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欢迎下载http:/passport.baidu.com/?business&aid=6&un=seebysee#7各种资料大全!精品水晶,动人礼品我的网店 : http:/5miao.taobao.com附件 AttachmentMall 和物业管理咨询服务内容划分Shopping mall and Property Management Consulting ServiceContents Outline方法: 我们会就以下 4 方面与当地管理团队协作收集市场资讯、 策划所须的开业前与咨询服务,并拟出所须工作计划、进度报告或讲解:Methodology: We will work with the local management team to collect the market information, plan the necessary preopening and consulting services in 4 parts and produce necessary work plan, progress reports or presentation:Part 1-业态规划 Trade mix planning/店铺划分 Shop lots sizing1.1 调查市场现状进行市场分析 Survey marketing condition and conduct market analysis after receiving owners researched information and documents. Review survey information of market research company and provide additional inputs on information to be collected by research company1.2 市场优劣势市场战略分析 Strength & weakness, and market strategy analysis1.3 竞争对手分析 Competitors analysis1.4 商场定位 Mall positioning1.5 商场总面积建意 Proposed Mall GFA1.6 业态规划 Trade mix planning1.7 租户选配 Tenant profiling1.8 店铺划分 Shop lots sizing 为了达致最高和最好的概念,需要全面的研究调查:1. 市场类层资料 主要住宅密集区,办公室 /酒店职员的数量/类型,旅客与暂时寄住的访客,外地访客的数量,住宅/外劳密集区和其它尚未开发的零售与服务类层2. 竞争数据当前市面上所供应的,包括所提供的服务和商场与零售业的建筑特色- 租户清空存货- 当前零售、饮食、娱乐和休闲中心的表现- 计划和拟议中的直接和非直接竞争的扩建和新建筑3. 当前建筑表现的数字- 租金,服务费,租用率- 物业管理和服务的标准4 目标场地分析- 舒适设施包括出口- 交通方便- 人潮流通- 周边用户- 环境问题- 停车 (立即改进是可能的)5. 业主的行销团队 /代理 (本地及国际 )- 招聘员工的水平- 行销陈述/员工专门技术的质量- 行销代理所承接的项目- 利益冲突- 已执行的市场研究资料可供参考 (如果当前的数据资料不足,超群可能会建议作补充研究)目标物业的竞争对比- 零售- 办公室- 其它支援设备SWOT 分析 (弱点、优点、机遇、威胁) 加入顾问在中国或亚洲类似项目方面的专门知识,判断以及经验- 物业(零售和办公室和设施 ) 物理属性和业主规定- 价格战略(不同的选择,业主的财务目标 )- 行销战略 (代理,示范单位,直销,战略联盟)- 促销 (媒体,杂志社与报馆的关系,广告计划)增值- 硬件 (建筑和舒适设施)- 软件 (新服务以吸引顾客,制造不容易采用的竞争优势)定位和租户刮析和顾客建议与实行这报馆将成为项目质量的依据在硬件、软件方面以增强项目的竞争能力。将发出设计概述以提供开发的设计意向。Part 2-平面和空间设计及 设计评审工作内容Plan and Space Design & Design Critique Work Details1、建筑设施顾问:Building & Facilities Consultant 1.1 建筑结构及功能设计Building Structural and Functional Design1.1.1 柱距设置建议Suggestions on the Pillar Distance & Setup1.1.2 层高建议Suggestions on the Level Height1.1.3 楼层单元分隔及编号Floor Modular Demarcation and Numbering1.1.4 门窗高度、宽度建议Suggestions on the Renovation Material Selection1.3 广告牌预留位置的建议Suggestions on the Marking out of Ads Post Location1.4 人流、车流的外部导向Human and Vehicular Traffic External Direction1.5 物业用房的设置Property Room Setup1.6 员工通道设置Staff Access Setup1.7 员工食堂的设置建议,是否设置,如设置,位置及大小的建议Suggestions on the Setup of Staff Canteen, to Setup or not, if so, suggestions on the location and size.1.8 员工区设置的建议,具备哪些功能,位置和大小的建议Suggestions on the Setup of Staff Area, to incorporate what functions, suggestions on the location and size.1.9 公共区域装饰装修的建议,要便于日后使用中的维修和清洁Suggestions on the Decoration and Renovation of Common Area, such that there is ease of operational maintenance and cleaning when property becomes operational1.10 卫生间的设置建议,数量、位置、大小的建议Suggestions on the Setup of Washrooms, suggestions on the numbers, location and size1.11 商场卸货区以及仓库的设置的建议,位置、大小以及交通的组织等的建议Suggestions on the on the Setup of Loading/Unloading Area and Warehouse, Suggestions on the Location, Size and Traffic Coordination1.12 车库、出入口的设置建议,包括位置、项目内部的车流、人流的交通组织等Suggestions on the Setup of Garage, ingress/egress, including Location, Coordination of Project Internal Human and Vehicular Traffic1.13 指示牌的设置Setup of Signboards1.14 垃圾房的设置Setup of Garbage Room1.15 机房、管道井的设置建议Suggestions on the Setup of Plant Room & Pipework Access Duct1.16 紧急疏散通道的设置建议Suggestions on the Setup of Emergency Exits1.17 实际过程中提出的其他问题Other questions raised during actual process2、工程其他方面的设置建议Suggestions on the Setup of Other Engineering Aspects2.1 商场照明设置以及布线建议,考虑各个位置的照明所需要的照度、需要的电量、布线方式是否利于日后维修、保养等;Suggestions on the Lighting and Cabling Setup, taking into consideration of the requirements on illumination, electricity, method of cabling of each location as to whether there will be ease of maintenance in the days to come2.2 空调系统的建议:综合考虑项目出售主力百货店等的空调系统的设置,以及高层部分预留空调室外机位及空调走线的考虑Suggestions on the air-conditioning system: Overall consideration on the setup of air-conditioning system of the flagship shop, and the space to be marked out on the higher levels for the outdoor units of the air-conditioning system and the cabling considerations2.3 背景音乐系统的设置建议,考虑紧急情况的广播问题Suggestions on the setup of background music system, with consideration on PA system in times of emergency2.4 综合布线部分的建议,包括需要增设的综合布线机房的设置建议Suggestions on the overall cabling, including suggestions on the additional requirements for an integrated cabling plant room.2.5 智能化管理系统,包括监视系统、安防报警系统、可视对讲系统、网络系统、联网收银系统、停车场管理系统等的设置建议Suggestions on the Setup of Intelligent Management Systems, including monitoring system, security alarm system, AV intercom, Internet/Intranet, On-line Payment System, Car Park Management System, etc.2.6 消防系统的设置建议Suggestions on the Setup of Fire Control System2.7 煤气报警系统的设置建议Suggestions on the Setup of Gas Alarm System2.8 空调系统的设置建议Suggestions on the Setup of Air-Conditioning System2.9 信号放大器的设置建议Suggestions on the Setup of Amplifiers (Signal Amplifiers?)2.10 给、排水系统的设置建议Suggestions on the Water Suppl
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