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特蕾莎梅接任英国首相公开演讲全文 附语言点I have just been to Buckingham Palace, where Her Majesty the Queen has asked me to form a new government, and I accepted.我刚刚去了白金汉宫,女王陛下请我组建一个新政府,而我答应了。【语言点解析】Her Majesty 和 the Queen 其实都是女王的意思,更多的情况下我们看到的是分开用,而连在一起用其实也是可以的,这样显得更正式、更尊敬,翻译的时候可以翻成“女王陛下”。In David Cameron, I follow in the footsteps of a great, modern Prime Minister. Under Davids leadership, the government stabilized the economy, reduced the budget deficit, and helped more people into work than ever before.作为大卫卡梅伦的继任者,我追随的是一个伟大而开明的首相的脚步。在大卫的领导下,政府稳定了经济,削减了财政赤字,而且以前所未有的幅度增加了就业量。【语言点解析】首先注意开头的 in David Cameron,这里的 in 其实没有办法直译到中文里,这个用法是用来强调一个人内在的品质,比如“I see a great hero in you.”并不是“我在你里面看到了个伟大的英雄”,而是“在我眼里你是个伟大的英雄”。Modern 一词在这的意思其实就是其本来的意思“现代的”,但是直接翻译成“现代的”肯定很奇怪,所以我们要理解演讲者这么讲是想表达什么。现代当然是和古板、老派对立的,那么强调这点当然是想说他思想进步,于是我们就将其翻译成开明。Help people into work 其实就是创造就业的意思,可以直接说 create jobs。但是前面一种用法更亲民,而且有 help 这样一个带有情感色彩的词,所以她这里这样用是为了和人民套近乎。But Davids true legacy is not about the economy but about social justice. From the introduction of same-sex marriage, to taking people on low wages out of income tax altogether; David Cameron has led a one-nation government, and it is in that spirit that I also plan to lead.不过大卫真正的政治遗产并不是经济方面的而是社会正义方面的。无论是引入同性婚姻还是全面免除低收入人群的个人所得税,大卫卡梅伦领导的政府让整个国家团结起来,而这也是我领导时打算秉持的精神。【语言点解析】Introduction 除了“用语言介绍”的意思外,还有更广义的“介绍”的含义,比如这里的引入。低收入人群是 people on low wages,注意用的是 on,因为人们 live on wages。英文中所谓的 one-nation 是指一个团结不分裂的国家,强调国家内各族群之间没有分歧。Because not everybody knows this, but the full title of my party is the Conservative and Unionist Party, and that word unionist is very important to me.并不是所有人都知道,但我的政党全名是保守与统一党,而其中的“统一”二字对我来说非常重要。It means we believe in the Union: the precious, precious bond between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. But it means something else that is just as important; it means we believe in a union not just between the nations of the United Kingdom but between all of our citizens, every one of us, whoever we are and wherever were from.这两个字代表我们对“统一”的信念 英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、北爱尔兰之间极其珍贵的统一。不过除此之外它还有更深一层的意思,而这层意思同样重要,那就是不仅在国家之间取得统一,还要在整个联合王国的所有人民之间取得统一,不管我们是谁、从哪来。【语言点解析】Precious, precious 的意思是极其珍贵,像这样将一个形容词连用时口语中的一种强调方式。Is just as adj. 的意思是同样,比如你可以说:He is tall and you are just as tall. 他很高,而你也一样很高。That means fighting against the burning injustice that, if youre born poor, you will die on average 9 years earlier than others.这也意味着我们要与社会上的不公做斗争,这些不公就是:如果你生而贫穷,你的平均寿命就比其他人少 9 年;If youre black, youre treated more harshly by the criminal justice system than if youre white.如果你是黑人,那么你在刑事司法体系中受到的待遇会比白人严厉;If youre a white, working-class boy, youre less likely than anybody else in Britain to go to university.如果你个白人男孩,而且出自工薪阶层,那你上大学的几率就比别人少;If youre at a state school, youre less likely to reach the top professions than if youre educated privately.如果你上的是公立学校,那你从事高端职业的几率就比上私立学校的人小。【语言点解析】Top profession 的意思是高端职业,profession 与 job 不同,它强调的是一种职业,而job 强调的是一份特定的工作。If youre a woman, you will earn less than a man. If you suffer from mental health problems, theres not enough help to hand.如果你是女人,你受的教育会比男人少;如果你受心理健康问题所苦,你将得不到足够的帮助;【语言点解析】Hand 在这里是名词而非动词,这里的 to hand 不是不定式,他的本意是“在触手可及的范围里能拿到”,这里他的意思是“可以得到”,是在修饰 help。If youre young, youll find it harder than ever before to own your own home.如果你是年轻人,你获得自己房产的难度将比以往都大。【语言点解析】这里又走煽情路线了,用“家”来指代房产,博取人民好感。But the mission to make Britain a country that works for everyone means more than fighting these injustices. If youre from an ordinary working class family, life is much harder than many people in Westminster realise. You have a job but you dont always have job security. You have your own home, but you worry about paying a mortgage. You can just about managebut you worry about the cost of living and getting your kids into a good school.不过,我们的任务是将英国建立为一个适合所有人的国家,这远远不止包括与这些不公做斗争。如果你来自一个工薪家庭,你的生活会比威斯敏斯特的许多人意识到的要艰难。你有工作,但你的工作并不稳定。你有自己的房产,但是你会被住房贷款所困扰。你能勉强收支平衡,但是你很担忧自己能否将孩子送进一所好学校。【语言点解析】Can just about manage 的意思不光是“能勉强收支平衡”,它可以广义地表示“刚好能勉强搞好一件事”。比如:There are too much housework and I can just about manage. 家务活太多了,我勉强能干完。If youre one of those families, if youre just managing, I want to address you directly.如果你属于一个这样的家庭,你的生活会捉襟见肘,而我的话正是对你们讲的。【语言点解析】Address sb. 是一种比较正式的表达方式,意思是对谁讲正式的话,它的用法很广,比如女王给国会做演讲可以用它,一个人参加正式宴会的时候与人初次交谈也可以用它。I know youre working around the clock, I know youre doing your best, and I know that sometimes life can be a struggle. The government I lead will be driven not by the interests of the privileged few, but by yours.我知道你们全天无休地工作,我知道你们已经尽了全力,而且我也知道有时候生活非常艰难。我所领导的政府,将不是被特权人士的利益所驱动的,而是被你们的利益所驱动的。We will do everything we can to give you more control over your lives. When we take the big calls, well think not of the powerful, but you. When we pass new laws, well listen not to the mighty but to you. When it comes to taxes, well prioritise not the wealthy, but you. When it comes to opportunity, we wont entrench the advantages of the fortunate few. We will do everything we can to help anybody, whatever your background, to go as far
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