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1第 2 课时 Reading预习目标1通过预习,了解有关大熊猫的趣闻,学习如何通过对上下文猜测了解文章大意。2了解大熊猫的成长过程及保护大熊猫的一些措施。3了解课文的语言点。预学热身预习课文前,请初步了解本课时的词汇并完成以下练习(英汉互译) 。1. outside prep._ 2.writer n._3. bamboo n._ 4.continue vi.&vt._5. thick adj._ 6._ n.(树、菜)叶7. _vt.劝告;鼓励 8._ adv.可惜;令人伤心地9. _ vt.保护 10._扎猎人11. _ n. 行动 12._vt.杀死13. _ adv.无处,没有地方 14._n.农民;农场主15. _ n. 森林自主探究1. What was the name of the baby panda?2. When did she weigh about ten kilograms?3. When and why did the baby panda have to look after herself?4. Why is it very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild?5. What will happen if we do nothing?教材导读1. The story of Xi Wang“希望”的故事知识点:the story of 的用法指点迷津 the story of的意思是“的故事” 。Do you know the story of Pleasant Sheep and Big Big Wolf?你知道喜羊羊和灰太狼的故事吗?Have you ever heard of the Table the Fisherman and the Fish?你听说过渔夫和金鱼的故事吗?( ) Do you know the story _the little boy?Aon Bto Cin Dof2She looked like a white mouse她看上去像一只白鼠。知识点:look like 的用法及其与 look the same 的辨析指点迷津 look like 的意思是“看起来像,看上去像 ”,相当于 be like,其中的 like是介词,后面要跟宾语。Millie is like her mother.米莉像她母亲。Millie looks like her mother.米莉看起来像她母亲。look the same 的意思是“看起来一样” ,后面不跟宾语。2Lucy and Lily look the same.露西和莉莉看起来一样。Are you twins? You look the same.你们是双胞胎吗?你们看上去一样。根据句意,用 look like 或 look the same 填空You and Jim_Tigers _big cats.3We called her Xi Wang我们叫她 “希望” 。知识点:called 在句中的用法指点迷津 call 在句中是动词,意思是“称为” ,后面要跟复合宾语。本句中her 是 call 的宾语,Xi Wang 是宾语 her 的补足语。You can call the boy Tom你可以叫这个男孩汤姆。Please call me Xiao Wang.请叫我小王。你把你的狗叫做什么? What_ _ _ _ _?4. At four months old, she weighed about ten kilograms and she started to go outside her home for the first time,在 4 个月大时,她的体重约 10 公斤,并开始首次走出她的家。知识点:at four months old 的用法指点迷津 at four months old 的意思是“在 4 个月大时” 。 “at+年龄”的意思是“在年龄时” ,相当于“at the age of+年龄”和“when sb.+be+年龄” 。He learned to swim at eight years old.=He learned to swim when he was eight years old.=He learned to swim at the age of eight.他在 8 岁时学会了游泳。同义句转换Where did you live when you were five years old?CD Where did you live_ _ _ _?Where did you live_ _ _ _ _?5. She grew into a healthy young giant panda and weighed 35 kilograms.她长成了一只年轻、健康的大熊猫,体重达 35 公斤。知识点:grow into的用法指点迷津 grow into.的意思是“成长为” ,后面跟宾语。Ten years later, the little girl grew into a beautiful lady.10 年之后,那个小女孩长成了一位漂亮的女士。( ) He _ a smart young man after twelve years.A. grew up B. grew into C. grew from D. grew out of6. At the very beginning, Xi Wang drank her mothers milk for up t0 14 hours a day.一开始, “希望”每天喝她母亲的奶长达 14 小时。知识点一:at the very beginning 的用法指点迷津 at the very beginning 的意思是“在刚开始的时候;起初;在一开始;最初”, 其中的 very 是形容词,意思是“恰好是;正是 ”。3How did you feel at the very beginning? 刚开始的时候你感觉怎么样?Go ahead, never give up and win at the very beginning.勇往直前,永不言败,赢在起跑线上。You are the very man I am looking for.你正是我在找的人。万事开头难。 Everything is difficult_ _ _ _知识点二:up to的用法指点迷津up to的意思是 “直到;多达;取决于” 。Mr. Green works for up to fifteen hours a day.格林先生一天工作长达 15 个小时。This car can take up to eight people.这辆小汽车能载多达 8 个人。This matter is up t。you.这件事就看你了。乌龟能活长达 140 岁。A tortoise can live _ _ _ _ _7. When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves.当她 6 个月大时,她开始吃竹笋和竹叶。知识点:bamboo shoot 和 leaf 的用法指点迷津 bamboo shoot 的意思是“竹笋” ,复数形式是 bamboo shoots。leaf 的意思是“(树、菜)叶” ,复数形式是 leaves。Giant pandas like eating bamboo shoots and leaves.大熊猫喜欢吃竹笋和竹叶。The leaves on maple trees are very beautiful.枫树叶很漂亮。大象喜欢吃竹笋吗? Do elephants_ _ _ _?树叶在秋季变黄并掉落。_ _ turn yellow and fall down in autumn.8. Here are some of the problems that Xi Wang may have in the future if she lives in the wild.这儿有“希望”将来如果生活在野生环境中可能会遇到的一些问题。知识点:in the future 的用法指点迷津in the future 的意思是“在将来” ,常用于一般将来时的句子中。1 want to be a driver in the future.我将来想当一名驾驶员。我们永远也不会知道将来会发生什么。We will never know what_ _ _ _ _9. If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.如果农民们砍伐了树木和森林,大熊猫们将无处生存。知识点:cut down 的用法指点迷津 cut down 的意思是 “砍倒;砍伐” ,其中 cut 是动词,down 是副词。在英语中,由“动词十副词”构成的短语,后接的宾语是名词时,可以放在中间,也可以放在后面;如果宾语是代词,只能放在这两个词之间。They cut down the tree. =They cut the tree down.他们砍倒了那棵树。This tree is dead. We should cut it down.这棵树死了。我们应该把它砍掉。这些人为什么把它们砍倒了? Why did these people_ _ _?10. Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own.熊猫妈妈经常让熊猫宝宝单独呆上整整两天。4知识点:on ones own 的用法指点迷津 on ones own 的意思是“单独地;独自地;独立地 ”,相当于 by oneself或 alone,常在句中作状语,其中的 ones 要用适当的形容词性物主代词或名词所有格。He fin
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