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U4Id never realized how important daily routine is: dressing for work, sleeping normal hours. Id never thought I relied so much on co-workers for company. I began to understand why long-term unemployment can be so damaging, why life without an externally supported daily plan can lead to higher rates of drug abuse, crime, suicide. 以前我从未意识到日常的生活起居是多么重要,如穿戴整齐去上班,按时就寝。以前我从未想过自己会那么依赖同事做伴。我开始理解为什么长时间的失业会那么伤人,为什么一个人的生活缺少了外部支持的日常计划就会导致吸毒、犯罪、自杀率的增长。 11 To restore balance to my life, I force myself back into the real world. I call people, arrange to meet with the few remaining friends who havent fled New York City. I try to at least get to the gym, so as to set apart the weekend from the rest of my week. I arrange interviews for stories, doctors appointments - anything to get me out of the house and connected with others. 为了恢复生活的平衡,我强迫自己回到真实世界中去。我给别人打电话,与所剩无几的仍然住在纽约城的几个朋友安排见面。我至少设法去去健身房,以便使周末与工作日有所不同。我安排采访好写报道,预约看医生安排任何需要我出门与他人接触的活动。 12 But sometimes being face to face is too much. I see a friend and her ringing laughter is intolerable - the noise of conversation in the restaurant, unbearable. I make my excuses and flee. I re-enter my apartment and run to the computer as though it were a place of safety. 但有时面对面地与人相处实在难以忍受。我与一位朋友见面,她那种响亮的笑声让人忍无可忍饭店里的噪杂谈话声也让人受不了。我找了个藉口逃之夭夭。我重新回到我的公寓,冲向电脑,似乎那儿才是一个安全的地方。 13 I click on the modem, the once-annoying sound of the connection now as pleasant as my favorite tune. I enter my password. The real world disappears. 我点击鼠标,打开调制解调器,曾经听了就烦的连接声此刻听起来就如同最心爱的曲子那么悦耳。我键入密码。真实世界转瞬便消逝了。 II. Translation1. Translate the Sentences1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.研究表明笑能够带来许多健康上的好处。2) A slow Internet connection speed is really annoying.互联网连接速度慢真让人心烦。3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.法律规定,帮助他人自杀是犯罪。4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.玛丽在她的报告中试图从一个完全不同的角度来解释这些数据。5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.苏是一个很有天份的女孩。她那惊人的记忆力使她在同班同学中格外突出。2. Translate the passagePerhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.也许你羡慕我,因为我可以借助计算机在家里工作。我也这么想,互联网使我的工作方便多了。我可以通过电子邮件撰写、编辑并交出我的文章,在网上与我的同事聊天,与老板讨论工作。我用鼠标一击,马上就能拿到我要的一切资料,获得最新的消息。可是,另一方面,用网络通信有时也令人沮丧。系统有可能瘫痪,更糟的是,因为没有面对面交流的感情提示,键出的词有时候似乎很难理解。U59 The runway felt different this time. It startled him for a brief moment. Then it all hit him like a wet bale of hay. The bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best. Thats only one inch off the National record, he thought. The intensity of the moment filled his mind with anxiety. He began shaking the tension. It wasnt working. He became more tense. Why was this happening to him now, he thought. He began to get nervous. Afraid would be a more accurate description. What was he going to do? He had never experienced these feelings. Then out of nowhere, and from the deepest depths of his soul, he pictured his mother. Why now? What was his mother doing in his thoughts at a time like this? It was simple. His mother always used to tell him when you felt tense, anxious or even scared, take deep breaths. 这一回,那跑道显得有些异样。刹那间,他感到一阵惊吓。一种惶惑不安的感觉向他袭来。横杆升在高出他个人最高纪录 9 英寸的高度。他想:这一高度与全国纪录只差 1 英寸了。这一刻紧张异常,他感到焦虑不安。他想摆脱紧张情绪。没有用。他更紧张了。在这种时刻怎么会这样呢,他暗暗思忖着。他有点胆怯起来。说是恐惧也许更为恰当。怎么办 他以前从来不曾有过这种感觉。这时,不知不觉地,在内心最深处,出现了他母亲的身影。为什么是在这一刻,记忆中,母亲在这种时刻会怎样做呢,很简单。母亲过去总跟他说 当你觉得紧张、焦虑、甚至害怕的时候,就深深地吸气。 10 So he did. Along with shaking the tension from his legs, he gently laid his pole at his feet. He began to stretch out his arms and upper body. The light breeze that was once there was now gone. He carefully picked up his pole. He felt his heart pounding. He was sure the crowd did, too. The silence was deafening. When he heard the singing of some distant birds in flight, he knew it was his time to fly. 于是他深深吸了一口气。在摆脱腿部肌肉紧张的同时 他轻轻地把撑竿放在脚边。他开始舒展双臂和上身。刚才飘过一阵轻风 此刻消失了。他小心翼翼地拿起撑竿 只觉得心怦怦在跳。他相信观众们的心也在怦怦跳动。场上鸦雀无声 令人透不过气来。当他听见远处飞鸟啼鸣时 他知道 自己飞身起跃的时刻到了。 II. Translation1. Translate the Sentences1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.是工人和主管人员的创造力和敬业精神将这个公司变成了一个盈利的企业。2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in past three months.食品和医药的价格在过去三个月里急剧增长。3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.我们打算重新粉刷这幢办公大楼的上面几层楼。4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.他的成功表明流行与艺术价值有时候是一致的。5) I dont want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospit
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