习指导一: 熟记本单元的单词,写出下列单词的适当形式begin(过去式/过去分词)_/_ heavy(副词)_ sudden(副词)_ report(名词)_ wood(形容词)_ match(复数)_ asleep(动词)_ rise(过去式/过去分词)_/_ fall(形容词)_ kid(现在分词)_ icy(名词)_shock(形容词)_complete (副词)_ silence(形容词)_recent(副词) _ true(名词)_预习指导二: 默读本单元34. 35.37-40页内容,根据汉语意思写出英语表达发出响声_接电话_确保_起初_睡着_逐渐变弱_醒来_一片狼藉_落叶_ 破旧的窗子 _ 清理干净_ 在路边_ 路过_ 朝.走去_ 一件重要的大事_剩余的晚餐_ 有意义_说实话_做某事有困难_ 重大的日子_预习指导三:复习Unit5中的短文 ,熟读并记住其中的句子.1.What were you doing _(当暴风雨来临时)?2.I was so busy _an umbrella(忙于寻找雨伞)that I idnt see a car coming.3.Bens dad _(正在放几块木头)over the windows.4.Ben was helping his mother make dinner when the rain began to _the windows(猛烈地击打着窗户) .5._(倒下的树,破损的窗户)and rubbish were everywhere.6.Althpough the storm _(破坏了很多东西),it _families and friends _together(使家庭和朋友更团结).7.We were eating dinner when we heard the news_(通过收音机听到消息). _金桥学校八年级英语下册 Review of unit5 学生课堂学习活动设计28.The World Center in New York _by terrorists(被恐怖分子拆除).9.She _(记得正在工作) in her office near the two towers.10.I was _(如此害怕)that I could hardly_(清晰地思考)after that. 预习诊断:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空1._,more and more students are crazy about computer games.2.The crowed bacame _when he began to speak.3.Try your best and youll _your dream one day.4.To tell you the_, hes not a rich man.5.Not all the students can _understand the passage.2.构建系统(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. ) Yesterday afternoon,when I was doing my homework,Angela called.She said she was calling me _36_ her mobile phone in her biology class,_37_ the professor (教授) was teaching in the front of the classroom.I couldnt _38_ she made a phone call during the class.Angela said her biology class was very _39_.Some of her classmates were sleeping in class,some were talking about _40_ plans for the weekend and the classmate next to her was _41_ a picture of a horse.While we were talking,I heard her_42_ shouted, “Miss,are you making a phone call? ” _43_,the phone went dead.I _44_ the phone and then went to the kitchen to make dinner.As I was cutting vegetables,the _45_ rang once again.It was Angela,but this time she wasnt sitting in the classroom.()36.A.for Bon Cof Din()37.A.because Bor Cif Dand()38.A.believe Bhope Cagree D see()39.A.funny Bstrict Cboring D careful()40.A.my Btheir Cher Dour()41.A.lending Bpaying Cbuying Ddrawing()42.A.classmate Bmother Cprofessor D friend()43.A.Recently BLuckily CSuddenly DHardly()44.A.hung up Bpicked up Ccut off Dwent off()45.A.alarm Bphone Ccomputer Ddoorbell3.诊断评价 (教师寄语:Tomorrow comes never.)(一)单项选择。()1.Can you see the birthday cake _ 10 candles on it?Yes, Lilys mother bought it _ her.Awith;to Bagainst ;for Cwith;for Dagainst;to()2.What was Tom doing _ his father was looking for him?Awhile Bsince Cafter Duntil()3.Does your brother often argue with _?silent, complete, realize, true, recent _金桥学校八年级英语下册 Review of unit5 学生课堂学习活动设计3No,he is always friendly to others.Asomeone Banyone Ceveryone Dnone()4.Why are you all wet? It rained _ and I didnt take my umbrella.Acompletely Bsuddenly Ccomfortably Ddifferently()5.Why did he just sit in _ during the meeting?Because he had nothing to say.Atower Bsilence Cwood Dorder()6._ is the weather like in your city? Always cloudy.AWhat B Who CWhich DHow()7.I heard a(n)_ noise just now.It made me scared.Abeautiful Btypical Cstrange Dinteresting()8.After the heavy storm, the lake _,and the water ran into the houses.Arose Bcompared C dropped Drealized()
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