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福建师范大学 生命科学学院 学院2006 2007学年 第 二 学期考试 A 卷考生信息栏学院系专业年级姓名学号装订线专 业: 生物科学 年 级: 课程名称: 高级生理学 任课教师: 洪炎国 试卷类别:开卷( )闭卷( ) 考试用时: 120 分钟考试时间: 年 月 日 午 点 分题号 一 二 三 四 五总得分评卷人得分 题号 六 七 八 九 十得分 一 、名词解释(每题5分,共35分)1. resting potential2. neuromuscular junction3. effective refractory period4. pulmonary stretch reflex5. receptive relaxation6. BAM227. brain-gut peptide 二、请根据以下英文段落中的内容回答问题(共65分,中英文作答均可):Any homeostatic system has five common components. The first component is the thing that needs to be kept constant. In a house this may be the temperature. This is called the regulated variable. Temperature, blood pressure, and the blood content of glucose, oxygen, and potassium ions are examples of regulated variables in the body. The body wants these variables to stay at a certain level. Not everything is a regulated variable. Heart rate, cardiac output, vascular resistance, urine output, and breathing rate are not regulated variables. These things may change, but they usually change in order to keep the regulated variable constant. If you remember what things are regulated variables, you will be a long way toward understanding the details of the homeostatic responses of the body. Once you know the regulated variable, in many cases you will be able to identify intuitively how the body might keep it constant.For every regulated variable there is a set point. Therefore, the body has set points for temperature, blood pressure, and the blood content of oxygen, glucose, and potassium. You need to know the value of these set points so that you will recognize if something is wrong. If my wife and I dont agree on the set point for the thermostat, I might interpret a temperature greater than 76 as a sign that the air conditioner is broken. However, this may be the set point that my wife has selected. Some diseases involve changes in the bodys set point. You shiver when you have a fever because the temperature set point of your body has been increased. Your body tries to generate heat to raise its temperature by contracting the skeletal muscles. High blood pressure (hypertension) can be maintained because the set point for blood pressure is increased and the body initiates responses to maintain the blood pressure at this elevated level. So, it is important to know the normal set point and to realize that the set point can be changed as part of a disease process. An illness can result from the use of normal body responses to maintain abnormal set point.Temperature by contracting the skeletal muscles. High blood pressure (hypertension) can be maintained because the set point for blood pressure is increased and the body initiates responses to maintain the blood pressure at this elevated level. So, it is important to know the normal set point and to realize that the set point can be changed as part of a disease process. An illness can result from the use of normal body responses to maintain abnormal set point.The third component of a homeostatic system is some mechanism by which the body can “know” the current conditions. There has to be a sensor that monitors the internal environment. For example, the thermostat senses the air temperature in your house. For every regulated variable there has to be a sensor. Therefore, the body has sensors for temperature, blood pressure, blood osmolarity, and the blood content of glucose, oxygen, and potassium, to name a few. Part of the study of physiology is the study of these sensors. You will learn where they are located, how they sense, the nature of their response to changes in the regulated variable, and where they send their information. The thermostat in your house compares the current air temperature as sensed by the thermometer with the set point temperature you selected. If the thermometer indicates that the air temperature is higher than the set point, the air conditioning will turn on. It will remain on until the thermometer indicates that the air temperature is now equal to the set point, that is, “normal.” The body has multiple feedback controllers that are in discrete locations in the brain. You will learn the locations of these controllers, what input they receive, and how they respond under specific circumstances.问答题(共65分)1. Sensor 与 Effector 有何不同?(10分)2. 一个稳态系统是由哪几部分组成的?(15分)3. 内环境的稳态是如何维持的?维持内环境的稳态有何生理意义?(20分):4. 阐述反馈控制系统的组成,分类及其意义(20分)试卷一 答案一 、名词解释(每题5分,共35分)1. resting potential(静息电位):细胞在安静时,存在与细胞膜内外两侧的电位差2. neuromuscular junction(神经-肌肉接头):运动神经纤维末梢和骨骼肌细胞两者相接触的部位。3. effective refractory period(有效不应期):心肌细胞一次兴奋过程中,由0期开始到3期膜电位恢复到60mv 这段对强刺激不能再产生动作电位的时期,称为有效不应期。4. pulmonary stretch reflex(肺牵张反射):由于肺扩张引起的反射性呼吸变化,称为肺牵张反射。5. receptive relaxation (容受性舒张):当吞咽食物时,食物刺激咽、食管、胃壁牵张感受器,反射性引起胃底和胃体部肌肉松弛。6. BAM22:bovine adrenal medulla 22:One of the cleavage products of proenkephalin A, the precursor of Leu- and Met-enkephalin.It binds w
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