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采矿工程专业英语词汇手册(Glossary of Special English in Mining Engineering )采矿学双语教学专用采矿工程专业内部讲义二零零七年九月Content目录Introduction.2绪 论 .2Chapter 1 Basic concepts of Coal Mining.2第 一 章 煤 矿 开 采 的 基 本 概 念 .2Chapter 2 Coal Mining methods .5第 二 章 采 煤 方 法 的 概 念 和 种 类 .5Section I Mine Field Development and Mining Design第 一 篇 井 田 开 拓 及 矿 井 开 采 设 计Chapter 3 Basic Concepts of Mine Development.8第 三 章 井 田 开 拓 的 基 本 概 念 .8 Chapter 4 Mine Development Ways10第 四 章 井 田 开 拓 方 式 .10 Chapter 5 Development Roadways Layout . 12第 五 章 井 田 开 拓 巷 道 布 置 .12 Chapter 6 Level station .第 六 章 井 底 车 场 . Chapter 7 Mine Development Deepen and Technical Reform第 七 章 矿 井 开 拓 延 深 和 技 术 改 造 .2Introduction (绪 论 )mine n. 矿山,矿井。v. 采矿colliery n. 矿井coal mining 采煤underground mining 地下开采surface mining 露天开采reserve n. 储量coal-bearing adj. 含煤的high production and high efficiency 高产高效development n. 开拓preparation n. 准备mining method 采煤方法subside v. 下沉,沉陷subsidence n. 沉降,沉陷mining subsidence n. 开采沉陷mechanize v. 使机械化mechanization n. 机械化Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Mine (矿 井 基 本 概 念 )coalfield n. 煤田mining area n. 矿区mine field n. 井田divide v. 划分division n. 划分mine production capacity (MPC) 矿井生产能力mine service life 矿井服务年限production scale of mine 井型small mine 小型矿井middle mine 中型矿井large mine 大型矿井huge mine 特大型矿井strike n. 走向dip n. 倾向dip angle 倾角workable adj. 可采的workable reserve n. 可采储量3opening n. 通道,开口mine opening n. 矿山井巷passageway n. 通道shaft n. 立井roadway n. 巷道chamber n. 硐室main shaft 主立井auxiliary shaft 副立井air shaft 风井blind shaft 暗立井drawn shaft 溜井chute n. 溜煤眼adit n. 平硐drift n. 平硐crosscut n. 联络巷;石门coal crosscut 煤门entry n. 平巷haulage n. 运输main haulage roadway 主要运输平巷main return-air roadway 主要回风平巷head entry 区段运输平巷tail entry 区段回风平巷slope n. 斜井rise n. 上山dip n. 下山rock rise 岩石上山coal rise 煤层上山 coal haulage rise 运煤上山material transporting rise 运料上山return-air rise 回风上山men-walking rise 行人上山inclined roadway of a strip 分带斜巷inclined coal haulage roadway of a strip 分带运煤斜巷inclined material haulage roadway of a strip 分带运料斜巷development roadway 开拓巷道preparation roadway 准备巷道gateway 回采巷道4pit bottom 井底车场shaft bottom 井底车场station n. 车场,车站mining district station 采区车场horizon n. 阶段level n. 水平haulage level 运输水平return-air level 回风水平mining level 开采水平interval between levels 阶段垂高mining district 采区panel n. 盘区sublevel n. 分段strip district n. 带区inclined length 斜长strike length 走向长度district sublevel 区段Open-off cut n. 切眼coalface n. 采煤面working face 工作面production n. 生产;产量production system 生产系统coal haulage system 运煤系统ventilation n. 通风ventilation system 通风系统fresh air 新鲜风dirty air 乏风,污风refuse n. 矸石material and refuse transportation system 运料排矸系统drain v. 排水drainage system 排水系统 power supply system (electric power, compressed air) 动力供应(电、压风)communication and monitoring system 通讯、监测系统drive v. 掘进excavate v. 开挖,开掘hoist v. 提升winch n. 绞车5Chapter 2 Coal Mining methods (采 煤 方 法 )stope 采场 mining works/units 回采工作basic operation 基本工序break v. 破碎load v. 装载haul v. 运输auxiliary operations 辅助工序roof support 顶板支护gob treatment 采空区处理auxiliary transportation 辅助运输ventilation 通风drainage 排水power supply 供电,emulsion supply 供液(乳化液)等。winning/mining technique 采煤工艺mining system 采煤系统mining roadway layout 回采巷道布置classify v. 分类dry mining 旱采wall mining system 壁式开采full-seam mining 整层single longwall mining method 单一长壁采煤法longwall mining on strike 走向长壁开采 longwall mining on inclineii 倾向长壁开采sublevel caving 放顶煤 shield 掩护支架 slicing method 分层inclined slicing 倾斜分层 horizontal slicing 水平分层 oblique slicing 斜切分层top-slicing system of sublevel caving 水平分段放顶煤pillar mining system 柱式开采6room and pillar mining method 房柱式room method 房式hydraulic mining 水采underground liquefaction 地下液化和气化underground gasification 地下液化和气化roof caving 垮落法(自然垮落、强制放顶)packing 充填法pillar support 刀柱式nearly horizontal coal seam 近水平煤层gently inclined coal seam 缓斜煤层inclined coal seam 倾斜煤层steeply inclined 急倾斜厚煤层:thin coal seam 薄煤层middle thick coal seam 中厚煤层thick coal seam 厚煤层steeply inclined coal seam with an huge thickness 急倾斜特厚煤层blasting mining technology 炮采conventionally mechanized mining technology 普通机械化采煤工艺fully mechanized mining technology 综合机械化采煤工艺fully mechanized mining with top coal caving technology 综采放顶煤工艺continuous miner 连续采煤机shuttle car n. 梭车universal extensible conveyor 万向接长机bolt v. 打锚杆; n. 锚杆mining method 采矿方法;mining operation 采矿作业; ground control 顶板管理;recovery 回采率;subsidence control 地表沉陷控制cover 覆盖层;overburden 上覆地层;immediate roof 直接顶;floor 底板;hardness 硬度;strength 强度7cleavage 解理 gas,methane 瓦斯daily operation 日常工作single operation 单一工序 unit operation 单元作业auxiliary operation 辅助作业cutt
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