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一开始 我先要感谢 蒙大拿州 南达科他州 新墨西哥州的人们I like to begin by thanking the people of Montana, South Dakota, New Mexico还有新泽西州和加利福尼亚州 今天是重大的日子 还有些票数在统计New jersey and California. We had some big big days and big big numbers coming in非常大的数字 有你们的支持 我真的非常荣幸very big numbers I am truly honored by your support我们一起实现了 没人会想到 有可能实现的事 你知道是什么Together we accomplished what nobody thought was absolutely possible, you know that is我们刚刚起步 未来将很美好 记住这一点Were only getting started and its going to be beautiful. Remember that.今晚我们结束了历史的一章 我们开启另一章Tonight we close one chapter in history and we begin another.我们的竞选 比历史上任何共和党候选人获得的初选选票 都要多Our campaign received more primary votes than any GOP campaign in history.无论是谁 无论他们是谁 我们的票数都是最多的No matter who it is, no matter who they are, we received more votes.这是一种伟大的感觉 这是一种伟大的感觉This is a great feeling. Thats a great feeling.这不是证明了我 而是证明了所有的人This is not a testament to me, but a testament to all of the people我们相信真正的变革 - 不是奥巴马变革 - 而是真正的变革 是可能的who believed real change not Obama change but real change, is possible.你们给我这份荣誉 带领共和党 在今年秋天取得胜利Youve given me the honor to lead the Republican Party to victory this fall.我们将会胜利 我们将要胜利 乡亲们 我们将要胜利Were going to do it. Were going to do it, folks. Were going to do it.我明白 承接这份事业 要承担责任I understand the responsibility of carrying the mantle我将永远不会让你失望 你们做太多工作and I will never, ever let you down. Too much work,太多的人 鲜血 汗水 泪水too many people, blood, sweat, and tears.我永远不会让你们失望Never going to let you down.我会让你们对党 对我们的运动 感到骄傲 是的 这就是一场运动I will make you proud of your party and our movement. Thats what it is, a movement.最近的民意调查显示 我击败了希拉里克林顿Recent polls have shown that Im beating Hillary Clinton因为她有着许多问题 她犯过重大错误and with all of her many problems and the tremendous mistakes that shes made- 她犯了重大的错误 - and she has made tremendous mistakes 预计 我们的领先优势将继续增长 大幅增长we expect our lead to continue to grow and grow substantially.在这场竞选中 投票支持我的每个人 我要谢谢你们To everyone who voted for me throughout this campaign, I want to thank you.我非常非常感谢你们I want to thank you very, very much.对于那些谁投票给别人的人 不论是哪个党To those who voted for someone else, in either party,我会努力工作 赢得您的支持 我会非常努力的工作 来赢得支持Ill work hard to earn your support. And I will work very hard to earn that support.所有那些伯尼桑德斯选民To all of those Bernie Sanders voters你们已经被超级代表操控的体制 被冷到一边who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of superdelegates,我们张开双臂 欢迎你们we welcome you with open arms.顺便说下 伯尼如此强烈的反对 可怕的贸易交易And by the way, the terrible trade deals that Bernie was so vehemently against- 他是对的 - 我将把这件事做好 远远超过任何人能想象的 and hes right on that will be taken care of far better than anyone ever thought possible.那就是我要做的事 我们将有很棒的贸易协议And thats what I do. We are going to have fantastic trade deals.我们要开始赚钱 并带来就业机会Were going to start making money and bringing in jobs.现在 我知道 有些人说我太爱战斗Now, I know some people say Im too much of a fighter.但是 我的喜好 永远是和平My preference is always peace, however.很长一段时间 我已经证明 我已经展示And Ive shown that. Ive shown that for a long time.通过关系和交易上 我已经建立了一个非凡的企业Ive built an extraordinary business on relationships and deals总是有利于各方that benefit all parties involved. Always.我的目标是一如既往 再次把人们团结在一起My goal is always, again, to bring people together.但是 如果被迫 为我真的很在乎的事 去战斗But if Im forced to fight for something I really care about,我将永远 永远不会退缩 而我们的国家 将永远不会退缩I will never, ever back down. And our country will never, ever back down.我已经为我的家人 为更多的生意 为我的员工 战斗Ive fought for my family, Ive fought for more business, Ive fought for my employees.而现在 我要为你们 美国人民而战And now, Im going to fight for you, the American people.之前 没有人像我这样去战斗Like nobody has ever fought before.而且 我不是作为一个政治家 在战斗 我就是我And Im not a politician fighting, Im me.你们会看到一些 真正的好事情 即将发生Youre going to see some real good things happen.只要记住 我将是你们的拥护者Just remember this, Im going to be your champion.我要成为美国的拥护者Im going to be Americas champion.因为你看 这次选举 不是为了共和党 或者为了民主党Because you see, this election isnt about Republican or Democrat,而是为了 选出谁来管理这个国家its about who runs this country.是由特殊利益集团说的算 还是 人民 我的意思是 美国人民说的算The special interests or the people, and I mean, American people.每个选举年 政治家承诺变革Every election year, politicians promise change.奥巴马承诺变革 那没有奏效 简直太清楚了Obama promised change and it didnt work out too well.同时 每年 他们都失败And every year, they fail to deliver.为什么政治家要更改体制?Why would politicians want to change a system这个体制 完全是为了让他们操纵权力而存在的thats totally rigged in order to keep them in power?那就是他们在做的 乡亲们Thats what theyre doing, folks.为什么政治家要改革体制?Why would politicians want to change a system正是这个体制 使他们和他们的朋友 非常 非常富有thats made them and their friends very, very wealthy?我击败了一个作弊的体制 用压倒性的支持 来获胜I beat a rigged system, by winning with overwhelming support.这是战胜它的唯一途径The only way you could have done it.遍布全国 压倒性的胜利Landslides all over the country,每个人口分类 都有望取胜with every demographic on track to win37 场初选和党团会议的胜利37 primary caucus victories在 17 个非常有才华的候选人之中取胜in a field that began with 17 very talented people.经过多年的失望 有一件事 我们都已经明白了After years of disappointment, theres one thing we all have learned.我们想改变被操纵的体制 不能依靠那些
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