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模拟酸雨对绿豆种子萌发以及幼苗生理特性的影响第 1 页 共 4 页模拟酸雨对绿豆种子萌发及幼苗生理特性的影响郑翠萍(生命科学与工程学院 生物科学专业 200303 班)摘要:以绿豆为材料,在不同 pH 值的模拟酸雨条件下对种子萌发及幼苗生理特性进行了研究。分别测定了发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数和幼苗的根、茎的长以及幼苗叶片中的可溶性糖、丙二醛(MDA)含量等指标。结果表明: 模拟酸雨对绿豆种子的发芽指标及根、茎的生长有一定的抑制作用。随着模拟酸雨 pH 值的降低,绿豆种子伤害症状越明显。种子萌发三天后,结果表明:当 pH3 时,模拟酸雨对绿豆种子的萌发率的影响不大,当 pH3 时,则影响显著。 当它的 pH 值为 2 时,种子的萌发率仅有 40%。六天后进行的种子活力指数以及发芽指数的测定结果表明,随酸雨 pH 值减小而整体呈现降低趋势。七天后对绿豆幼苗根、茎的长度进行测定结果显示:当 pH3 时,模拟酸雨对绿豆的根、茎长的影响也不大,当 pH3 时,则影响显著。当模拟酸雨的 pH 值为 2 时,绿豆幼苗的根、茎的长度很短仅 1.2cm,与对照组相比抑制作用显著。但总的来说,酸雨对根的影响比对茎的大。八天后对幼苗叶片的可溶性糖以及丙二醛的含量测定的结果表明,当模拟酸雨的 pH3 时,这两种生理指标变化不明显,但当 pH3 时,二者变化幅度都很明显。说明了酸雨条件下并随着酸度的增加对绿豆幼苗的损伤也增大。关键词 : 模拟酸雨;绿豆;种子萌发模拟酸雨对绿豆种子萌发以及幼苗生理特性的影响第 2 页 共 4 页Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Seed Germination and Seeding Physiological Characteristics of Phaseolus radiatusZheng Cui-ping ( Class 200303,Biology, College of life and Engineering,HNU )Abstract:Elects of simulated acid rain on seed germination and seedling physiological characteristics of Phaseolus radiatus were studied.The indexes of germination,seed growth and soluble sugar content and MDA content of seedling leaves were tested. The results indicated that: the simulated acid rain has certain inhibition on the germination of the Phaseolus radiatus seeds and the growth of their seeding roots and stems. With the reducing of the pH value of simulated acid rain,injures to Phaseolus radiatus. seeds increase obviously.When Phaseolus radiatus seeds germinating three days later,the results indicated that: Above the pH value 3,the influence of simulated acid rain on the germination rate of Phaseolus radiatus seeds is not obvious,while it is remarkable below the pH value 3. When its pH value is 2.0,the germination rate of the Phaseolus radiatus seeds is 40%. The sixth days the results indicated that the germination indexes and vigor indexes decrease with the reducing of the pH value of simulated acid rain. Seven days later, the test results indicated that: Above the pH value 3,the influence of simulated acid rain on the growth of root and stem of the Phaseolus radiatus seeding is not obvious,while it is remarkable below the pH value 3. When its pH value is 2.0,the length of theirs are only 1.2 cm,comparing to contrast the inhibition remarkable. While on the whole the inhibition of simulated acid rain is remarkable to the growth root than that of the stem .The eighth day the test result of soluble sugar content and MDA content of seedling leaves showed that above the pH value 3,the influence of simulated acid rain to two indexes is not obvious,while its pH value is 2.0, their content increase obviously. The test result showed the harm to the Phaseolus radiatus seeding will increase along with the pH value decrease.Key words: simulated acid rain; Phaseolus radiatus;seed germination模拟酸雨对绿豆种子萌发以及幼苗生理特性的影响第 3 页 共 4 页参考文献 1 付小艳,田大伦.酸雨对植物的影响研究进展J.西北林学院学报,2006,21(4):2327 2 蔡如,黄建昌,肖艳.模拟酸雨对 6 种园林植物生长和生理反应的影响J.仲恺农业技术学院学报,2002,15(3): 2832.3聂呈荣,陈思果,温玉辉,等.模拟酸雨对花生种子萌芽及幼苗生长的影响 J.中国油料作物学报,2003,25(1): 3436.4许泽宏,罗英,王熠,等.模拟酸雨对蚕豆植物生长的影响J.中国微生态学杂志,2001,13(1);2629.5郭德惠,张延毅.人工酸雨喷雾对小麦生长的影响J.环境科学,1986,7(3):1317.6李敏.绿豆化学成分及药理作用的研究概况J.上海中医药杂志,2001,5(1):4749.7孙振雷,刘鹏,叶柏军,等.绿豆种子萌发及苗期抗盐性的研究J.内蒙古民族大学学报,2001,16(1):3138.8吴以平,董树刚.水杨酸对NaCl 胁迫下的绿豆和赤豆幼苗生长的影响J.植物生理通讯,2002,38(1):137138.9李彩霞,张芬琴,王光忠.铅对绿豆幼苗生长的影响J.植物资源与环境学报,2003,12 (2):6061.10李莉,秦恩华,张熔,等.铅胁迫对绿豆苗期生理生化特性的影响及硒缓解作用 J.湖北民族学报,2006,24(1): 9496.11吴旭红,常志敏,何士敏,等.过氧化氢对绿豆种子下胚轴插条生根的影响 J.2002,22(3):6365.12王艳树,李凤山,张玉霞.盐胁迫对蓖麻种子萌发的影响J.安徽农业科学,200735(1):4143.13李焰焰,聂传朋,董召荣.模拟酸雨对小黑麦种子萌发及幼苗生理特性的影响 J.生态学杂志,2005,24(4): 395397.14黄晓华,周青,张学伟.酸雨对植物根系生长的胁迫J.农业环境保护,2000,19(4):234235.15郑世英,王丽燕,商学芳.镉处理对绿豆种子萌发及蛋白质含量的影响 J.种子,2007,26(1):2830. 16张志良,瞿伟菁植物生理学实验指导(第三版)M.北京:高等教育出版社,2003.17陆建生,赖麟,生物统计学M. 北京:高等教育出版社,2004.18 Lee J .J .D.e.Weber.The effect of simulated acid rain on seeding gemergence and growth of eleven woody pecies. Forest Science , 1979,25(3):393397. 19Ferenbau gh RW.Effects of simulated acid rain on pHaseolus vulgaris L.American Journal Botany,1976,63(3): 283288.20Hindawi I. J. Re ponse of bush bean exposed to acid rain mist .American Journal Botany,1980,67 :168173模拟酸雨对绿豆种子萌发以及幼苗生理特性的影响第 4 页 共 4 页致 谢我能顺利完成本次试验,也离不开四年来学校和学院的培养和各位老师的无私教诲,是学校提供了良好的学习环境和严谨的学术氛围,不仅为我掌握基础知识和基本技巧提供条件,还熏陶了我严谨、实事求是的科学精神,这些将使我受益终生。我能顺利完成本次试验,特别感谢我的论文指导老师方元平老师在整个试验过程中的严格要求和悉心指导,不仅对试验方案进行了指导,还不时提醒试验过程中的许多注意事项,使试验过程得以顺利进行。还要感谢实验室的张颖老师在试验过程中提供了许多的帮助。另外,还要感谢余海燕、冯燕等同学在实验过程中提供了无私的帮助,互相鼓励、配合和照顾,保证了试验顺利进行在此一并表示衷心的感谢。感谢我的亲人和所有关心和帮助过我的人,一直以来默默的支持我和帮助我完成了试验。
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