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中小学个性化课外辅导专家1年 级:六年级 英语 课 题 牛津英语吧六年级 小升初总复习(五)教学目的 小升初词汇过关 6 A 教学内容6A 词汇练习Unit 1(1)1. Uncle Wang is one of my relatives.A. 家庭 B. 亲戚 C. 相关的 D. 叔叔2. Going cycling is my favourite outdoor activity.A. 游泳 B. 购物 C. 骑车 D. 骑车人3. It only took me an hour to finish the work.A. 仅仅 B. 一个 C. 只要 D. 没有4. We go to a gym to play badminton once a week.A. 网球 B. 羽毛球 C. 乒乓球 D. 排球5. I got a lot of Christmas cards from my classmates this year.A. 同班同学 B. 同桌 C. 校友 D. 朋友6. My mother often goes to Hualian Supermarket to shop at weekends.A. 商店 B. 店员 C. 购物 D. 顾客7. Are you a member of the football team?A. 教练 B. 成员 C. 球迷 D. 亲戚8. Ill have something else to do this afternoon.A. 别的,其它的 B. 仅仅 C. 会员 D. 购物9. Mary takes her granddaughter to the kindergarten every day.A. 女儿 B. 孙女 C. 儿子 D. 外孙10. My grandson is three years old. He is very naughty.A. 祖父 B. 儿子 C. 孙子 D. 孙女11. Look at my family tree. There are five people in my family.A. 家谱 B. 苹果树 C. 家人 D. 家庭成员(2)( )1The fireman is my relative.A.家人 B 朋友 C 亲戚 D 同学( ) 2.My family is a happy one.A 家人 B 亲属 C 家庭 D 朋友 中小学个性化课外辅导专家2( ) 3. The Wangs family go to France every year.A 家人 B 同事 C 亲属 D 朋友( ) 4. Please look at Marys family tree.A 圣诞树 B 家属 C 亲属 D 家谱( ) 5. She only has an aunt.A 拥有 B 仅仅 C 自己的 D 也( ) 6. Is your father one of your family members?A 成员 B 同事 C 亲属 D 同学( ) 7. Zhang Wei and I are classmates.A 校友 B 笔友 C 同班同学 D 桌友( ) 8. What else does he do at weekends?A 其他哪一个 B 其他什么 C 其他地方 D 其他时间( ) 9. The students of Class Two often play badminton on the playground.A 打羽毛球 B 打网球 C 打乒乓球 D 打排球( ) 10. I cant cycle to school today.A 自行车 B 骑自行车 C 自行车手 D 坐汽车Unit 2(1)1Almost all the students like to watch cartoons on TV.A.总是 B.几乎 C.从不 D.经常2Tom never has eggs for breakfast. Because he doesnt like eggsA.永远 B. 时常 C. 从不 D.通常3 There are two books on the desk. One is red and the other is black.A.它的 B. 海湾 C. 已经 D.其他4We often help each other.A.互相 B.大家 C. 其他人 D.两者5Mary is always friendly to others.A.朋友 B.友谊 C. 友好的 D.调皮的6This book is helpful to our students.A.帮助 B. 有帮助的 C. 游泳 D.忙的7This kind old woman is our class teacher.A.善良的 B.千米 C.幼儿园 D.年轻的8Tom is a naughty boy. But he is lovely.A.调皮的 B.规矩的 C.友好的 D.勤奋的9. Jane never tells lies.A. 真话 B.调皮 C. 活泼 D.谎言10There are four oceans in the world.A.大海 B.海洋 C.河流 D.池塘11. Jack hasnt been to Spring Bay yet.A.已经 B. 尚未 C.而且 D.重视12. Rose just saw Mary at the school gate.A.刚刚 B.以前 C.将来 D.经常 中小学个性化课外辅导专家313. Mr. Smith has already been to USA for three times.A.已经 B.从前 C. 而且 D.尚未 14. The Earth turns around the sun.A. 大地 B.地球 C.岛屿 D.土地15. Mary often looks after her little sister.A.看待 B.照看 C.寻找 D.看中16. We must look after our environment.A.周围 B.环境 C. 景色 D.家具17. Some people leave rubbish to pollute the environment. Thats bad!A.感染 B.保持 C.污染 D.许诺18. There is air pollution around us.A. 污染 B.环境 C.喜欢 D. 弄脏19. We must keep our land clean.A.土壤 B.土地 C. 岛屿 D.周围20. How long can I keep this book?A.保持 B.保护 C.保证 D.喜欢21. We should pick up rubbish and put it into the rubbish bins.A.捡起 B.拿起 C.举起 D.运动22. I saw a man come into the room jus now.A.到。 。 。里面 B. 到。 。 。外面 C. 里面 D. 外面23. There is a rubbish bin behind our school.A.兔子 B.垃圾箱 C. 垃圾袋 D. 兔子盒24. Jack never leaves rubbish in his desk.A.从不 B.重视 C.总是 D.永远25. We promise never to pollute the land.A.保留 B. 许诺 C.玩耍 D.跳高26. Our class will discuss something this afternoon.A.争论 B.讨论 C.辩论 D.打搅27. We can reuse the shopping bags again.A.重新 B.再利用 C. 使用 D.骑车(2)1. Its almost seven oclock. A. 已经 B. 几乎 C. 仍然 D. 大部分2. Mrs. Lin and her husband never walk to school.A. 总是 B. 经常 C. 有时候 D. 从不3. There are two other departments stores near the post office.A. 其它的 B. 另一个 C. 所有的 D
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