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九、动词语态知识要点:概念:语态表示的是动作的主语和宾语之间的关系。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态,分别用来表示主语是行为者还是接受动作者。只有及物动词才有被动语态。如果主语是行为者,则谓语动词用主动语态。如果主语是接受动作者,谓语动词则用被动语态。被动语态中可以省略动作的行为者,如果有必要,则可以通过 by 引出动作行为者。如:Your little boy broke my kitchen window this morning. (主动)My kitchen window was broken by your little boy. (被动)Chinese is spoken here. (出于习惯或默认的事实,没必要指出动作的行为者,省略)一、不同时态的被动语态的构成1. am, are ,is +done 一般现在时I am often praised by the teachers. 我经常受到老师们的表扬。 2. was/ were +done 一般过去时I was asked to go to Harbin on business yesterday.我昨天被派往哈尔滨出差了。 3. shall/ will + done 一般将来时The sports meeting will be put off.运动会将被推迟。 4. should/ would be +done 一般过去将来时He told me that he would be asked to attend the opening ceremony.他告诉我说他将被邀请参加开幕式。5. am/ are/ is+ being +done 现在进行时The new teaching building is being built. 新的教学大楼正在修建。6. was/ were +being + done 过去进行时My little brother was being scolded by my father when I got home. 我到家时,我小弟弟正在受我父亲的责备。 7. have / has + been +done 现在完成时This class has been taught by me for three years. 这个班我已经教了三年了。 8. had + been +done 过去完成时When I got there , he had been killed.我到那儿时,他已经被人杀害了。9. shall / will have been done 将来完成时The work will have been finished by the time I come back. 到我回来时此工作将已完成。 10. should / would have been done 过去将来完成时He said that Book one would have been finished by the end of this term.他说到本学期末以前第一册书将已学完。二、情态动词的被动语态:情态动词be+过去分词This task must be finished in 10 days. 这项工作必须在 10 天内完成。1.情态动词的被动语态的构成:情态动词be动词的过去分词。例如: She should have been criticized for her carelessness in the exam.她在考试中粗心大意,本来应该受到批评。 As we have known, good things can be turned into bad things.众所周知,好事也能变成坏事。 2.have to do , ought to do , be to do , 和 be going to do 的被动式是把 do 变成 be done。例如: This book is going to be finished next week.这本书将在下周写完。 This problem ought to have been taken into consideration.这个问题本来应该考虑。三、常用的被动句句型 1、主语get 过去分词其他。 本句型在口语中用的比较多。其特点是不能和 by动作的执行者连用。例如: She got killed in the First World War.她在第一次世界大战中被杀害。 He got dismissed from the factory yesterday.昨天他被工厂开除了。 2、主语be形容词to be过去分词其他。 本句型的特点:谓语是由两部分合成的。第一部分是“be形容词” 起着辅助说明的作用;而第二部分是不定式的被动态,起着决定性的作用。例如: She was unlucky to be injured in that accident.她不幸的是在事故中受伤。 Cast Iron is apt to be broken.生铁容易破裂。 3、主语谓语to be 过去分词其它。 本句型的特点:谓语由两部分构成。第一部分是主动态,而第二部分是被动语态,是此句型表达的主要内容。例如: Would you like to be taught English? 你愿意学习英语吗? He asked to be sent to work in the countryside after graduation.毕业之后他请求到农村去工作。4、主语被动式谓语介词或者副词by 执行者。 本句型的特点是:被动的谓语动词之后本来就带有介词或者副词,一定要注意介词和副词不能省略。例如: She was well looked after when I was away.当我不在时,她被照顾得很好。 That man over there can be depended on. 那边的那个人是可以依赖的。 5、 It(形式主语)被动式谓语名词或者形容词实际主语其它。 本句型的特点:It 是形式主语,实际主语应该是动词不定式短语、动词不定式复合结构(for sb. to do sth.) 、动词名词的复合结构(ones doing ) 。例如: It was found hard for us to master English in a year.我们已经发现要在一年之内精通英语是很难的。 It was proved right to do it.做那件事已经证明是正确的。 6、 It被动式谓语实际主语( that 或者连接疑问代词或者连接疑问副词从句) 。 本句型的特点:It 的用法和句型 5 相同,是形式主语,实际主语是由 that 或者疑问代词或者疑问副词引导的从句。把实际主语放在句尾,就是平衡句子结构。例如: It has been made clear who will take part in the sports meet.谁将参加运动会已经宣布了。 It has been decided when and where we are to hold the meeting. 我们何时何地举行会议,已经决定了。 7、主语被动式谓语(介词)保留宾语(by执行者) 。例如: The matter was then reported to every student by telephone.这件事后来用电话报告给每个学生。Education must be combined with production labor. 教育必须与生产劳动相结合。 Mr. Black was given a prize.布拉克先生得了奖。 8、主语被动式谓语主语补足语(不定式、现在分词、名词、形容词、介词短语等)(其它) 。 本句型的特点:在主动句型中,补足语是宾语补足语;但在被动句中,是主语补足语。例如: He was appointed manager of the company.他被任命为公司的经理。 Because of his illness, he was not permitted to play cricket.因为他有病,不许他玩板球。 9、主语被动式谓语被动不定式其它。 本句型的特点:由于谓语动词是被动,其后的动词不定式也是被动,因此形成双重被动。例如: Any books and magazines are not permitted to be taken out of the library. 任何书刊不准带出图书馆。 The chairman in this country is reported to have been murdered the day before yesterday. 据报道这个国家的主席前天被谋杀。 使用被动语态时应注意的事项 1、动词 be 过去分词这个结构,并非都是被动结构。有时是系表结构。两者的区别是:系表结构表示主语的所处的状态或者主语的特点;而被动结构表示动作。例如: The bowl is broken. 这个碗碎了。 (系表结构) The bowl was broken by my little brother.这个碗是我小弟弟打破的。 (被动结构) The classroom is crowded with students.教室里挤满了学生。 (系表示结构) The students were crowded into the classroom.学生们被塞到教室里。 (被动结构) 2、在动词 need,require 和 want 之后用主动表示被动。如: The room needs cleaning / to be cleaned.这个房间需要清扫了。 The floor requires washing / to be washed. 地板需要洗刷了。 3、形容词 worth 之后用主动表示被动。例如: The book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一看. He told Toms mother that Tom was not bright and was not worth teaching.他告诉汤姆的母亲,汤姆不聪明,不值得一教。 4、并非所有的及物动词都能变成被动态,当动词表示某种情况或状态时,而不是表示动作时,就不能用被动结构。常用的动词有:become of 结果成为,遭受,look like 看起来象,suit 适合,contain 包含,equal 等于,hold 容纳,mean 意味着,consist of 由组成等。例如: I joined the Party in 1978. 我是在 1978 入党的。 This room can hold 100 people. 这个房间能容纳 100 人。 5、 动词 have 不论在什么情况下都不能用于被动语态。 I have some English books.我有一些英语书。 We had a wonderful time yesterday.昨天我们玩得很痛快。 6、当及物动词 reach, leave , enter,turn 等的宾语是表示地点或者是处所时,只能用主动语态。例如: I will ring you up as soon as I reach Beijing.一到北京,我就给你打电话。 She left Harbin for Shanghai the day before yesterday.前天她离开哈尔滨去
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