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1起重机名词术语A. Aux. hoisting mechanism 副起升机构Aux. hook 副钩 automatic lubrication 自动润滑 air conditioner 空调 anti slip 防滑 anti collision 防撞ambient temperature 环境温度ACB:air circuit breaker 空气断路器 ACB =Adapter Control Block 适配器控制块Anemometer & indicator: 风速仪 & 指示器Aviation obstacle light: 航空示警灯anchoring device 锚定装置Anchor limit s/w: 锚定限位开关Admittance n. 入场权, 准入Avoidance collision:防撞Acryl 压克力amperometer (=ammeter) 物安培计, 电流计athwartships adv. 船 横向地ancillary adj. 补助的, 副的alternator 交流发电机annealing 退火B.base 基距brake 制动器bearing 轴承 bolt/nut 螺栓/螺母boom telescope 臂架伸缩bridge 桥架Branch box:分路箱Boom local control box: 变幅局部控制箱Boom angle indicator:变幅角指示器beam sensor: 光束传感器bearing cover: 轴承通盖bus bar 母线 boss 毂Ccable drum/reel 电缆卷筒cabin/cab 司机室construction 构造container 集装箱crane stability 起重机稳定性2coupling 连轴器Cabin remote I/O panel 司机室遥控输入输出盘Cabin cooler 司机室空调Cabin heater 司机室加热器check valve 止回阀caution plate 警告板cut: 下料,切割commutate n.交换,换向,转换,整流,换向,交换camber 拱形,呈拱形charging cable 充电电缆color chart 色卡certified 被鉴定的checked plate: 花纹板connecting link 中间架 cable arm 电缆支架converter 换流器cable arm 电缆滑架cable hanger 电缆吊架Dderricking 变幅damp proof 防潮 dynamic test 动载试验deflection 下挠度diameter 直径DBR: 制动电阻器distributing valve 分配阀drain hole 排水孔Eend beam/boom 端梁=saddleequalizer boom 平衡梁 electric room 电气室explosion proof 防爆electric hoist 电动葫芦Emergency brake: 安全制动器E/C room air conditioner: 电气室空调ED=JC 接电持续率Enter plate: 盖板Electric adj. 电的, 导电的, 电动的, 电气Electrical adj. 电的, 有关电的 electrical wire 电线Electrician 电工, 电学家electricity 电流, 电, 电学electricize v. 充电, 使带电electronic adj. 电子的3electronical adj.电子的electronics n. 电子学ebb-tide 退潮entrance deck: 入口平台end stopper 端部止挡 EXP. MTL 钢筛网Ffoundation layout 基础布置图: filling pump 注油泵, 灌注泵Filler pack 注油器fit up n.装配,安装Flex n.挠曲,电线Festoon cable: 悬挂电缆forwarding agent 运送经理人,运输行商, 转运公司forwarder 代运人,运输业者,转运公司 floodtide and slacktidefloodtide 涨潮,高潮fork-lift truck: 叉车festoon system: 电缆悬挂系统fleet angle机 绳索偏角Ggantry crane 门式起重机gear reducer 减速器grab 抓斗Gantry D.B.R.: 大车制动电阻Gantry seaside panel: 大车海侧板Glove: Gangplank (轮船之)跳板, 踏板General assembly:总图Guide saddle:从动端梁Hhandrail 栏杆heat treatment 热处理Hoist inverter panel: 起升逆变盘Hoist D.B.R.: 起升制动电阻hydraulic 液压hollow shaft:空心轴hoist inspection deck: 葫芦检修平台hook approach 吊钩极限位置heat fit 热配合hinge 铰链II-TV monitor: 工业电视监视器4I-TV camera: 工业电视摄像头Interphone: 对讲机Inverter: 换流器,整流器,逆变器Jjib 臂架Junction box: 连接箱Joint box:连接箱KKey plate:轴端挡板keep plate:压板, 制动板Llevel luffing 水平变幅lifting tongs 夹钳limiter 限制器ladder 梯子lowering speed 下降速度lifting capacity 起重量lifting height 起升高度Lighting distribution panel: 照明分布板line shaft: 浮动轴 (主动轴)Loud speaker: 高音喇叭Load limiter:载荷限制器lock nut washer 扣定螺帽垫片lock nut/washer:锁紧螺母/垫圈lathe n.车床Mmain hoisting mechanism 主起升机构main hook 主钩main girder/boom 主梁machinery room 机械室magnetic disk 电磁盘main/ aux transformer with case 主变压器MCC: motor circuit control 电动机电流控制M/H local control box: 机器室局部控制盒Magnet transformer with case:电磁驱动盘Meter box: 仪表箱5Magnet resistor:电磁电阻器Magnet pot:电磁箱 Motor siren: 电动机报警器M/C room ventilation fan: 机械室通风扇Material stock: 备料Multiple:倍数Mechanical adj. 机械的, 机械制的, 机械似的, 呆板的Mechanically adv 机械地Mechanicals 工业制品Mechanician n. 机械师, 技工 , 机械工Mechanise v. 机械化, 使用机械装置Mechanism n. 机械装置, 机构, 机制mill sheet 制造工艺规程(表) 制造厂产品记录material processing :材料加工(下料)Nnodal point 结点, 节点Ooverhead traveling crane 桥式起重机Over speed switch: 超速限位开关Outreach 极限伸距 Pportal crane 门座platform 走台pick and carry speed 吊重行走速度performance 性能parameter 参数package 包装PLC panel: 可编程序控制板 pressure gauge n.压力计pneumatic 气动Pull box: 分线盒Pulse generator:脉冲编码器Pedestal n.支座,轴架Pantograph for earth: 地面缩放仪 集电弓Photo sensor: 光电传感器Pendant n. 悬垂 pin coupling 销联接point of view:n.观点,看法pull in v. 进站, 靠岸piling crane (带吊运托架的 )叠板堆垛吊车piling car 堆垛车pin: 轴pinion gear: 小齿轮6PGshaft 编码器轴=encoderP/W 平垫圈/弹簧垫圈Punch 冲压机, 冲床, 打孔机 vt.冲孔, 打孔QQuenching 淬火Rrail clamp 夹轨器rated load 额定载荷 reservoir n.储罐 ,水库,储蓄器,储.器,蓄水池 vt.储藏,蓄积 ,储集层 radius 半径rail scraper: 扫轨器Rail clamp: 夹轨器Rabbet: 槽口Rectifier:整流器Regular=routine=ordinary: 常规的Rectification 纠正, 整顿, 校正, 精馏, 整流Rocker:摇杆Remoconremote control 遥控 Reamer bush: 定位套Round bar 圆钢Sslewing crane 回转起重机safety catch 制动掣子ship unloader 卸船机span 跨度sill beam 槛梁,下横梁super cross beam 上横梁sheave 滑轮shaft 轴stopper 停止器schedule 进度static test 静载试验spreader 吊具spare part 备件schedule.进程,一览表,时间表,计划,列表,状态,程序shoot: 射击,摄影Selection panel: 选择盘Siren:报警器spacer 隔套(collar)washer 垫板Saddle ASSY: 端梁装配Self-cooling:自扇风7Symmetrical adj 对称的;相称的shaft extension:轴伸spline: 花键sleeve: 衬套 slacktide 平潮Sliding contact conductor:滑触线shim plate:垫板split pin 开口销slot hole:槽孔spot facing 锪平面service factor 运转率Ttraveling 大车运行traversing 小车运行track centers/gauge 轨距tube teen. 三通管, T 形管tube elbow n.弯管,弯头truss 桁架the name of an article 产品或商品的名称Trolley/boom panel: 小车/变幅盘Tool box: 工具箱Thruster disk brake:推杆盘式制动器Trolley lever type: 小车手柄式Traveling alarm device: 大车报警装置Trolley bar: 大车滑触线Tolerance:公差Terminal:端子 (电线、电缆或电器器材上的接头)to say the least:退一步说technical assistance:技术援助to take
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