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Block A:LH: Hello and welcome to Talk Asia, Im Lorraine Hahn. My guest today is Taiwanese pop star, Wang Lee Hom.LH:你好,欢迎收看 Talk asia节目,我是 Lorraine Hahn.今天我们的嘉宾是台湾当红艺人,王力宏Born in New York in 1976, Wang grew up in the United States. Blessed with a mix of brains and talent, he spent his youth performing in local musicals, then pursued a degree in music at Williams College, followed by a masters degree from the prestigious Berkley School of Music.王力宏出生于1976年,在美国长大,被赋予中西合并的天分与才能,青年时期参演音乐剧,随后在 Williams College取得本科学位,而后又在赋有盛名的伯克利音乐学院取得硕士学位。While in university, Wang landed a recording contract in Taiwan. His breakthrough album, Revolution, garnered rave reviews and firmly established him as a rising star in the Asian music scene.在大学时期,力宏与台湾的公司签下了唱片约。 音乐进化论 ,作为他事业飞跃的一张专辑,令他的人气飙升,也奠定了他在亚洲音乐圈的地位。In addition to writing and producing his own music, Wang has also dabbled in movie projects around Asia.王力宏不仅创作及制作自己的音乐,而且还参与亚洲电影的拍摄。Lee Hom, its so good to see you! Thank you. (WL: Its great to see you again.) Thanks for coming in. Your music, a blending of east west. You also sort of embody this mix. How would you describe your style?力宏,非常高兴见到你。谢谢。 (力宏:很高兴再见到你)谢谢来上我的节目。你的音乐,是中西音乐的混合体,你自己也是这样的一种体现。自己怎么样来形容你的风格呢?WL: Um, actually I call my style - and I hope I dont offend any of the viewers - but I call it chinked out.力宏:恩实际上我把自己的风格希望没有冒犯到任何的观众(因为chink在英语中有蔑视中国人的意味)我称之为chinked out.LH: Im glad you said it and I didnt.LH: 幸好是你说出来了,而不是我。WL: Well, the “chinked out” style is a school of hip hop thats the way I like to think of it that incorporates Chinese elements and sounds. Uh, I started it off in my last album called Shangrila. And this album incorporated the music of ethnic minorities, in China, in Tibet, in Mongolia, Shenzhen. Theres 50 some odd some people say 54, 55 different ethnic minorities tribal music. Its a beautiful and original to Chinese culture. And this new album called Heroes of Earth incorporates Peking Opera and Quen-chu which are thousand year old traditions that are also unique to Chinese culture. Very unique instrumentation, costumes, singing styles. And it invigorates hip hop music. I dont think anyone has ever done this before in hip hop, in the hip hop world.力宏:chinked out风格是一种嘻哈态度,至少我是这么想的,这是中国元素以及声音的融合。这个概念是在上一张专辑心中的日月开始的。这张专辑更融合了中国少数民族的音乐。中国有50多种少数民族音乐,有些人说54,或者55(呃.你问的都是什么人啊,力宏大哥 - -!).这些都是非常美,而且是中国文化特有的。我的新专辑叫做盖世英雄 ,它融合了京剧和昆曲这两种具有上千年历史的中国传统戏曲。它们使用非常特别的演奏乐器,服装造型还有唱腔。传统的艺术跟 hip hop激烈的撞击,产生出很多火花。从没有人在嘻哈界这么做过。LH: Now when you use this so-called “derogatory” racial slur (WL: Yeah) Did you not think you would offend some people?LH:现在当你使用 chinked out这个具有毁谤意味的词时,难道你不会担心这会冒犯一些人么?!WL: Well, I mean this is this is music. (LH: laughs) Im an artist. I think Id rather make people think, and coin new terms, and coin new sounds. You know, I think that saying this music is chinked out. I dont want to offend anybody. I want to repossess the word, and this is a word I heard growing up in New York. It was derogatory at the time. And you know, I hope I can make it cool.力宏:这只是音乐啦 我是一个艺人。我宁愿我的作品能够促使人们思考,创造新的想法,新的声音。说这是 chincked out绝对不是想冒犯任何人。希望我能重新给这个词定义,这个我在纽约从小听到大的词。那里曾经是有歧视的,我希望我能让之前不好的现在听起来很 cool。 (意思是,别人说出来我们就觉得在夸中国人?!呃。 。 。好不能让人信服的解释啊)LH: Right. So you dont mean it in a bad way then.LH:恩。所以你不是想说它坏的一面那个意思。 (貌似在老外那里,一直只有那么一个意思吧 - -!)WL: Definitely not.力宏:当然不是。LH: Right. Your main influences when youre writing music. What are they?LH:恩。一定有很多事物一直影响着你的创作。能说说都有哪些事物么?WL: Well, Ive got so many influences. As far as um popular music is concerned, thered be people like Stevie Wonder and Prince. Um, Alisha Keys and Outkast. Missy Elliot. R Kelly. The Neptunes, people like that. And um, in classical music Leonard Bernstein, Bartok, Stravinsky, you know 20th century great composers. In Jazz theres the great Jazz pianists because I studied jazz piano as well- like Herbie Hancock, Keith Jarrett, Kris Tiner, Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans.力宏:对我影响很大的有很多。流行音乐界的 Stevie Wonder,Prince,Alisha Keys, Outkast, Missy Elliot, R Kelly, The Neptunes;古典音乐界的 Leonard Bernstein, Bartok, Stravinsky, 所有这些20世纪的伟大作曲家,以及很多非常优秀的爵士钢琴演奏家,因为我是学爵士钢琴的,像是 Herbie Hancock, Keith Jarrett, Kris Tiner, Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans,LH: Now Ive heard that you carry a PDA all the time with you.LH:我听说你走哪都带着 PDA。WL: Well, I carry my computer with me everywhere I go.力宏:我走哪都带着我的电脑。 (不要怀疑,他的电脑肯定是 mac.估计还有苹果公司的全套设备)LH: And you write on it, right away?LH:你用它随时在作曲?WL: Yeah, I write and do all my arrangements on my Mac. And um, I use Logic Pro, which is a great software program. Its got all these synthesizers, software since its got a whole orchestra inside. (LH: wow.) And actually I did this whole album, Id say 90% of it, all the programming, at least, in my laptop.力宏:是啊。我用 mac完成创作以及编曲。我用一个非常棒的软件,叫 Logic Pro,里面有所有的合成器还有一整套的交响乐团。事实上,我的新专辑至少90%以上都是在本本中完成的。LH: Really? (WL: Yeah) On the road?LH:不是吧?!在路上就完成这些?!WL: On the road. On the airplane, in hotels.力宏:是啊,路上,飞机上还有宾馆里。LH: So technology is pretty important for so
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