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教学过程一重点词性变化travel v.旅行-travelling/traveling n.旅行-traveler/traveller n.旅行者sand n.沙;沙滩-sandy adj.多沙的,沙质的beauty n.美丽;美人-beautiful adj.美丽的flight n.航班;航行-fly vi.飞行feel vt.感觉到,意识到-feeling n.感觉dead adj.死的-die vi.死-death n.死亡direct adj.笔直的,径直的-directly adv. 笔直地,径直地二课文知识详解1. Can I join you? 1) join + 组织 ;take part in + 活动; attend + 会议; 2) join sb. join sb. in sth./ doing sth.; His dream is to j_ the Party. He is a top student. He always _ _ _ (参加)school activities. He is a good teacher. He has _ _ (加入) in the Party for twenty years.Wont you _ (参加) us in the football match? 2.I dont think itll be a holiday for me.考点:宾语从句的否定转移。当主句的谓语动词为 think, guess, suppose, believe 等且主语为第一人称时,从句若表示否定,一般将否定词 not 转移到主句的谓语中,这就叫作“ 否定转移”。如: I dont think he will come this evening. She believes he doesnt study harder.当主语不是第一人称时,否定不转移。He thinks that he isnt fit for the job. 他认为他不适合这件工作。3.I miss you so much !Miss v. 意思为“想念,思念”如When I am abroad, I miss my parents.拓展:1).miss 作动词还可以表示“错过,没赶上” ,如Hurry up, or you may miss the bus.2) .miss 作名词还可以表示“小姐” ,后接姓氏。Eg: This is my English teacher, Miss Li.4.We re having a fantastic time here.Fantastic adj. 意思为“极好的,美妙的” ,其同义词为 wonderful.句子中的短语 have a fantastic time 的同义短语为 have a good/great/wonderful time.如:I have a fantastic social life.5.It moved at high speed and was really exciting!Speed n.速度,常见短语为:at the speed of, 以。 。 。的速度,如It moves at a speed of 50 kilometers an hour.拓展:speed 可以作动词,其词组为 speed up,意思为加速。You notice that your breathing has speeded up a bit.6.We were screaming and laughing through the ride.考点 1).through prep.穿过,通过 ; 自始自终The river runs through our village.辨析:across 与 through两者都可作介词,都意为“穿过” ,但是用法不同:across 着重指从一物体表面的一边、一面到另一边、另一面。例如:Can you swim across the river in ten minutes?I helped the blind man across the road.through 着重指从空间的一头穿到另一头,也就是说从一个物体的空间里穿过。例如 :The river flows through the city.The road led through the trees to the river.注意:across 是介词,不要与动词 cross,(穿过)混淆。考点 2.ride n.乘坐(游乐设施) , (乘车或骑车的)短途旅程。常见短语为 give sb a ride to ,让某人搭车去某地,如He gave me a ride to the market.拓展:ride 常作为动词,骑马,乘车。过去式为 rode, 过去分词为 ridden,现在分词为 riding.如Have you ever ridden a horse?7.I ran after them and couldnt stop taking photos. 考点:Cant stop doing sth 不停地做某事(忍不住做某事)I couldnt stop laughing when I heard it 听到那件事,我忍不住大笑。Cant wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事I cant wait to play basketball after finishing my homework. 我一完成作业就迫不及待去打篮球.Cant help doing sth 情不自禁地做某事She couldnt t help smiling. 她禁不住笑了起来。注意:Cant stop doing sth 常可以和 cant help doing sth 替换使用。8.such as 和 for example 区别两者都表示“例如”Such as 偏重列举,即将同一类人或物一 一列举出来。For example 偏重举例,通常在同一类的人或物中举出一个例子。I like all kinds of ball games, such as basketball, football, ping pong and so on.我喜欢各种球类运动,比如,篮球、足球、乒乓球等等There are many kinds of pollution, for example, noise is a kind of pollution.有许多种污染方式,例如噪音就是一种污染。 9.I bought a couple of key rings for classmates.Couple n. 两人,两件事物。常见短语为 a couple of = a pair of ,一双,一对,几个。如The couple arrived at the party very early.We met in Moscow a couple of weeks ago.10、I see Andy playing on the send too. 我看见安迪也在沙滩上玩。1. see sb do/doing sth 意为“看到某人做某事” 。see sb do sth 表示经常看见某人做某事,或者看到某人做某事的全过程;see sb doing sth 表示看见某人正在做某事。如:I saw him working in the garden yesterday.(强调 “我见他正在干活”这个动作)昨天我见他正在花园里干活。Jim often saw Meimei help others. 吉姆常常看到梅梅帮助他人。2. sand 意为“沙;沙滩” ,为不可数名词。如:Is there much sand here? 这里沙子多吗?They are playing on the sand. 他们正在沙滩上玩耍。链接中考:The missing boys were last seen _near the river. A playing B to be playing C play D to plat11、The parade has been over for hours. 游行已经结束好几个消失了。over adv. 结束。 be over 的同义词为 end,finish。如:Our holidays will soon be over. 我们的假日不就将要结束了。Well go out when the rain is over. 雨停了我们就出去。拓展:over 还可作介词。意为 “在上边;覆盖 ”时,同义词为 on top of,covering;意为“多于;超过”时,同义词为 more than。如:I put a blanket over the sleeping child. 我在睡着的孩子身上盖了一条毯子。He wore a thick coat over his sweater. 他在毛衣外面加了一件厚外套。He has lived in Beijing over two years. 他住在北京已经两年多了。You have to be over 18 to drive a car. 你要超过十八岁才能开车。12、The fish have been dead for some time. 鱼死了一段时间了。dead 为形容词,意为“死的 ”。辨析:die, death, dying 与 dead词性 词义 例句die 动词原形 死亡 His father died last week. 他的爸爸上周去世了death 名词 死亡 She cried after knowing her husbands death.在知道丈夫死亡的消息时,她哭起来。dying动词现在分词;形容词奄奄一息的,垂死的The dying man was saved by a kind-hearted lady.那个奄奄一息的男人被一位好心的女士救起。dead 形容词 死的 He found a dead bird in the garden.在花园里,他发现了一只死去的小鸟。13. except , besides 的区别except 意思是“除了之外” , “介词。如:Everyone except me goes to school by bike. 除了我之外,所有的人都是骑车上学的。We can see all the colures in this picture except grey. 除了灰色,我们能在这幅画里看到所有的颜色。另外,except 和 besides 虽都解释为“除了之外” , “except 是将紧跟其后的宾语“排除在外” , “besides 则将宾语内容 “包含在内” 。如:We all have finished homework except him. 除了他之外,我们都已经完成了回家作业。(他还没有完成。 )We all have finished homework besides him. 除了他以外,我们大家也已经完成了回家作业。(他也完成了。 )链接中考:1.Some people choose jobs for other reasons money these days.A. for B.except C.besides D.with2.Does John know any other foreign
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