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农业推广英语复习资料第一单元 第一章Unite 1 Agricultural Extension in Development Countries(1)名词解释1. agricultural extension : assistance to farmer to help them to identify and analyse their production problem and to become aware of the opportunity for improvement. 农业推广 2. extension agent : the extension worker at the village level in direct, day-to-day contact with local farmers. 农业推广员,技术指导员 3. contact man : the same as “extension agent”. 联系人,联络员(含义同 “农业推广员” ) 4. extension worker : a man or woman employed by an extension agency. In this textbook, the term includes technical and professional staff employed at levels. 农业推广工作者5.land grant colleges : the state agricultural colleges in the USA responsible for all agricultural extension work at the state level. 美州立农学院 6. home economics : a collective term to describe those subjects associated with domestic work; child care, nutrition, hygiene, preparing and cooking food, dressmaking as well as poultry keeping, dairying and gardening. 家政学7. audio-visual aids(or media) : any material object, instrument or system which serves to communicate information (message), including leaflets, farming press, other written and printed material, all types of cinema films, radio, and television, and video systems. 视听辅助物(或媒介)8. in-service training : the periodic training given to extension staff to upgrade their knowledge and practical skill. 在职(短期)培训9. farm inputs : material and services used in crop and livestock production. 农场生产投入10. farm outputs : quantity of farm goods produced. 农场生产产量(2)选择填空alternative average as a result of by far identifyjustify out of touch with produce setback set down1. Populations have expanded rapidly _decreased mortality and high birth rates, and the pressure of human numbers has caused traditional systems of land-use and the conservation of the fertility of the land break down.死亡率的下降而出生率却居高不下导致人口迅速增加,同时传统的土地利用系统和土地肥力保持系统已经因为人口的压力而崩溃。(as a result of)2. _ the most difficult problem is how to provide a livelihood for a rural labour force which is expected to double by the end of the century.预计到本世纪末农村劳动力人数将翻番,让这些劳动力获得生计显然是最难解决的问题。(By far)3. Governments grew impatient with the slow, plodding extension worker and his farmer clients, and sought_ means of increasing the production of small farmers.政府对那些疲惫缓慢而又孜孜不息的推广工作者及其农民客户越来越没有耐心,他们试图找到增加小农生产的替代办法。(alternative)4. _ have been caused by inappropriate technology and institutions borrowed from economically advanced countries.受到挫折是由于照搬只适合于经济发达国家的技术和制度。(Setbacks)5. Many recommended practices have been insufficiently profitable to _ their inclusion in extension programmes.许多推荐来的做法不能产生足够的效益,因此无法纳入推广项目。(justify)6. Too often farmers have the frustrating experience of getting less money for their marketed _than they rightly expected.农产品卖出获得的钱低于农民正常期待的收益,这种不愉快的经历农民们遭受得太多了。 (produce)7. Programmes are usually planned and decision taken by senior staff who tend to be _ local problems and the day-to-day difficulties facing the farmer and the extension worker.高级职员制订推广计划和做决策,而他们往往接触不到当地问题,不了解农民和推广工作者日常面临的困难。 (out of touch with)8. The reluctance of extension workers to _ with farmers and share their anxieties, is often the result of values acquired at school.推广工作者不愿意与农民打成一片,为农民分忧解难,主要是学校教育所形成的价值观在作祟。 (identify)9. Where extension worker have concentrated their efforts on selected progressive farmers, the _ farmer has shown little interest in changing his practices.只要推广工作者将注意力都集中在精选出来的“进步农民”身上,这些地方的“普通农民”几乎就看不出有什么兴趣改变其习惯做法。 (average)10. It obliges decision-makers to _ a precise plan, examine the consequences of implementation and to make the necessary adjustments to subsequent plans.它要求决策者拟定精密计划、检查实施结果、并对随后的计划做必要的调整。 (set down)第三单元 第一章Unit 3 Farmer-led Extension(1)名词解释1. farmer-led extension : agricultural extension or research services that are responsive to the needs and potentials of resource-poor farmers. 以农民为主导的农业推广 2. labour constraints : lack of labour, esp. man labour. 劳动力制约,劳动力约束 3. green revolution : a term coined by U.S. Agency for International Development director William Gaud (March 1968); movement to increase yields by using new crop cultivars irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides and mechanization. 绿色革命 4. resource-poor farmer : farmers who are lack of resources such as land, labour, money, etc. 资源贫乏的农民 5. poverty thresholds : poverty measure which is recalculated each year. Individuals or families are poor if their annual pretax cash income falls below a measure of poverty. 贫困线(某一地区在某一时期维持生存所需要的收入水平) 6. NGOs : non-governmental organizations which are not sponsored or administered by government. 非政府组织7. gender bias : separation of gender in a way which prefers one sex over the other. 性别歧视8. farmer-extensionists : 性别歧视9. farmer-to-farmer extension : This is largely sel
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