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和妈妈依偎在一起snuggle up with/to mommy 和妈妈依偎在一起cuddle up with/to mommy 猫在卧室吗? Is the cat in the bedroom?不在。No, its not in here.No, its not here. 两岁的女儿一高兴就喜欢在我身上拱来拱去。My 2-year-old daughter likes to nuzzle against me whenever shes happy. 宝贝,你浑身是汗! Sweetie, youre all wet!和妈妈依偎在一起nestle up to mommy你出了不少汗。 You are sweaty.You are all sweaty.出了这么多汗!你都湿透了!Youre soaked in/with sweat!想拉粑粑吗?蹲下,坐在小马桶上,就可以开始喽!Do you want to poo-poo? Squat down, sit on the potty and youre ready to go! 想拉粑粑吗?Do you want to poo-poo?Do you want to go poo?该拉粑粑了。Time to go poo-poo.想尿尿吗?Do you want to pee-pee?Do you want to go pee?该尿尿了。Time to go pee-pee.想尿尿吗?Do you want to wee-wee?该拉粑粑了。Time to go wee-wee.睡进去点,给妈妈腾点地儿。Scoot over to your side and make some room for mommy.睡进去点,给妈妈腾点地儿。Scooch over to your side and make some room for mommy.挪过去一点move over你睡进去点,给妈妈腾点地儿。Can you move over to the inside of the bed and spare some room for mommy? 地垫(亲子园幼儿园常见的拼插泡沫地垫)mat, foam mats, puzzle mats, foam flooring哎呀,脸上有个红疙瘩!Yuck! Theres a red spot on my face!你背上有个大包。You got a big spot on your back.长大 (比现在大) grow up妈妈我什么时候能刮胡子?Mom, when can I shave like Daddy?等你长大就有了When you grow up.长大成人grown up我什么时候才能想吃什么就吃什么?When can I eat anything I want?等你长大成人。When you are grown up.晚睡 stay up我什么时候能晚睡?When can I stay up late?等你长大。When you grow up.这个词条是源于对“娇气”的近似解释。 我们有时候想说 ”你不能太娇气了。” 这么说效果不好,也似乎没有完全对应的词。实在想要表达这个意思,可以用 sensitive 这个中性词,例如 Sweetie, youre being a bit too sensitive.对孩子易哭不要责备,想哭的原因有很多,想哭就哭吧。想改善易哭的情况应多观察孩子,多给正面反馈,鼓励她用语言告诉你怎么回事而不是诉诸眼泪, 对 ta 情绪不好主动关心,孩子感到被肯定,被理解,会主动告诉你她的感受,慢慢形成习惯就好了。当她在控制情绪方面有进步时,要及时夸奖。Sweetie, whats the matter? Can you please stop crying and tell mommy whats going on?Its ok to cry but you dont have to, calm down, tell me whats wrong(what happened) and we can fix it.You look sad (frustrated, disappointed.), I understand that youre upset about.I know how you feel.Its great that you held yourself together! (controlled your emotions.)类似以下的说法也常见,但效果不大好。Youre a big girl now. Youre too big to cry all the time.(和爸爸赛跑,儿子赢了很兴奋地说) 我赢了! I won!Ive won!爸爸,我马上要赢了噢!Dad, Im winning!上坡 go upgo uphillgo up the rampgo up the slopego up the hill (山坡)上坡 go upgo uphillgo up the rampgo up the slopego up the hill (山坡)痣 mole雀斑 freckles晒伤 sunburn抓痕 scratch蚊子包 mosquito bite虫子咬的包insect bite鼓包 bump疹 rash瑕疵斑点 blemishPiata 一种源于墨西哥的游戏,类似我们的打金猪,肚子里面塞满了糖果,或其它你想要的东西,吊在空中,打的人蒙着眼睛,另外有人同时上下移动这个pinatas,等击中了以后,大家上去哄抢糖果,把PARTY 带入高潮。我得等水稍好才能陪你玩。Sweetie, I need to boil the water first but it wont take long, I promise. 等我一下,我得去看看水烧开了没有。马上就回来,你在这儿等着我噢!I need to check if the water is done. Ill be right back!I need to check the water in the kitchen first. Ill be back soon. Can you wait for me here? 其他表示一小会的说法:just a momentjust a minuteone minuteIll be right backIll be there soon黑人 black man/woman,black people黑人的皮肤是黑色的,头发是卷卷蓬蓬的。Black people have dark skin and wooly/bushy hair.美国黑人正式叫法African American抱着孩子 hold the baby(妈妈对爸爸说)你能抱会儿宝宝吗?Can you hold the baby for a while?你怎么抱孩子?(姿势如何)How do you hold your baby?抱起来 pick up 妈妈抱!Mommy, pick me up!抱着孩子 carry the baby(妈妈对爸爸说)你能抱会儿宝宝吗?我手占着呢。要不我来抱?Can you carry baby? My hands are full. Or do you want me to carry baby?喝水呛着 choked on water给宝宝量体温 take babys temperature日出 sunrise日落sunsetat/before/after sunrise/sunset看日出/日落watch a sunrise/sunsetwatch the sun go down拍日出/日落 shoot a sunrise/sunset曙光/暮色(太阳在地平线以下一点点时)twilight 日出顺序 dawn-twilight-sunrise日落顺序 sunset-twilight-dusk朝霞/晚霞 sunglowafterglowa beautiful glow in the sky装饰性地毯/挂毯 rug辨析:rug 和 mat 的区别,还有 carpet材质 mat 多为人造材料如塑料,泡沫等,也可能是天然材料如棉布、干草,但不会很贵重。rug 原本用天然材料,毛皮,皮革,羊毛,丝.可能材料名贵或手工精美。科技发达了也有人造的, 但基本是仿天然材料,譬如人造毛什么的,不会是塑料泡沫 pvc 之类。大小mat 可以有半个房间那么大,也可以是杯垫那么大rug 至少也得有电脑屏幕这么大吧,不会太小;但也不会大到铺满整个房间(wall to wall),那种就该叫 carpet 了。放置地点mat 可能放在任何平面,地面,桌面(譬如餐桌上的 placemat)。目的是清洁(门口蹭鞋的地垫)、防滑、舒适、保护.rug 只有地面或墙面挂起来两种,目的多为装饰,放在地面的也有一定舒适的功能,通常放在沙发脚边啊,钢琴旁边之类.价格mat 因其用途也就不会太贵。rug 有便宜的,也有天价的。总之 rug 要金贵不少。垫子 mat辨析:rug 和 mat 的区别,还有 carpet材质 mat 多为人造材料如塑料,泡沫等,也可能是天然材料如棉布、干草,但不会很贵重。rug 原本用天然材料,毛皮,皮革,羊毛,丝.可能材料名贵或手工精美。科技发达了也有人造的, 但基本是仿天然材料,譬如人造毛什么的,不会是塑料泡沫 pvc 之类。大小mat 可以有半个房间那么大,也可以是杯垫那么大rug 至少也得有电脑屏幕这么大吧,不会太小;但也不会大到铺满整个房间(wall to wall),那种就该叫 carpet 了。放置地点mat 可能放在任何平面,地面,桌面(譬如餐桌上的 placemat)。目的是清洁(门口蹭鞋的地垫)、防滑、舒适、保护.rug 只有地面或墙面挂起来两种,目的多为装饰,放在地面的也有一定舒适的功能,通常放在沙发脚边啊,钢琴旁边之类.价格mat 因其用途也就不会太贵。rug 有便宜的,也有天价的。总之 rug 要金贵不少。2010 年 7 月 25 日 书面: July 25,2010 25 July,2010念法: July the twentyfifth, twenty ten (two thousand ten)the twentyfifth of July, twenty ten辨析:日期的书面写法有两种:美语是 mm-dd-yyyy,很少的特例之一是 国庆日Fourth of July 其他英语国家/地区是 dd-mm-yy 或者 mm-dd-yyyy, 前者较多。而念法较灵活,日月顺序不限,但日必为序数。做手工do some craftsmake some craftsdo an art projectdo a craft project教做手工的书craft bookcrafting bookbook of arts&craftsart&craft activity book自己手工制成的书handmade book家里自制的书homemade book拧开瓶盖,用小刷子沾一点胶水,抹在纸上。 Open the bottle top and brush a little bit glue onto the paper.照镜子 look in/into the mirror站直了比较好看。 Youll look better and feel better in good posture. Stand up straight with your stomach in, chest out, shoulders back and head up
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