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PEP 五年级英语上册期末复习教案一、指导思想 以英语课程标准为指导,有目的、有计划地备好复习课,上好每一节复习课,帮助学生进行全面系统归纳,分类复习,认真辅导学生,打下扎实的基础,为今后学习作好铺垫。通过复习,巩固基础知识,培养交际运用能力,进一步激发和保持学生学习英语的兴趣,培养良好的听、说、读、写、译等良好的学习习惯,让学生享受愉快的英语学习。 二、复习目标 1通过每个单元逐一、细致地复习,使学生将本学期学到的知识系统化,让学生熟练地掌握基本的单词、词组和句型。 2通过讲解、默写、做练习等不同的手段,调动学生复习的主动性和积极性,养成课前认真默写,课上专心听讲,考后积极反思,寻找缺漏等良好的习惯。 3通过“扮演小老师”等方式,激发学生听课的兴趣和热情,让学生自己来还梳理、总结本册书中的语法点。三、复习措施 1. 复习课上将每单元重点的词组和句型罗列给学生,让学生通过自己做小老师来归纳语法。待复习结束后,将配套的语法表发给学生。使不同层次的学生都能学有所得。 2. 加强听力、口头和笔头练习。每两个单元根据复习的内容完成一张练习卷,给教学提供反馈信息。 3. 及时评讲,及时改正,及时补差,使每个学生在原有基础上有所提高。 4. 积极做好“单词竞赛” “词组竞赛”的思想教育工作,鼓励学生公平竞争,考出自己的最佳水平。同时也给没过关的同学一些机会,鼓励他们不断进步 复习内容提纲: Unit 1 Whats he like ? 一、重点词汇 听、说、读、写描述人的体貌特征及性格特点的形容词:tall,short, strong,old,young ,thin ,kind,polite,hard-working,strict,funny,helpful, clever, shy 等,并能在交际中运用。二、重要句型 听、说、读、写以下句型,能够运用这些句型询问并介绍学校里老师的情况。 (1)Whos your art teacher? Mr. Wang (2)Whats he like? He is polite and hard-working Whats she like? She is funny (3)Is she funny? No,she isntShe is oldI like funny teachers. (4)Is he strict? Yes,he is,but he is very kind 三、 语言要点(1) but 的意思为 “但是” ,表示转折。 (2) Whats he like?句中 like 为介词,意思为 “像” ,整句意思为“他人怎么样?” I like him句中 like 为动词,意思为“喜欢” ,整句意思为“我喜欢他” 。四、 语音及单词:发音/i/ baby 宝宝 happy 开心的 candy 糖果 windy 刮风的 sunny 晴朗的 sorry 对不起五、 课后反思Unit 2 My Week 1、 重点词汇 听、说、读、写单词:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday ,Thursday ,Friday,Saturday,Sunday;词组:do homework,watch TV,read books, wash my clothes, play football 等,并能在交际中运用。 二、重要句型 听、说、读、写以下句型,简单描述一周内的学习课程及个人周末的安排: (1)-What day is it today? -Its Wednesday (2)-What do you have on Thursdays? - We have English, math, and science on Thursdays (3)-What do you do on Saturdays? -I watch TV on SaturdaysWhat about you? -I do my homework三、语言要点 (1)注意单词 Tuesday 和 Thursday 发音与书写的区别。 (2)What day is it today?这一句型表示今天星期几。还可以用句型What day is today?来表示。 (3) “做家庭作业”译为 do homework 或 do ones homework 均可。四、 语音及单词:发音/i:/ read 读书 feed 喂养 beef 牛肉 feet 双脚meet 遇见 tea 茶 eat 吃五、 课后反思Unit 3 What would you like? 一、重点词汇 听、说、读、写有关食物的单词和描述味道的词语:sandwich,salad,hamburger,ice cream,tea,fresh,healthy,delicious,sweet ,hot,fresh,sour,salty 等,并能在实际情景中运用。二、重要句型 听、说、读、写以下句型,能够运用这些句型询问三餐所吃的食物,回答最喜欢或最不喜欢的食物,并说明原因。 (1)What do you have for lunch on Mondays? (2)Whats your favourite fruit? (3)Id like apples bestBecause they are sweet. 三、语言要点 (1)正确区别以下两句的不同含义: “What would you like to eat/drink?” and “Whats your favourite food? I love likeWe have beef noodles and fish. (2)了解名词的单复数形式。四、 语音及单词:发音/a/ flower 花 how 如何,怎样 cow 奶牛 wow 哇 down 向下发音/ slow 慢的 snow 雪 yellow 黄色 window 窗户五、 课后反思Unit 4 What can you do? 一、重点词汇 听说读写表达家务劳动的短语:sing, song , sing English songs, play the pipa, do kung fu, dance, draw pictures/cartoons, cook, swim, play basketball/ping pong , speak English 等,并能在交际中使用。二、重要句型 听、说、读、写以下句型,并能够运用这些句型介绍自己做家务的情况。 (1)-What can you do? -I can sing English songs / do some kung fu. (2)Well have an English party next Tuesday 。 (3)-Can you do any kung fu? -Yes, I can.No, I cant. 三、语言要点 (1)No problem. I can help you . (2)-Can you swim ? -Yes ,I can .I can do some kung fu ,too.四、 语音及单词:发音 /u/ book 书 look 看 football 足球 good 好的 cook 烹饪发音 /u:/ balloon 气球 food 食物 zoo 动物园 noodles 面条 cool 酷 afternoon 下午五、 课后反思Unit 5 There is a big bed 1、重点词汇 听、说、读、写描述家具陈设的名称的单词:clock, photo, plant, water bottle, bike; 以及表示方位的介词:between, in, on, under, near, behind, above 等。二、重要句型 听、说、读、写以下句型,能够运用这些句型简单描述家具陈设的名称、数量及位置等。 (1)Your room is really nice. There is a big bed. There is a nice photo, too. (2)I like my bed. My computer is here on the desk.(3)This is the living room. (4)There are so many pictures here. There are lots of flowers in it. (5)My grandparents have a garden in front of their house. (6)There pencils and crayons on the floor. 三、 语言要点 There be 句型的就近原则。四、 语音及单词:发音 /ei / rainy 下雨的 rainbow 彩虹 paint 涂 wait 等候say 说 way 方向 birthday 生日 Monday 星期一 today 今天五、 课后反思Unit 6 In the nature park 一、 重点词汇 听、说、读、写描述自然公园和村庄的词汇:flower, river, lake, forest, park, building, bridge, house,hill,mountain,village, tree 等,并能在交际中运用。 二、重要句型 听、说、读、写以下句型,并能够运用这些句型询问自然公园及村庄的基本情况并作答。 (1) The nature park is so quiet ! (2)-Is there a river in the park? -Yes, there is.No, there isnt.(3)- Is there a river in the forest?- No, there isnt. There are some small boats. (4)There arent many people. (5)-Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? -Yes, there are.No, there arent. (6)There are some ducks and rabbits. 三、语言要点 在肯定句中用 some, 在一般疑问句和否定句中要用 any 代替 some。四、 语音及单词:发音/a/ hou se 房子 mouse 老鼠 sound 声音 count 数数五、 课后反思针对性练习题听力部分 (30 分)一. 听音,选择,并将序号写在前面括号里。(10 分) 1.( ) A.do homework B.do kung fu C.watch TV2.( ) A. sky B. fly C. shy 3.( ) A. strong B. strict C.speak 4.( ) A. Monday B.Tuesday C.Thursday 5.( ) A. wash B.watch C.finish 二. 听音,选
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