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营销英语题型:翻译 15*2判断对错 5*2简答题 6*5写作 30Branding 1& Branding2& Brand ValueBrand: Most companies decide to brand their products or services by using a name, a symbol or a design to identify it and differentiate it from the competitive set that is, rival brands.A brand name is the name given to a product or a range of products goods of a similar type that are marketed together.The trademark is the legal protection for the brand.A brand manager is responsible for branding creating, maintaining and building a brand. He or she works on all aspects of the brands. (The brand image, the brand essence, the brand promise, the brand vision)A premium brand 溢价品牌An economy brand 经济品牌An own brand 自有品牌 own-label brand or private label brandA brand leader 品牌领导者 the best-selling brandA no brand 通用品牌,普通品牌 generic brandThe flagship brand 旗舰品牌Co-branding 联合品牌 two brands working together to create a new product.The brand platform (the brand vision, the brand personality, the brand mission, the brand tone of voice, the brand values)Brand managementBrand strategyBrand behaviorBrand experienceTotal branding 整体品牌建设Touch points 接触点The brand strategy shows how the brand will meet its objectivities. It influences the overall business strategy of a company to ensure consistent brand behavior, meaning what the brand does and how it acts in all advertising media, and consistent brand experience-the exposure and interaction a consumer has with the brand.Rebrand 重塑品牌Stretch the brand 延伸品牌Brand extensionBrand positioningEnhance the brandUsing brand leverage 利用品牌杠杆Maintaining brand equityBuilding brand preferenceBuilding brand loyalty = brand retentionBuilding brand awarenessBuilding brand considerationBrand values are the code by which the brand lives and operates. They express how the brand wants to be seen by its consumers.Area of expertise 专门领域strong heritage 传统,继承Dynamic 动态的,积极的,有活力的FreshnessModernityKnowledgeable aboutTrustworthiness 可靠,依赖Outlook 前途前景Simplicity 简明Inspirational 鼓舞人心的Luxury 奢侈的,奢华的U19 Market segmentationMarket segmentation identifies groups of buyers within a market who share similar needs and demonstrate similar purchasing behavior.Demographics (age, sex, religion or ethnicity, income, life cycle)Psychographics (education, attitudes and opinions, lifestyle, thrifty)Target a segment 瞄准一个目标市场Customer profile 客户分析Household 家庭,家喻户晓Consumer life cycle(CLC )City dwellersUrbanites Commuters 经常往返者ABC Socio-Economic Categories:ABC社会经济类别A classification of residential neighborhoodsABs priced, high disposable income PreferenceCity urbanitesAlthough every marketing department has its own definitions and names for the market segments they target, there are some common terms. In 1962 Rogers described five market segments in his book Diffusion of innovations.(新产品渗透理论)According to diffusion of innovations, market could be divided into 5 segments. They are Innovators, Early adopters, early majority, late majority and Laggards. Innovators create something new and start a new trend. Early adopters identify trends early and like to be associated with the start of a trend. Early majority follow the trends set by the early adopters. Late majority follow the trends that have been tested by the early majority. Laggards are the last group of people to buy a product or brand: indeed they may never buy it.Market segments may also be divided according to professions, lifestyles or age groups.Affluent 丰富的富饶的appeal to 对有吸引力lifecycle 生命周期Baby boomer TweensU20 customer needs and behaviorMaslows hierarchy of needs 马斯洛的需求层次理论Physiological needs 生理需要 food and housingMajor customer concern 主要顾客关注Safety needs 安全需要 protectionSocial needs 社交需要/归属需要 membershipEsteem needs 自尊需要 to maintain ones lifestyle and social statusSelf-fulfillment needs 自我实现需要 projects and dreamsFulfillPurchasing behavior = purchasing patternFinal purchasing decisionPurchasing intentionsRoutine purchases 常规采购,日常采购Personal involvement 亲身介入,个人参与Impulse purchasing 冲动购买Be attuned to 使协调U21 loyalty programsCustomer loyalty is critical to business success and profitability. Loyal customers buy more, and so improve sales and profit margins. However, customers are becoming increasingly fickle or disloyal-they no longer hesitate switch, or change, retailers and brands.Fickle=disloyalImplement loyalty programMaximize customer loyalty Minimize customer defectionRetainPreferred customersStore card=loyalty cardCustomers complete an application form with demographic data and receive a plastic card which is used firstly to record information about what the customer buys on their transaction record 交易记录, and secondly to reward them with vouchers凭单, points or coupons 优惠券, which can all be used, or redeemed 赎回, to get gifts or money off future purchases.Rewards card=point card=club cardLoyalty program=loyalty schemesLoyalty programs are an effective tool to build relationships with customers.Our loyalty card is suffering from fatigue 疲劳. I mean, its just one more card fighting for wa
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