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智课网IELTS备考资料关于微博的常用雅思口语1.To me,the mini-blog is like a mirror.对我而言,微博像一面镜子。2.Mini-blogs are also big among Western celebrities.在西方明星中,微博也盛行。3.Sina-Weibo is in avery strong position in China.新浪微博在中国份额很大。4.Im a blogger,geek我是一名博客,极客。5.Her friend wrote about the incident on Twitter.朋友把这件事写到了微博上。6.“I confess we wept,”he later wrote on Twitter.“我承认流泪了,”他在微博上写道。7.She updates her micro-blog many times a day.她每天更新微博多达数次。8.I would like to thank Chinese blogger!我要感谢中国的博主!9.You can check on Myspace. 你应该看看我的空间。10.My sister is checking Twitter every five minutes.我妹妹五分钟查一次微博。II.Mary spends five hours a day online.码丽每天5个小时上网。12.People have described me as a blogger.人们常把我描述为博主。13.This is the first passage in my new blogger.这是我博客里的第一篇文章。14.Thats the best thing a new blogger can do.新博主这样做最好。15.Iwrite Blogger the first time today.我写博客,今天第一次。16.Most bloggers dont do firsthand reporting.大多数的博主不做一手报道。17.Tom is an excellent blogger.汤姆是出色的博主。18.Tom is a noted finance author and blogger.汤姆是著名的金融怍家和博主。19.Dont believe the gossip from the blogger.不要信你从博客那里听来的八卦。20.Han became Chinas most popular blogger.韩成为中国最受欢迎的博主。 21.I am a tech blogger.我是一个专业写博客。22.Celebrity micro-bloggers post hellos in the moming and send kisses at night.早上,明星在微博上和粉丝问好;晚上还会送上“香吻 ”。23.Fans help increase the popularity of their favorite stars micro-blogs粉丝们帮助他们喜爱的明星提高微博的热度。24.If you are a new blogger, you might want to avoid these following assumptions.如果您是一个博客新手,您或许应该避免以下这些假设。25.A1l work and no play makes you a dull blogger.终日工作而无消遣使得你成为一个无趣的博主。终极加油站:gossip(八卦)firsthand reporting(一手报道)assumption(假设)finance author(金融作家)blogger(博主)
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