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1. Many foreign people complained that their room _are spies because they have greeted with “ Where are you going?” 1、参考答案AA. attendants B. Westerners C. formulaic D. Comment2. If American professors allow their college students to address them by given names, they are considered to be _.2、参考答案AA. affable B. alone C. contrived D. ungenerous 3. Americans expect the visitor to come straight to the point, rather than go through lengthy _chatting. 3、参考答案BA. acceptable B. preliminary C. ending D. expected4. Westerners feel _if someone visit them without advance notice.4、参考答案CA. defended B. polite C. slighted D. unwanted5. In Western culture, it is common for the guest to _ in a couple of minutes talk while preparing for leaving. 5、参考答案DA. indicate B. decide C. contrast D. indulge6. They have largely abandoned the practice of Catholicism except for _appearances at Christmas and Easter. 6、参考答案BA. diffident B. token C. different D. formulaic 7. They have a _ relationship since they disagreed with each other last time. 7、参考答案DA. strand B. effusive C. sincere D. strained 8. Seeing his friend talking with his countryman and ignoring him, the British became noticeably _.8、参考答案B A. animated B. agitated C. negative D. efficient9. The Chinese tend to _ themselves in words although they do feel comfortable about the compliments. 9、参考答案CA. assume B. arrogant C .efface D. exceed10. For minor favors like borrowing a pencil, polite expressions are often _ by Chinese, especially among close friends. 10、参考答案BA. favored B. neglected C. apologized D. focused11. A term in one language does not necessarily have a _ in the other language. 11、参考答案AA. counterpart B. partner C. respondence D lieutenant12. Where womens status is low, there will be a number of _ sayings about woman. 12、参考答案BA. detracting B. demeaning C. respectful D. deviating13. American culture is _ factual-inductive. 13、参考答案CA. dominantly B. insubstantial C. predominantly D. circuitous14. Which is the best Chinese equivalent of “diamond cut diamond”? _14、参考答案CA.高手如云 B. 两虎相争 C. 棋逢对手 D. 龙盘虎踞15. Different cultures have different senses of time. Time language is also called _.15、参考答案CA. proxemics B. kinesics C. chronemics D. paralanguage16. Culture is invisible, _, and learned. 16、参考答案B A. present B. omnipresent C. chronical D. transmitted17. _ often prefer to interact with others at a greater distance than extroverts. 17、参考答案AA. introverts B. introducers C. intruders D. repugnance18. Women are generally comfortable with building close relationships and confiding to others, while mostmen are reserved about involvement and _.18、参考答案BA. endorse B. disclosure C. communication D. interaction19. In cross-gender communication, we need to remind ourselves that there is a logic and _ to both feminine and masculine communication styles.19、参考答案DA. suspend B. translation C. cue D. validity20. Matching experiences with others shows understanding and _, such as “ I know how you feel”. 20、参考答案DA. sympathy B. symmetry C. command D. empathy21. Which of the following statement about culture is not true?21、参考答案BA. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation. B. Culture is innate, rather than learned. C. The facets of culture are interrelated. D. Culture is subject to change. 22. Which of the following is not a reason for the rapid development of intercultural communication? 22、参考答案CA. convenient transportation systems B. innovative communication systems C. nonverbal misunderstanding D. economic globalization23. Which of the following is not considered a barrier in intercultural communication? 23、参考答案DA. language differences B. cultural stereotype C. ethonocentrism D. cultural assimilation 24. For a man called Andrew Lewis, which of the following is not a common form of address? 24、参考答案AA. Mr. Andrew B.Andrew B. Andy D. Mr. Lewis 25. For a man called He Xiangu, which of the following is not a common form of address? 25、参考答案DA. He xiansheng B.Xiangu C. Xiao He D. Guxian26. While talking with Englishmen, which of the following is appropriate in initiating conversation? 26、参考答案DA. age B. salary C. family D. weather27. While talking with Englishmen, which of the following is not a good topic in initiating conversation?27、参考答案C
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